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Political Thread

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I havent posted for a few days because of work. First off of the people who are complaining about the cost I want you to give an over/under guesstimate. Is it over or under the 100+million trump has siphoned off taxpayers while he golfs at his resorts?

I'll give ya time to Google it.
So all you guys that think this was the perfect call and that trump withholding aid to Ukraine was simply his stance against corruption answer me this. With all the money going out the door to countries that are our direct adversary why only hold aid to Ukraine ? We give more money to Syria than we do Ukraine. We give money to Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Russia, China......countries that are not even our friends. How come he gave aid to Ukraine 50 times before holding it? How come he held the aid even after the State dept. and department of defense both cleared Ukraine and said they met anti-corruption stipulations? How come he only brought up corruption of the bidens and not Mitt Romneys son? Why so very specific in his request for a favor?

Why aren't y'all complaining about the 3.2 BILLION dollars we send to Isreal when their PM has been officially indicted on corruption charges like bribery and fraud? Almost 10 times more than we give Ukraine going to a govt with actual indicted leaders.

We do need to examine our foreign aid. Most foreign aid though doesn't go directly to the govt coffers. Most work through aid groups and have very strict reporting and tracking guidelines.

Heres a chart of all the countries and the amount we have given them. More money to our enemies than Ukraine.......yeah nothing to see there!

My last point to all those concerned about bidens past corruption. What can we do about it now? We can hold him accountable but how does that give us any right to ig ore current abuses as they happen in real time.

It's like worrying more about a rabbit that ate your garden last year while ignoring the rabbit currently eating your garden right in front of you.
So all you guys that think this was the perfect call and that trump withholding aid to Ukraine was simply his stance against corruption answer me this. With all the money going out the door to countries that are our direct adversary why only hold aid to Ukraine ? We give more money to Syria than we do Ukraine. We give money to Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Russia, China......countries that are not even our friends. How come he gave aid to Ukraine 50 times before holding it? How come he held the aid even after the State dept. and department of defense both cleared Ukraine and said they met anti-corruption stipulations? How come he only brought up corruption of the bidens and not Mitt Romneys son? Why so very specific in his request for a favor?

Why aren't y'all complaining about the 3.2 BILLION dollars we send to Isreal when their PM has been officially indicted on corruption charges like bribery and fraud? Almost 10 times more than we give Ukraine going to a govt with actual indicted leaders.

We do need to examine our foreign aid. Most foreign aid though doesn't go directly to the govt coffers. Most work through aid groups and have very strict reporting and tracking guidelines.

Heres a chart of all the countries and the amount we have given them. More money to our enemies than Ukraine.......yeah nothing to see there!

You are obviously missing the point. Nobody seeing this call from my vantage point cares if he calls Ukraine, Syria, Israel, Russia or Tim Buck Two. Dont care if he's golfing neither. He can call 10 world leaders tomorrow asking about whomever and I really DO NOT CARE because its not my lifes work to nail him to the cross and worry about his tee time.
What gives you the authority to make this statement? When you were that age people that were older probably felt the same way about you. Were they right? Young people didn't buy into the false cause of revenge for 9-11 by invading Iraq, you did.

I dont need authority to state my opinion jack! When it comes to Iraq im gonna be a bit calmer than I was with that other brat. I chose to serve MY COUNTRY AND YOUR COUNTRY because its a privilege and an honor. I went to Iraq to fight because I had orders too go. I believed in what I was doing more and more every day when I saw my brothers and sisters in arms die in front of me defending freedom. I still have dozens of numbers in my cell phone of deceased friends who perished fighting for your family. Im really not sure what you were doing during all of it and it dont matter to me. Perhaps you dont have an ounce of respect for me, for anything I did and thats really ok with me. We all have opinions and one doesn't carry more weight than the other in reality but I can hold my head high knowing that its FACT I would lay down my life for everybody here to have the right to express theirs. Would you?
I dont need authority to state my opinion jack! When it comes to Iraq im gonna be a bit calmer than I was with that other brat. I chose to serve MY COUNTRY AND YOUR COUNTRY because its a privilege and an honor. I went to Iraq to fight because I had orders too go. I believed in what I was doing more and more every day when I saw my brothers and sisters in arms die in front of me defending freedom. I still have dozens of numbers in my cell phone of deceased friends who perished fighting for your family. Im really not sure what you were doing during all of it and it dont matter to me. Perhaps you dont have an ounce of respect for me, for anything I did and thats really ok with me. We all have opinions and one doesn't carry more weight than the other in reality but I can hold my head high knowing that its FACT I would lay down my life for everybody here to have the right to express theirs. Would you?
I'm sorry Bush sent your friends to their death over oil. It's a shame we didn't invade the country that actually attacked us Saudi Arabia. You weren't fighting to defend my freedom, you were fighting to make Bush and friends rich.
I'm sorry Bush sent your friends to their death over oil. It's a shame we didn't invade the country that actually attacked us Saudi Arabia. You weren't fighting to defend my freedom, you were fighting to make Bush and friends rich.

Well that statement alone tells me you don't have the slightest clue what the hell you are talking about and for you to suggest your fellow Americans died for oil is embarrassing and insulting to our intelligence. For you to even make a statement like that speaks volumes of the lack of respect you have for our nations men and women in uniform. And please don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. Your above comment seals the deal......
Well that statement alone tells me you don't have the slightest clue what the hell you are talking about and for you to suggest your fellow Americans died for oil is embarrassing and insulting to our intelligence. For you to even make a statement like that speaks volumes of the lack of respect you have for our nations men and women in uniform. And please don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. Your above comment seals the deal......
Please enlighten me, why did we attack Iraq if it wasn't for oil? Why didn't we attack the country all the terrorist came from?
The way this sounds, is voters should stay at 18 imo, and they must be able to actually pass a basic political science course. We have people voting based on hearing the word "free school", "free phones", "free healthcare". The younger society feel entitled to things these days.

