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Misc Stock Market

LOL its not free, but sometimes the government has to step in to make it possible to do things we dont normally do....in this case we need to let people who have corona or contact with people that have it the ability to stay home from work for weeks at a time, so they need to stay home, but like you said many live check to check so due to the nature of the problem we have to protect them, that's why the Federal government should make it so they reimburse companies for sick time for corona infected workers or they setup some kind of unemployement package to help those people. I fail to see how any of that is a bad thing. What do you suggest we do let corona positive people go to work? IF the answer to that is no how do we prevent check to check people from having problems other than ensuring they get paid for that lost time....I am all ears.
First I say no air traffic from any country. Close boarders now. Second every major city set up a central location for elderly. Make sure they are taken care of. Isolate them. Let younger people have freedom even if have it. If they stay away from elderly that is the key. I understand focusing on the containment of this virus now but this virus is most likely going to be with us for awhile if not forever. No govt or businesses can continue to pay people to not work. 2 weeks yes but a month or longer means most likely calamity and world war eventually. I have a mom this could affect. It is troubling yes but this maybe might be a virus that has to run its course. Let’s say in December it’s back and no vaccine. Do we do same measures? What if it goes thru summer? Money will dry up. Hospitals will go broke. Companies will go broke. Govts will go broke. Nations go broke.
Second every major city set up a central location for elderly. Make sure they are taken care of. Isolate them. Let younger people have freedom even if have it. If they stay away from elderly that is the key.

Is this going to be like Katrina? Are we taking everyone over age 70 and putting them in the Mercedes Benz stadium in Atlanta? We've got close to 6Million people here. That wouldn't even hold all of them. Are we going to put them in the parks and put them in a bunch of tents? FEMA trailers? SMDH
down 2k, good lord. and take a look at carnivals stock, just insane the drop, down to 18/share now. not sure how some of the smaller cruise companies will survive this.
Is this going to be like Katrina? Are we taking everyone over age 70 and putting them in the Mercedes Benz stadium in Atlanta? We've got close to 6Million people here. That wouldn't even hold all of them. Are we going to put them in the parks and put them in a bunch of tents? FEMA trailers? SMDH
If you notice I said every major city. So not one location. Also isolated also could mean in their homes. So are you saying put everyone in lock down? For how long if so? You do realize the money will dry up right?
If you notice I said every major city. So not one location. Also isolated also could mean in their homes. So are you saying put everyone in lock down? For how long if so? You do realize the money will dry up right?

Where are you going to put them? In every major city? I recommend Seniors and retirees stay put.
Our stock market has lost roughly 25% of its value in a month & we probably haven’t hit bottom yet, let that sink in...

I wouldn't be surprised if we see the market drop a total of 40-45% before bottoming out in the next few weeks. Assuming the US and Italy can get things under control and have things peak then, once it looks like things start to improve we will probably see a nice rebound. We might enter recession territory too depending on how long it takes for things to bounce back and how long things are shut down/slowed. All these sporting events being canceled is going to hurt a lot not to mention the airplane, cruise, tourism industries and small businesses.
DOW down almost 1900 now. I know it's simple math but each time we have these 1000 point swings down the percentage loss is increasing substantially. 8% down now.

And a reminder that 40% loss in the markets means you will need 66% gains to get back even.
Just bought 350 shares of CPE. High risk/high reward. It was tanking. Got it for like $0.50 a share. I have no idea what I’m doing ? but I LIKE IT. I’m