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Political Thread

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#1. It says CNN in the corner.
And #2. I couldn't care less if we told another country to give us info or we wont help them anymore.. to be dead honest.

1. That list had nothing to do with CNN. It was also on Fox and every other station.
2. You don't care if Trump told a friendly country we had already been supporting that if they don't announce an investigation into his main political rival for selfish purposes that he would withhold money as well as a White House meeting that they badly wanted? Seriously? Wow.
1. That list had nothing to do with CNN. It was also on Fox and every other station.
2. You don't care if Trump told a friendly country we had already been supporting that if they don't announce an investigation into his main political rival for selfish purposes that he would withhold money as well as a Whitehouse visit that they badly wanted? Seriously? Wow.
Actions speak louder than words. What were the actions? NONE. No quid pro whatever, no withheld aid, no investigation from Ukraine, no bribery, NOTHING. Except the crap that Schiff makes up in his lying head
You don't need to be "socialist" to oppose Trump. I identify as more right-wing and I honestly believe our president is, and I'm saying this very nicely, very bad for this country. I can only hope for the Democrats to beat him this year so republicans can regroup and figure out that right-wing extremism WILL NOT get moderate votes. But unfortunately, while it is being debated that the Democrat party is broken, I actually think the Republican party is also not what it once was. It's either you follow Trump blindly, or you're a "hippie leftist anarchist LGBTQA+ socialist atheist who wants to take away our guns"

Also, raising the voting age to 35 is a bad move. This isn't a country just for 35+ year olds. If I'm old enough to pay taxes and join the military, I'm old enough to contribute to society and have a say over what happens in politics.

Respect your opinion but what exactly do you consider right wing extremism? The people that elected Trump, that silent voter that nobody picked up on? They are as moderate as it gets. They were tired of America coming second. Thats not extremism in any way, shape or form. Its not even difficult to understand. Outside of his behavior, there is nothing extreme about Donald Trump
1. That list had nothing to do with CNN. It was also on Fox and every other station.
2. You don't care if Trump told a friendly country we had already been supporting that if they don't announce an investigation into his main political rival for selfish purposes that he would withhold money as well as a White House meeting that they badly wanted? Seriously? Wow.

Not really. Lets aaume the spin was true about it being for personal gain, that could set a bad precedent for what's acceptable in the future... but if it's more along the lines of what I am thinking and like: "I know you know some things on Hunter that I can bring up during the election cycle against Joe, I'd like it if you would fill me in, or I might not be so quick to offer my help if you ever need it." type of deal.

