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Misc Stock Market

It's mighty quiet in here considering the market is down ~1400 points and nearly 20% off the highs. Will be interesting to see where we finish the day with respects to that 20 percent number.
It's mighty quiet in here considering the market is down ~1400 points and nearly 20% off the highs. Will be interesting to see where we finish the day with respects to that 20 percent number.
They are not going to want to close it below, that's for sure.
I was in sit and wait mode but I still have cash to play around with and based off 5 minutes of looking at rcl/ccl, y'all might have given me an idea of a travel stock to look at through just reading.

I ran this by my dad though and have thought about it this afternoon, and it honestly might be a month+ before we might start rounding the corner there though. So, I'm still in sit and wait mode, but maybe when Corona clears up, I now have a stock I can add to balance out getting totally raped by Ventas because rcl especially has good numbers when it's in a normal situation.

Everything's down, but I can reason with every stock and say they're all fine long term but 1. I did have a problem with 3M when I acted panicked earlier, but I was able to reason through that. Ventas has been bugging me since the fall though and its gone from stable but a loss which was fall/up until people I guess "woke up" and started really worrying about Corona (even with dividends) to completely plummeting. It's frustrating me but I've been told to stick with it because it's at it's lowest (or close to) and I don't need to sell at a big loss.

Dad researched that stock and said it's a hold because fundamentals suggest that there's only 1 reason it's plummeting (which we think will subside in the future). He's been teaching/helping for me since I got my inheritance from my grandma passing.

TL;DR here:

I might add rcl to my portfolio thanks to this forum, but I don't think it's an add yet because we're not at the point of things subsiding to me.

How do others feel about Ventas here? I know two people that like REITs, my dad and Jim Cramer lol (dad's invested in stocks for decades and seems to have a good idea of what to do, but he likes to listen to Cramer too). Do we think they still have as good of a long term outlook as it might have had years back? My dad/grandma bought some stock with an inheritance my grandma received several years ago, and one of the stocks was Ventas. That has been a great stock for us then, but I've wondered about it's outlook (and have read for myself but am not sure).

I almost actually made this thread a couple days ago and it would've been a "Talk amongst yourselves" about the market and asking about Ventas.
I was in sit and wait mode but I still have cash to play around with and based off 5 minutes of looking at rcl/ccl, y'all might have given me an idea of a travel stock to look at through just reading.

I ran this by my dad though and have thought about it this afternoon, and it honestly might be a month+ before we might start rounding the corner there though. So, I'm still in sit and wait mode, but maybe when Corona clears up, I now have a stock I can add to balance out getting totally raped by Ventas because rcl especially has good numbers when it's in a normal situation.

Everything's down, but I can reason with every stock and say they're all fine long term but 1. I did have a problem with 3M when I acted panicked earlier, but I was able to reason through that. Ventas has been bugging me since the fall though and its gone from stable but a loss which was fall/up until people I guess "woke up" and started really worrying about Corona (even with dividends) to completely plummeting. It's frustrating me but I've been told to stick with it because it's at it's lowest (or close to) and I don't need to sell at a big loss.

Dad researched that stock and said it's a hold because fundamentals suggest that there's only 1 reason it's plummeting (which we think will subside in the future). He's been teaching/helping for me since I got my inheritance from my grandma passing.

TL;DR here:

I might add rcl to my portfolio thanks to this forum, but I don't think it's an add yet because we're not at the point of things subsiding to me.

How do others feel about Ventas here? I know two people that like REITs, my dad and Jim Cramer lol (dad's invested in stocks for decades and seems to have a good idea of what to do, but he likes to listen to Cramer too). Do we think they still have as good of a long term outlook as it might have had years back? My dad/grandma bought some stock with an inheritance my grandma received several years ago, and one of the stocks was Ventas. That has been a great stock for us then, but I've wondered about it's outlook (and have read for myself but am not sure).

I almost actually made this thread a couple days ago and it would've been a "Talk amongst yourselves" about the market and asking about Ventas.

You probably should have sold it 5 days ago but I guess you realize that. I think you've got to hope for a short term bounce. If it does get back to $50 I think you need to ask yourself if there is better opportunity for those same funds in a different vehicle.
You probably should have sold it 5 days ago but I guess you realize that. I think you've got to hope for a short term bounce. If it does get back to $50 I think you need to ask yourself if there is better opportunity for those same funds in a different vehicle.

I actually had it at $75.02 last year and did nothing because I'm looking to try to mostly hold. I got it in the 60s. Didn't have a good earnings report I think in early fall and went down but was relatively stable until Corona truly begin to happen in the states.

But yeah, the reality in my case is I can explain everything (and think it'll be fine long term) except Ventas. I'm really uncertain there. It was a good stock to grab in 2001 (and I had it in another account my dad used to control until this year until the broker for that company called and said she didn't see much more potential in it), but are REITs really the same in 2020 as they were then? Fundamentals look fine, but I've seen it called a major risk in multiple articles.
I had a bunch of people smarter than me tell me they pulled out of the market back in Dec, Jan. They said they knew the good times won’t last forever.

I did not listen. I did not pull out. I suck.
Market has been overvalued for a good while now. It just needed a pin. Hard to reflate when everyone and everything is shutting down. Probably will continue to see some pain short-term.
Goldman Sachs chief equity analyst David Kostin said Wednesday he expects the S&P 500 to hit a low of 2,450, more than 10% below its current closing level of 2,741. Kostin based his new view on a reduced expectation for S&P 500 earnings.

“I’m thinking maybe something like 2,400,” said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA. “If we end up with no earnings growth in 2020, we end up with a 15 multiple...that brings us to 2,460.”

Trump suppose to speak tonight if he says what he should say we are going to do as a nation ( more testing, lockdowns, school closures etc ) then tomorrow will be probably be tripping some breakers....
Trump suppose to speak tonight if he says what he should say we are going to do as a nation ( more testing, lockdowns, school closures etc ) then tomorrow will be probably be tripping some breakers....

Maybe, but how much of that would already be dialed in to today’s big drop?

Anyway, I’m glad he’s doing this. I don’t want him to cause panic but I don’t want him to be overly optimistic either. Just be realistic and emphasize that we can still keep this from getting too widespread with certain measures. And most of all, I hope he doesn’t brag about anything for political purposes. If he again talks about how the early travel ban helped (which I’m not doubting...I’m just sick of him repeating it over and over), I’ll be disappointed as that’s in the past. If this speech’s tone once again sounds political, I’ll be very disappointed.