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Political Thread

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How corrupt the Bidens may very well be is 100% irrelevant to my post and to whether or not Trump did something worthy of impeachment. That list of 10 reasons is evidence that Trump was trying to use the Ukraine leader as a pawn for his own selfish political purposes even if it conflicted with already established US policy toward supporting Ukraine.

As far as I'm concerned, I've already heard enough. Trump needs to go and Pence needs to replace him.
Actually, with all due respect, that is not open minded basing a finalized judgment on opening statements of the trial that has yet to fully begin. While that opening statement may contain so called evidence so much of it is hearsay and all the evidence has not been presented.
The Senate won't allow evidence, i.e., documents and witnesses. I wonder why. So, this is the best the House managers can do
I heard the Senate won't allow any new evidence or testimony if it wasn't introduced in the House prior. I don't follow it very closely because the whole thing is a ridiculous farce and distraction from really important matters.
Intelligent response.
Thanks Larry I appreciate that. But I'm sorry Adam schiff has not proven himself credible to me throughout this whole process. And it bothers me when people from day one were looking for a reason to impeach a person and they finally think they found their crime that doesn't even exist. They are setting a horrible precedent with how they have sought to remove this president from day one. Future POTUS beware, we are treading in dangerous unchartered waters.
The Senate won't allow evidence, i.e., documents and witnesses. I wonder why. So, this is the best the House managers can do

The House already made their case by their rules right? Well they are playing by senate rules now. It speaks volumes that the Democrats havent turned a single Republican thus far in either chamber.
In the Democrat’s mind, Trump is bad for business. That’s ALL this boils down to..they know good and well Trump is not going to be removed from office. It’s a chess match
The Senate won't allow evidence, i.e., documents and witnesses. I wonder why. So, this is the best the House managers can do
They had their chance to subpoena and produce all the evidence they wanted but they failed to do so. Why? Because his whole thing is a political sham. They chose not to present all evidence so that now they can sit here and blame the republicans for not allowing it and it looks bad for the GOP. At least that's the way their mind works. If what the president did was such a disaster and such a national security threat as they have been saying for the last 2 days, then why didn't they impeach him months ago and present all the evidence then instead of playing this game? I'm already over it, stop wasting my tax dollars and get back to work at hand.
Thanks Larry I appreciate that. But I'm sorry Adam schiff has not proven himself credible to me throughout this whole process. And it bothers me when people from day one were looking for a reason to impeach a person and they finally think they found their crime that doesn't even exist. They are setting a horrible precedent with how they have sought to remove this president from day one. Future POTUS beware, we are treading in dangerous unchartered waters.

Why won't you and others focus on the 10 reasons presented that are consistent with Trump wanting Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN (political) as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall and which are counter to US supportive foreign policy toward Ukraine? Trump was threatening to withhold support for Ukraine for political purposes even though that would have conflicted with supportive US policy. Do any of you even care about this?
Why won't you and others focus on the 10 reasons presented that are consistent with Trump wanting Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN (political) as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall and which are counter to US supportive foreign policy toward Ukraine?

Why won't you and others focus on the 10 reasons presented that are consistent with Trump wanting Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN (political) as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall and which are counter to US supportive foreign policy toward Ukraine?

Because the 10 reasons have been beat to death and were presented by a partisan individual with no credibility
Why won't you and others focus on the 10 reasons presented that are consistent with Trump wanting Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN (political) as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall and which are counter to US supportive foreign policy toward Ukraine? Trump was threatening to withhold support for Ukraine for political purposes even though that would have conflicted with supportive US policy. Do any of you even care about this?

Not to mention the fact that Zelensky said there was no pressure. Is that not good enough for you?
Why won't you and others focus on the 10 reasons presented that are consistent with Trump wanting Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN (political) as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall and which are counter to US supportive foreign policy toward Ukraine? Trump was threatening to withhold support for Ukraine for political purposes even though that would have conflicted with supportive US policy. Do any of you even care about this?

#1. It says CNN in the corner.
And #2. I couldn't care less if we told another country to give us info or we wont help them anymore.. to be dead honest.
Not to mention the fact that Zelensky said there was no pressure. Is that not good enough for you?
Right! The fact that the very President they claim Trump pressured, interfered with, was non supportive of, threatened his country's national security, doesn't even himself believe it. It's no different then if an individual was charged with communicating threats against me, even after I told them over and over there was no threat communicated. Its lunacy
You have an interesting outlook at your young age. I think once you become invested in this country (graduate, get a full time job, run a business, own land, etc.), you will be able to see the damage the leftist can do to your freedom. You might not feel all that free at the moment with so many pressing responsibilities and uncertainties. Many were in a similar situation to yours before you came along. They worked very hard to get trained for the job market, succeed, invest and now look back and resent the entitlement mentality of the young and inexperienced. I think you're likely to see it the same way in about 10 years.

Sometimes I think it takes a good deal of maturity and a vested interest in the well-being of the country to understand the implications of voting. That's why I think the voting age needs to be moved to 35. I don't think we can allow socialism/communism to be a protected political platform in a republic. They are diametrically opposed and totally incompatible with personal freedom.
You don't need to be "socialist" to oppose Trump. I identify as more right-wing and I honestly believe our president is, and I'm saying this very nicely, very bad for this country. I can only hope for the Democrats to beat him this year so republicans can regroup and figure out that right-wing extremism WILL NOT get moderate votes. But unfortunately, while it is being debated that the Democrat party is broken, I actually think the Republican party is also not what it once was. It's either you follow Trump blindly, or you're a "hippie leftist anarchist LGBTQA+ socialist atheist who wants to take away our guns"

Also, raising the voting age to 35 is a bad move. This isn't a country just for 35+ year olds. If I'm old enough to pay taxes and join the military, I'm old enough to contribute to society and have a say over what happens in politics.
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