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Political Thread

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I watched the full hour. Schiff very meticulously went through all 10 one by one and, most importantly, he also presented evidence from both the House hearings (videos and slides of transcripts) that largely came both from folks from the Trump Administration (so, not at all Never Trumpers) and even Trump, himself!

So, as far as I'm concerned, these 10 are based on clearly presented facts. Did you by chance see this? If not, if you have an hour, you should watch it.

You would at the very least think the other guy on the phone call would agree with you right? The fact that he doesnt makes all 10 of them nothing more than subjective nonsense. Seeing as how not even the moderate Republicans see what you see tells me further that its just not based in factual evidence
I watched the full hour. Schiff very meticulously went through all 10 one by one and, most importantly, he also presented evidence from both the House hearings (videos and slides of transcripts) that largely came both from folks from the Trump Administration (so, not at all Never Trumpers) and even Trump, himself!

So, as far as I'm concerned, these 10 are based on clearly presented facts. Did you by chance see this? If not, if you have an hour, you should watch it.
Schiff has been caught in so many lies, even if he tells the truth now, no body would take him seriously. He even made up a fake transcript of the call and tried to sell it to the American people. Wow, talk about having some big ones. Then there's lying about not knowing the whistle-blower??? That was a big one as well. Come on man, you can't tell me that you believe him now..... do you?
Voters should be atleast 21 years of age in my opinion. An 18 year old this day in time is just not as responsible as an 18 year old 30+ years ago. Educated enough yes, responsible enough nope
This whole mess really isn't all that complicated to unpack. Trump is just as much of a lying sack o suds as the rest of these clowns, with one major difference. He's not part of the political club, and he doesn't give a poop. He beat the system and won the election and that pissed everybody off. He doesn't care about playing the political game the "right" way, and he's paid for it with one investigation after another.

You can say what you want about his overt behavior: bullying, lying, spinning, morality issues, waffling, whatever. And you'd have a fair point. But if you think he's in there doing all these "treasonous and corrupt" things that nobody else has done or is doing, then you need to wake the poop up.

I was hoping he would actively expose the corruption of the system when he won. He hasn't done nearly as much work there as I hoped. But inadvertently, things have progressed here anyway. This whole kabuki theater of investigation after investigation and the impeachment process is the fruit of a corrupt system. If it wasn't, this kind of thing would happen continually. It doesn't, and it isn't because everyone else is squeaky clean. This needs to be understood.

But it doesn't matter in the end. The system is coming apart and slowly and steadily getting exposed. Trump is essentially the first major manifestation of this. When the political class figures it out, it will be too late. I'm hoping it won't be too long until most of the people wearing the red and blue glasses wake up to this reality.
No and if he gave it to Iran to get dirt on Romney he should have been impeached
I deleted that question it wasn't very relevant. The only thing that had me thinking about that was it was suppose to be for a regime that was less extreme than the current one. Before the new regime back in the '70s bought a lot of weapons made in the U.S. but it was over taken by the current regime. We did not deliver the weapons but they were paid for by the old regime. I Would not think we should have honored the deal especially to a much more hostile regime.
Voters should be atleast 21 years of age in my opinion. An 18 year old this day in time is just not as responsible as an 18 year old 30+ years ago. Educated enough yes, responsible enough nope
Fine just don't make them pay taxes,go to war or prison until 21
You would at the very least think the other guy on the phone call would agree with you right? The fact that he doesnt makes all 10 of them nothing more than subjective nonsense. Seeing as how not even the moderate Republicans see what you see tells me further that its just not based in factual evidence

The moderate Reps are under a lot of pressure to follow the leader (McConnell). We'll see if some moderate Reps later have enough guts to vote to have witnesses.
As I said, Schiff presented a lot of evidence to back up all 10 points.
Schiff has been caught in so many lies, even if he tells the truth now, no body would take him seriously. He even made up a fake transcript of the call and tried to sell it to the American people. Wow, talk about having some big ones. Then there's lying about not knowing the whistle-blower??? That was a big one as well. Come on man, you can't tell me that you believe him now..... do you?

I do because his presentation included mucho evidence from Trump admin folks (and Trump, himself) as mentioned. You ought to see it for yourself. He's obviously not making up these videos and transcripts.
Voters should be atleast 21 years of age in my opinion. An 18 year old this day in time is just not as responsible as an 18 year old 30+ years ago. Educated enough yes, responsible enough nope
I disagree. Yes there are some idiots in my generation, but to say us as a whole aren't responsible is just wrong. It'll be us who picks up after the mess left behind by the current people running this country.
Fine just don't make them pay taxes,go to war or prison until 21

How many people under 21 do you know of who pay income taxes that amounts to anything? Most dont. Now nobody makes you go to war because people like myself volunteer to go. Prison has nothing to do with age 21....
I disagree. Yes there are some idiots in my generation, but to say us as a whole aren't responsible is just wrong. It'll be us who picks up after the mess left behind by the current people running this country.
And we are left cleaning up the mess left from our previous administrations. It's a kick the can down the road mentality,not unlike our discussion in the weather threads. I am fairly sure the next administration after this one and the one after that one will still be kicking the can down the road...

Eventually the road will end and I am not sure we will ever find a way back...
I watched the full hour. Schiff very meticulously went through all 10 one by one and, most importantly, he also presented evidence from both the House hearings (videos and slides of transcripts) that largely came both from folks from the Trump Administration (so, not at all Never Trumpers) and even Trump, himself!

So, as far as I'm concerned, these 10 are based on clearly presented facts. Did you by chance see this? If not, if you have an hour, you should watch it.

These presented “facts” are selectively used and mixed with some truth and some false or misleading claims. See here and here for a few examples. I don’t have time to go into a detailed breakdown of things but you can find info out there showing areas he clearly twisted his “facts” or was misleading.
I do because his presentation included mucho evidence from Trump admin folks (and Trump, himself) as mentioned. You ought to see it for yourself. He's obviously not making up these videos and transcripts.
Its like you are trying to explain why a warm nose on the the NAM is right over the gfs blizzard right before reality hits
I disagree. Yes there are some idiots in my generation, but to say us as a whole aren't responsible is just wrong. It'll be us who picks up after the mess left behind by the current people running this country.

Nobody is saying you will never be responsible just that you might need a wee bit more seasoning in the responsibility department before voting
I do because his presentation included mucho evidence from Trump admin folks (and Trump, himself) as mentioned. You ought to see it for yourself. He's obviously not making up these videos and transcripts.

Its easy to selectively edit out the context of a conversation on video or in text to make it say or appear to say something it doesn’t or intentionally mislead. Context is king and both of the articles I cited clearly spell out how he did this repeatedly in his investigation with even Politico calling him out on misleading/twisting certain aspects to fit his narrative.
Stand by my statement whether you voted for Trump, Clinton or Mickey Mouse
What gives you the authority to make this statement? When you were that age people that were older probably felt the same way about you. Were they right? Young people didn't buy into the false cause of revenge for 9-11 by invading Iraq, you did.
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