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Misc Stock Market

We got a longgg ways to go folks, history says this Bear Market we've currently entered probably won't end in just a few months, more like a year (or more).

"Between 1900 and 2013, there were 123 market corrections and 32 bear markets periods. During this time, the average market correction lasted 10 months, while the average bear market lasted 15 months. Bear markets are usually shorter than bull markets, which can bode well for investors."

No not the employers the Feds...…FICA tax holiday does not do you any good if your home sick....the point really is the Feds need to encourage sick people to stay home, so should employers....if I have Corona and go to work and spread it all around and half the plant gets it then the plant wont run anyways and the company will lose a hell of a lot more money than it will paying sick people 2 weeks sick leave...we only get 24 hrs of sick time so that covers two shifts....

Nothing Trump did tonight is going to do anything substantial to stop the spread of Corona in the US....banning travel to Europe doesn't matter the virus is already here. the FICA and loan stuff is Trump trying to boost the market which is what he really cares about. We need widespread testing, that needs to happen first.
Im one of many salary and pay close to 4000 a year fica. So yes it will do me a ton of good and will be invested back locally [we live in a consumer driven economy] . Also my employer will save a lot of matching money per head. Help absorb their cost for lost production and sales.
Congress and president need to do the sick leave deal as well as tax Holliday. Thats sound kitchen sink approach and will hopefully be the deal that gets struck today.
Trump needed to deal with the community level spreading of the virus already on going in the US and did nothing....

I borrowed this from another thread on AMPO the person who posted it sucks so they get no credit however this list is what Trump should have done today...

--14 days paid leave for everyone who is quarantined who doesn't have any sick leave awarded by their jobs.

--unlimited paid leave for everyone who is sick and has no sick leave provided by their jobs.

--reimbursement to small businesses who do provide sick leave but who have instead given administrative leave to their employees who are sick or need to be quarantined.

-universal free testing and treatment for everyone who needs it (from what Rep. Katie Porter said, it's already in the CDC language).

--expansion of food stamps for the duration of the emergency.

--calling up the FEMA emergency teams and the National Guard to build testing and triage centers.

I’m pretty liberal as far as social programs go, but all of that is just ridiculous. That would bankrupt small businesses and would also be rife with abuse. On top of that, who in the hell is going to pay for that? I’m quite liberal, but fiscally conservative.

I used to work at Allianz. If he's right then it's another 11% down from here. That takes the S&P to 2300ish. Sure seems like there is potential for more. I'm slowly abandoning my short positions. Already sold 35% and will let go 10-25% each down day from here. It won't go down forever.
Trump needed to deal with the community level spreading of the virus already on going in the US and did nothing....

I borrowed this from another thread on AMPO the person who posted it sucks so they get no credit however this list is what Trump should have done today...

--14 days paid leave for everyone who is quarantined who doesn't have any sick leave awarded by their jobs.

--unlimited paid leave for everyone who is sick and has no sick leave provided by their jobs.

--reimbursement to small businesses who do provide sick leave but who have instead given administrative leave to their employees who are sick or need to be quarantined.

-universal free testing and treatment for everyone who needs it (from what Rep. Katie Porter said, it's already in the CDC language).

--expansion of food stamps for the duration of the emergency.

--calling up the FEMA emergency teams and the National Guard to build testing and triage centers.
This sounds like Bernie! Free free free
I don't know why the NYSE hasn't gone fully electronic already. "NYSE is the only U.S. stock exchange operator that still has an old-fashioned trading floor."

I visited the floor 2 years ago. It's been 100% automated since around 2007 I believe. Today, it's like going to a Disney Park. We went in with our group and it was so quiet that I thought there was a break or the markets were closed. It used to cost $250K to get a spot on the floor back in the 90's. With inflation that would be close to $1M today. Now, it's only $25K to get a spot on the floor. Each stock would have at least 2-3 traders and today 1 trader is responsible for 100's of stocks. They load the programs in the morning and then sit back and watch. It's been 100% about costs savings and efficiencies over the last 20 years.

That's also how some people were able to manipulate the machines but that's another conversation.
This sounds like Bernie! Free free free

LOL its not free, but sometimes the government has to step in to make it possible to do things we dont normally do....in this case we need to let people who have corona or contact with people that have it the ability to stay home from work for weeks at a time, so they need to stay home, but like you said many live check to check so due to the nature of the problem we have to protect them, that's why the Federal government should make it so they reimburse companies for sick time for corona infected workers or they setup some kind of unemployement package to help those people. I fail to see how any of that is a bad thing. What do you suggest we do let corona positive people go to work? IF the answer to that is no how do we prevent check to check people from having problems other than ensuring they get paid for that lost time....I am all ears.
They hit the circuit breaker for the second time this week
I see Brazil hit -10% they've also halted trading for now

Edit: Brazil back trading now at -8.5%

France -10.5%

Edit: -11.18%
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