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Possible Severe Weather April 22nd-23rd

3km nam has supercells developing across alabama around 2 o'clock. And no gulf convection. Screenshot_20200421-213304_Samsung Internet.jpg
NAM 12km May not show the same thing due to worse resolution, it won’t show stratiform precip behind the MCS well so the warm sector rebounds, that’s why it has recovery
Non event IMO. Seen this song and dance too many times. If the SPC goes any higher than ENH for this than I will LOL. The morning junk isn’t going to let there be an afternoon threat.
There be a threat but probably isolated in nature. I don’t really feel like this is a large scale tornado outbreak. More like isolated severe weather for some

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Yep that convection and it’s trailing stratiform will really lower the threat if this is correct for some areas View attachment 40078

Yeah seen storms along the gulf kill moisture transport in winter storms more than a few times in my life. No reason to think it wont do it again here if that MCS develops.
NAM did lower its craziness from the past few runs, prob closer to reality. Fact is, globals still show a formatable threat and the run to run consistency with the CAM's are still needing to work themselves out. IF we get gulf convection then yes, I-20 can forget about seeing a big threat. I wouldn't sound the alarm or say this is a no go either. That would be silly.