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Misc Stock Market

I'm no market guy, but empty stadiums, no tourist, business trips, etc. from Europe, sobering reality setting in..... I believe market crashes hard tomorrow
Yeah tourism is going to be hit hard from this not just in America but in Europe as well from this. Airlines are going to really suffer too. My prediction for tomorrow is the DOW will be down probably around 1800 by close.
Yeah tourism is going to be hit hard from this not just in America but in Europe as well from this. Airlines are going to really suffer too. My prediction for tomorrow is the DOW will be down probably around 1800 by close.

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see this go down about 2500 by close tomorrow. It’s going to be a very ugly day and investors have no clue how long this global slowdown will last.
Just checked my investment portfolio and I’ve lost 1.2% today. That on top of the 8.6% I lost last week.

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Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see this go down about 2500 by close tomorrow. It’s going to be a very ugly day and investors have no clue how long this global slowdown will last.
Fed will step in before it gets out of hand. We have to be close to exhaustion in this leg. Futures already bouncing back a little.
Yeah gonna be tripping breakers, Trump looked like he has Corona, then does nothing to really stop the spread inside the US, there is already community spread occurring all over the US, we needed some tough talk tonight and we didn't get it.
Trump always looks, sounds like that on solely telepropter speeches . I posted this in other thread before it started. He sounds the same in sotu addresses as well. Polar oppositte of town halls,rallies,debates. Hes terrible in this type setting. Reading a speech word for word is always a weak area.
Tomorrow is going to be a blood bath. This is about to get bad. And not just with the stock market. There’s going to be a lot of panic when people begin to react to the NBA season halt. And they will. That’s just part of the tip of the iceburg. Who knows what’s next. Mass quarantines? I hope you guys have plenty of necessities. I know I do. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning so I will load up on more insulin at the 340b pharmacy. I’m dreading walking into that community health center. Ughh. What a time to be alive!
The stock futures started plunging during Trump’s speech. This is becoming a pattern. The investment community has lost their confidence in Trump due to past lies and exaggerations. For @NCSNOW this post doesn’t at all mean I’m “enjoying” the stock market plunge and the virus spreading, a horrible thing you said about me earlier today. In other words, don’t shoot the messenger.

Edit: Trump didn’t at all look and sound sick to me. That’s how he looks and sounds when reading the teleprompter.
The stock futures started plunging during Trump’s speech. This is becoming a pattern. The investment community has lost their confidence in Trump due to past lies and exaggerations. For @NCSNOW this post doesn’t at all mean I’m “enjoying” the stock market plunge and the virus spreading, a horrible thing you said about me earlier today. In other words, don’t shoot the messenger.

Trump needed to deal with the community level spreading of the virus already on going in the US and did nothing....

I borrowed this from another thread on AMPO the person who posted it sucks so they get no credit however this list is what Trump should have done today...

--14 days paid leave for everyone who is quarantined who doesn't have any sick leave awarded by their jobs.

--unlimited paid leave for everyone who is sick and has no sick leave provided by their jobs.

--reimbursement to small businesses who do provide sick leave but who have instead given administrative leave to their employees who are sick or need to be quarantined.

-universal free testing and treatment for everyone who needs it (from what Rep. Katie Porter said, it's already in the CDC language).

--expansion of food stamps for the duration of the emergency.

--calling up the FEMA emergency teams and the National Guard to build testing and triage centers.
The stock futures started plunging during Trump’s speech. This is becoming a pattern. The investment community has lost their confidence in Trump due to past lies and exaggerations. For @NCSNOW this post doesn’t at all mean I’m “enjoying” the stock market plunge and the virus spreading, a horrible thing you said about me earlier today. In other words, don’t shoot the messenger.

Edit: Trump didn’t at all look and sound sick to me. That’s how he looks and sounds when reading the teleprompter.

My apologies for offending you. I said what I said in response to this by you.
"I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election."

All Trump Admin can do now is put a tourniquet on this economy. It will be hemorrhaging for several weeks as we as a country go through this war on a enemy we cant even see with the naked eye. We will come out on the other side a few months down the road and press on.
But in the short term this is gonna be battle like our generation hasnt seen before due to restrictions, and getting outside our comfort zones. Its gonna pass through every community, no doubt about that now. Best we can do is try to slow it down , buy time for hospitals to keep up by Washing hands, avoiding crowds and close contact. Not sure the warm humid air will get here in time or be the magic bullett we hoped for.
Trump needed to deal with the community level spreading of the virus already on going in the US and did nothing....

I borrowed this from another thread on AMPO the person who posted it sucks so they get no credit however this list is what Trump should have done today...

--14 days paid leave for everyone who is quarantined who doesn't have any sick leave awarded by their jobs.

--unlimited paid leave for everyone who is sick and has no sick leave provided by their jobs.

--reimbursement to small businesses who do provide sick leave but who have instead given administrative leave to their employees who are sick or need to be quarantined.

-universal free testing and treatment for everyone who needs it (from what Rep. Katie Porter said, it's already in the CDC language).

--expansion of food stamps for the duration of the emergency.

--calling up the FEMA emergency teams and the National Guard to build testing and triage centers.
You proposing the employer pay for all that medical leave time? Or the government? If its employer, you need to help them offset this cost. Tax holliday period on fica will help them. Offering small buisness loans with low rates. Still means they absorb all this. Sales, business is already gonna be down. Many want have the cash flow to finance this and still be able to operate down the road. once this passes.
You proposing the employer pay for all that medical leave time? Or the government? If its employer, you need to help them offset this cost. Tax holliday period on fica will help them. Offering small buisness loans with low rates. Still means they absorb all this. Sales, business is already gonna be down. Many want have the cash flow to finance this and still be able to operate down the road. once this passes.

No not the employers the Feds...…FICA tax holiday does not do you any good if your home sick....the point really is the Feds need to encourage sick people to stay home, so should employers....if I have Corona and go to work and spread it all around and half the plant gets it then the plant wont run anyways and the company will lose a hell of a lot more money than it will paying sick people 2 weeks sick leave...we only get 24 hrs of sick time so that covers two shifts....

Nothing Trump did tonight is going to do anything substantial to stop the spread of Corona in the US....banning travel to Europe doesn't matter the virus is already here. the FICA and loan stuff is Trump trying to boost the market which is what he really cares about. We need widespread testing, that needs to happen first.
European markets in freefall....the US travel ban news isn't helping, UK and German exchanges already down 6-7%....Dow holding around -1000