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Possible Severe Weather April 22nd-23rd

I wonder if this is one of the hrrrv4 problems. Each modelseems to have a quirk too it. I hope its accurate but. Until Cams converge on that idea i wouldn't focus on it to much.
Personally I feel like it might be overdoing the MCS. I hope it’s there though since it would destroy any chance of severe weather up here.
Faster would be better wouldn’t it?

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Not quite sure what you mean by better. If you are looking for less severe weather, the answer is probably yes.

The slower the energy is the more it allows heights to build across the southeast which would probably lead to the warm sector becoming more expansive. The reason the NAM has been so much more ominous is because it’s been pretty significantly slower than most other models. Things have narrowed a little more today however.
Looks like the change from stable to unstable air mass. Takes place between 1-4pm Georgia South Carolina

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Greatly, if not completely.
Yep, trends
Will there be gulf storms or no gulf storms?
That is one of if not the main question that will decide how things will play out on Thursday.
Gulf storms, if not we are in trouble. I think Glenn Burns has it right today. Tomorrow’s runs will be very important for Central Al and Ga. I hope the gulf takes it all and Thursday is sunny and dry!
Nam not backing down. Looks like the cluster of storms in Georgia upstate sc around 7pm could rotate. Favorable conditions

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