Being able to identify the branches of government as a requirement to vote, would remove a lot of the dummies out there. In fact, if you guys went out and asked random strangers on the street what the branches were, 7/10 will have no idea.
The way this sounds, is voters should stay at 18 imo, and they must be able to actually pass a basic political science course. We have people voting based on hearing the word "free school", "free phones", "free healthcare". The younger society feel entitled to things these days.

Being able to identify the branches of government as a requirement to vote, would remove a lot of the dummies out there. In fact, if you guys went out and asked random strangers on the street what the branches were, 7/10 will have no idea.
This argument was used to keep blacks from voting in early 1900s and was struck down by the court just like the poll tax. I keep hearing about restrictions on voting because people don't like how others vote. Instead of shaping the electorate to meet your views try to find common ground.
This argument was used to keep blacks from voting in early 1900s and was struck down by the court just like the poll tax. I keep hearing about restrictions on voting because people don't like how others vote. Instead of shaping the electorate to meet your views try to find common ground.

Not one time writing that did black people or any other race or gender cross my mind. I honestly feel like being able to know what the basic structure of the government is, as a requirement to vote, isn't a lot to ask. If that was proposed in the past and spun as a way to keep people of gender and color out of voting, that's sad.
The way this sounds, is voters should stay at 18 imo, and they must be able to actually pass a basic political science course. We have people voting based on hearing the word "free school", "free phones", "free healthcare". The younger society feel entitled to things these days.

Being able to identify the branches of government as a requirement to vote, would remove a lot of the dummies out there. In fact, if you guys went out and asked random strangers on the street what the branches were, 7/10 will have no idea.

I bet most don't know that the Democratic show being put on in the Senate is about to come to an end....Then it's the Republican's turn...Most of us who know anything about politics know this is not going to end well for the Democrats, the impeachment shenanigans and the 2020 election results
I bet most don't know that the Democratic show being put on in the Senate is about to come to an end....Then it's the Republican's turn...Most of us who know anything about politics know this is not going to end well for the Democrats, the impeachment shenanigans and the 2020 election results

Exactly. They are building Trump's reelection campaign themselves. His base is saying "witch hunt". The average person I talk to in person says "i dont know why they are mad at him, he has done what he said". There are independent voters around here that I've watched turn from being a Bernie supporter to "hot damn, Trump put his foot down" and leaning more his way.

I mean.. during the election cycle, I heard things from voters (when they were hammering him about the grabbing the privates etc) : " i dont care who he boinked. if hes a strong leader."

The people that have voted for and are leaning Trump are a different type of voter that do not want to deal with the same things anymore. The competitors like to call that "racism". I am so tired of people feeling like they can't express their support for Trump because they get called a racist.
Not one time writing that did black people or any other race or gender cross my mind. I honestly feel like being able to know what the basic structure of the government is, as a requirement to vote, isn't a lot to ask. If that was proposed in the past and spun as a way to keep people of gender and color out of voting, that's sad.
I wasn't saying you were referring to any race I was only bringing up why there is no need for a certain level of education to vote. In this country if you are old enough to vote that's all that matters and that's how it should always be. If you are old enough for prison or war you can vote.
Please enlighten me, why did we attack Iraq if it wasn't for oil? Why didn't we attack the country all the terrorist came from?

Im not denying oil wasn't a factor. Everything in the Mideast is but we did not "attack" Iraq and we most certainly did not invade them to make Bush rich. That is just asinine. In regards to oil, we prefer to negotiate with a country. Well that wasn't going to happen with a tyrant. I could type a manifesto on this but I choose not to for many reasons. The big winners in regards to the oil were France, China and Russia. If oil was our #1 priority we sure as hell didn't do a good job reaping the benefits. This was going to happen at some point period.
Im not denying oil wasn't a factor. Everything in the Mideast is but we did not "attack" Iraq and we most certainly did not invade them to make Bush rich. That is just asinine. In regards to oil, we prefer to negotiate with a country. Well that wasn't going to happen with a tyrant. I could type a manifesto on this but I choose not to for many reasons. The big winners in regards to the oil were France, China and Russia. If oil was our #1 priority we sure as hell didn't do a good job reaping the benefits. This was going to happen at some point period.
Halliburton made billions off that war and guess who owned a large chunk of that company? The president and vice president. There are tyrants all over the world but we didn't attack them. We funded Iraq with SH in charge when it suited us and when he had the nerve to cut us out we got rid of him. Saudi Arabia is our true enemy in the ME, always has been even before they sent 19 terrorist to fly planes into our buildings.
Halliburton made billions off that war and guess who owned a large chunk of that company? The president and vice president. There are tyrants all over the world but we didn't attack them. We funded Iraq with SH in charge when it suited us and when he had the nerve to cut us out we got rid of him. Saudi Arabia is our true enemy in the ME, always has been even before they sent 19 terrorist to fly planes into our buildings.

Lots of politicians make money off of war. We also have many enemies over there. Some of them are just smart enough to negotiate on our terms.
Coronavirus now in Chicago. Seems to be spreading fairly quickly.
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