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Misc Stock Market

Maybe, but how much of that would already be dialed in to today’s big drop?

Anyway, I’m glad he’s doing this. I don’t want him to cause panic but I don’t want him to be overly optimistic either. Just be realistic and emphasize that we can still keep this from getting too widespread with certain measures. And most of all, I hope he doesn’t brag about anything for political purposes. If he again talks about how the early travel ban helped (which I’m not doubting...I’m just sick of him repeating it over and over), I’ll be disappointed as that’s in the past. If this speech’s tone once again sounds political, I’ll be very disappointed.
I said weeks ago this needed to be done. It was always going to have to be done. It would have been so much better to have done it from a position if strength. Now, it looks reactive. Because it is. Our whole response is.
I said weeks ago this needed to be done. It was always going to have to be done. It would have been so much better to have done it from a position if strength. Now, it looks reactive. Because it is. Our whole response is.

I agree please please please don't let Trump be Trump tonight, if there was ever a night where we need Trump to be presidential and caring about something other than himself tonight is it. Just read the teleprompter don't ramble, don't speak off the cuff, just tell us what the Federal governments response and projection are and how we can help stop thousands of Americans from needlessly dying.
The best Trump ever spoke was at the town Hall the other night. He will read telepropter tonight. Hes best when sitting in front of reporter one on one, with crowd, answering questions.
Course his rally persona is a blast, but thats for entertainment.
Trump throws kitchen sink at current situation. Im thinking of multiple ways to stimulate local economy with payroll tax holliday rest of year.
Futures crushed.

Yeah gonna be tripping breakers, Trump looked like he has Corona, then does nothing to really stop the spread inside the US, there is already community spread occurring all over the US, we needed some tough talk tonight and we didn't get it.
I believe this spark (virus) is what brings the house of cards down. I'll try and post a video I found a few days ago how this looks compared to the depression. Whole video is facts and charts grain of salt but was excellent video for ppl interested
Trump tweeting clarification that trade with Europe not being disrupted now. I swear my ears heard him say cargo during his speech.
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Small business loans not satisfying the market. Dems already said payroll tax holiday a non starter. Interest rates don't matter.

Something else will have to slow this crash down.