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Misc Stock Market

Trump speaking and once again the Dow falls. It is 250 lower than when he started.
Trump speaking and once again the Dow falls. It is 250 lower than when he started.
It’s less to do with Trump and more to do with a sitting president addressing the nation on national television about a global pandemic. None of this is exclusive to Trump in my opinion. It’s the story. Not the story teller.
So the market fix is for the POTUS to not speak at all? Seems that's the implication

No, the goal should be for him to try to regain credibility and the ability to instill confidence with his words. Also, I think it hurts when he spends time bragging. Once again he bragged about how much it helped to have the China travel restrictions early on. Intelligent folks know this already. How many times does he have to repeat this? Also, he said the stock market is still well above where it was when he became President. Why did he waste our time saying that? Stop the bragging and politically motivated comments! And stop talking about the past and emphasize the future.
No, the goal should be for him to try to regain credibility and the ability to instill confidence with his words. Also, I think it hurts when he spends time bragging. Once again he bragged about how much it helped to have the China travel restrictions early on. Intelligent folks know this already. How many times does he have to repeat this? Also, he said the stock market is still well above where it was when he became President. Why did he waste our time saying that? Stop the bragging and politically motivated comments! And stop talking about the past and emphasize the future.
I get it Larry but honestly at this point, there's not much can be done or said that will stop this steam roller.
No, the goal should be for him to try to regain credibility and the ability to instill confidence with his words. Also, I think it hurts when he spends time bragging. Once again he bragged about how much it helped to have the China travel restrictions early on. Intelligent folks know this already. How many times does he have to repeat this? Also, he said the stock market is still well above where it was when he became President. Why did he waste our time saying that? Stop the bragging and politically motivated comments! And stop talking about the past and emphasize the future.
Why do you even watch? You should have it figured out by now he isn't much for standing in front of a camera and giving a speech.
I get it Larry but honestly at this point, there's not much can be done or said that will stop this steam roller.
Bingo. Seems some will find anything to put him down. Give bottle of milk it will either be to hot to cold to much to little.
Why do you even watch? You should have it figured out by now he isn't much for standing in front of a camera and giving a speech.

I’m always curious about what he has to say since he’s our President.
No, the goal should be for him to try to regain credibility and the ability to instill confidence with his words. Also, I think it hurts when he spends time bragging. Once again he bragged about how much it helped to have the China travel restrictions early on. Intelligent folks know this already. How many times does he have to repeat this? Also, he said the stock market is still well above where it was when he became President. Why did he waste our time saying that? Stop the bragging and politically motivated comments! And stop talking about the past and emphasize the future.
Good grief people... This has nothing to do with our president or anything he has said or done. This is a global problem. It has become increasingly evident that the stock market is influenced more by other country's markets and global commodities, than anything Trump has said. Did he cause the price of oil to plunge??? No, that was Russia and OPEC. Did he cause the oversea's markets to crash? No, that was China's Corona debacle. Quit trying to suggest that the POTUS has created this mess. You of all people know better than that.
No, the goal should be for him to try to regain credibility and the ability to instill confidence with his words. Also, I think it hurts when he spends time bragging. Once again he bragged about how much it helped to have the China travel restrictions early on. Intelligent folks know this already. How many times does he have to repeat this? Also, he said the stock market is still well above where it was when he became President. Why did he waste our time saying that? Stop the bragging and politically motivated comments! And stop talking about the past and emphasize the future.

Maybe he's repeating some of this stuff in case someone is tuning in for the first time... perhaps to keep people from mass panic... to calm the stock market even if it doesn't work... who knows? It's easy for us to criticize what the President is saying and what we think he should say instead, but we don't know what his advisors are telling him and what inside info he has when making these decisions. I would hate to be in his position, it's honestly a really tough call to decide do you straight up tell people how bad it is/could be and cause panic, take more of an optimistic tone, or a middle of the road approach? He has to keep in mind not only the effects of more testing but try to keep the nation free from outright chaos/panic, consider impacts to businesses and industries, etc with anything he says or decides to move forward with. The more testing approach sounds good but there is a ton of legal red tape and laws that have slowed down the process of getting things ready for that.
Good grief people... This has nothing to do with our president or anything he has said or done. This is a global problem. It has become increasingly evident that the stock market is influenced more by other country's markets and global commodities, than anything Trump has said. Did he cause the price of oil to plunge??? No, that was Russia and OPEC. Did he cause the oversea's markets to crash? No, that was China's Corona debacle. Quit trying to suggest that the POTUS has created this mess. You of all people know better than that.
Good grief people... This has nothing to do with our president or anything he has said or done. This is a global problem. It has become increasingly evident that the stock market is influenced more by other country's markets and global commodities, than anything Trump has said. Did he cause the price of oil to plunge??? No, that was Russia and OPEC. Did he cause the oversea's markets to crash? No, that was China's Corona debacle. Quit trying to suggest that the POTUS has created this mess. You of all people know better than that.

I never said he created this mess. Nothing even close to that.