Basically, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.
So when Trump is found not guilty, then what? That’s where I’m at already. What’s the scheme? Why the theatrics to get to an endpoint we all saw coming?
So when Trump is found not guilty, then what? That’s where I’m at already. What’s the scheme? Why the theatrics to get to an endpoint we all saw coming?
It's simple. Both sides have put on a play for their voting base to show them the extent they are willing to go to follow through with their beliefs.
#1. It says CNN in the corner.
And #2. I couldn't care less if we told another country to give us info or we wont help them anymore.. to be dead honest.
I think we need to tame back the amount of money we give other countries.. I realize that it is strategic to give money and Aid to other countries, but not every country in the world should get our money when we use money from a loan from China. And any country that does get our Aid money should have to go through a series of Investigations and questions no matter who they are.
I think we need to tame back the amount of money we give other countries.. I realize that it is strategic to give money and Aid to other countries, but not every country in the world should get our money when we use money from a loan from China. And any country that does get our Aid money should have to go through a series of Investigations and questions no matter who they are.
Agreed and Ukraine is not the only country he withheld funding from. Which btw it was FUTURE funding that was being withheld, no lives were lost in the short time that future funds were withheld.
Respect your opinion but what exactly do you consider right wing extremism? The people that elected Trump, that silent voter that nobody picked up on? They are as moderate as it gets. They were tired of America coming second. Thats not extremism in any way, shape or form. Its not even difficult to understand. Outside of his behavior, there is nothing extreme about Donald Trump
To me, extreme right-wing voters are voters that are anti-immigrant, legitimately racist (I know that term gets thrown out a lot, but I'm saying here is where the term can actually apply), homophobic (as in, would like to federally ban gay marriage if given the chance), and most importantly establish their religious beliefs as the law of the land (as it happens, it is Christianity we are talking about here). These are the voters that resonate with things like banning Muslims, or assuming all Mexican immigrants are criminals, etc. These are the voters that believe climate change is not real because God would not allow that to happen.
(I'd love to break down left-wing extremists, but that's not relevant here.)
The "silent voter" you speak of are voters that traditionally could have voted Democrat, but due to the party's shifting platform from "the common man" to "social injustices" (or as the right likes to paint it, the "coastal elites"), the Rust Belt states were picked up by Trump, because these people, who may not agree with everything Trump and his base believes in, saw that Trump keyed in on dying industries like factory workers, coal miners, etc., and when you have a chance to put bread on the table to feed the wife and kids, you take it, all else be damned. These voters were forgotten by Hillary and are a HUGE part of why she lost.
TO ME, personally, I can't set aside the things Trump says and does simply because of my own personal economic gain. I think, PERSONALLY, as a citizen of the USA, it is my duty to vote for what I think is best for the Country, not for what may be best for me alone. Everyone talks about "look at the stock market!!1!" but to me, it reflects a larger problem America seems to have, and it's "Who cares if we are morally bankrupt? We're making money!" Because I don't live in a vacuum, and the things that happen around us affect us too whether we like it or not.
That's why I think the voting age needs to be moved to 35.
Taxation without representation? Where have I heard that before... If I'm a taxpayer, I better be able to vote. Unless you're also proposing making everyone under 35 a non-taxpayer, that's never happening. This also creates way more issues and would lead to a likely war between generations that would destroy us. Forcing someone much older than you to decide your rules is just extended forced parenthood via law.
To me, extreme right-wing voters are voters that are anti-immigrant, legitimately racist (I know that term gets thrown out a lot, but I'm saying here is where the term can actually apply), homophobic (as in, would like to federally ban gay marriage if given the chance), and most importantly establish their religious beliefs as the law of the land (as it happens, it is Christianity we are talking about here). These are the voters that resonate with things like banning Muslims, or assuming all Mexican immigrants are criminals, etc. These are the voters that believe climate change is not real because God would not allow that to happen.
(I'd love to break down left-wing extremists, but that's not relevant here.)
The "silent voter" you speak of are voters that traditionally could have voted Democrat, but due to the party's shifting platform from "the common man" to "social injustices" (or as the right likes to paint it, the "coastal elites"), the Rust Belt states were picked up by Trump, because these people, who may not agree with everything Trump and his base believes in, saw that Trump keyed in on dying industries like factory workers, coal miners, etc., and when you have a chance to put bread on the table to feed the wife and kids, you take it, all else be damned. These voters were forgotten by Hillary and are a HUGE part of why she lost.
TO ME, personally, I can't set aside the things Trump says and does simply because of my own personal economic gain. I think, PERSONALLY, as a citizen of the USA, it is my duty to vote for what I think is best for the Country, not for what may be best for me alone. Everyone talks about "look at the stock market!!1!" but to me, it reflects a larger problem America seems to have, and it's "Who cares if we are morally bankrupt? We're making money!" Because I don't live in a vacuum, and the things that happen around us affect us too whether we like it or not.

The large majority of Republican voters are not anti immigrant. Asking that we know who is coming here and protecting our borders is not anti immigrant. I also dont think the GOP wants to ban Muslims but we sure as hell have every right to scrutinize who we let into this country based on what is occurring globally with the war on terror. Now your comment on climate change? I have never heard anybody claim its not teal based on God. The things you are litting out there are confined to very small numbers of people not in any way a snapshot of where the party or Trump stands in my opinion
And regardless of what side anyone's on, it's obviously a waste of money.. it has been a waste of money all the way back to the Mueller investigations.
We waste more money on Trump's golf game, which is paid to him by us for him to play
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