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Political Thread

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Having a liar in charge of this country makes my life worse, he has done 0 for me.
And I can say the same thing about when Obama was in charge. He did little to help me. At least with Trump I can say he got rid of the no insurance tax penalty because I could not afford the "Affordable Care" under Obama.
And I can say the same thing about when Obama was in charge. He did little to help me. At least with Trump I can say he got rid of the no insurance tax penalty because I could not afford the "Affordable Care" under Obama.
What is trump care like?
If you say it falls on the individual, tell that to Trump. His language fits that he's emotionally angered toward everyone who doesn't follow him. For someone who leads the nation, emotions can lead to bad choices.

And let's see if Trump has helped me any:

Any raises due to a booming economy? Nope. Businesses aren't going to just start handing out more money, at least not all of them
Tax cuts? I just started filing my taxes I have no opinion on this since I have no history prior to Trump.
(Note to the above, being a full time college student and working isn't easy so a full time job is not possible)
Healthcare costs? Still rising.

It's all to the individual. You can't just broad brush a statement like what you said before.

I guess it all depends on one's perspective. One could argue that the reason for the division in our nation is in part the news media's hatred for Trump, constant negative coverage of him, etc. There's also the social aspect to consider where our country over time has been shifting to more of a "polarized" political spectrum with people siding strongly to the conservative or liberal sides with fewer moderate positions. I've noticed this shift for quite a number of years since before even Obama was in office.

My taxes have seen a nice increase the past 2 years under the tax cuts so it has been helpful for me thus far compared with previous years. Much of that though depends on the bracket a person falls under, what specific tax breaks they can get, etc so some it may hurt or they might see little change. Not all businesses will start handing out more money but they are investing in jobs and growth which benefits people looking for a job (low unemployment) while others invest the extra capital in other ways (R&D, raises, facility upgrades, etc) which can impact directly or indirectly. The stock market is doing great, for those who choose to invest in it it's been easy to consistently make 15-20% or more a year which is nice. Healthcare costs will keep rising under the Obamacare stuff is scrapped which may not happen.

I agree it is something on an individual basis. Some people do benefit from what Trump has done directly while others may benefit indirectly or not at all. However the key components we have right now are a strong economy, strong hiring, solid wage growth, a bull stock market and stable gas prices. Whether one thinks Trump is responsible or not for those areas of growth they are benefiting many Americans.
And I can say the same thing about when Obama was in charge. He did little to help me. At least with Trump I can say he got rid of the no insurance tax penalty because I could not afford the "Affordable Care" under Obama.

Same for my whole county. Obama's war on coal shut down the CSX railyard here in Unicoi county which had operated for 135 years and at one point was one of CSX's most profitable yards. Many family members of mine are still struggling to find work. That was an absolutely crippling blow to our economy here and literally was an income loss of millions of dollars for our population. There has been no recovery from that with several other leading industrial plants closing due to lack of rail traffic. So our county slowly drops into poverty.. But the climate activists won't mention the thousands of lives they are destroying will they? NO government help from the left back then. No assistance. Nothing.

Safe to say the left is not very popular here.

Same for my whole county. Obama's war on coal shut down the CSX railyard here in Unicoi county which had operated for 135 years and at one point was one of CSX's most profitable yards. Many family members of mine are still struggling to find work. That was an absolutely crippling blow to our economy here and literally was an income loss of millions of dollars for our population. There has been no recovery from that with several other leading industrial plants closing due to lack of rail traffic. So our county slowly drops into poverty.. But the climate activists won't mention the thousands of lives they are destroying will they? NO government help from the left back then. No assistance. Nothing.

Safe to say the left is not very popular here.

Obama...The gift that gave and gave and gave....For 8 years!!!!
Here's one that people don't look at normally. Unity. Since he's been elected, both sides of the political spectrum that have the spotlight have been drifting apart. Every, and I do mean every, media outlet and news source has put a more negative spin on the other party, turning this nation into an "us VS them" instead of "we the people". Trump's dialect influences this and there's no denying it. The nation has become more divided than before his election due to his way of talking about the other party. If he promised unity, where is it? He hasn't done a thing to make our country more unified. Only torn it apart.

Trump's policies aren't meant to help everyone. There are going to be people who are negatively affected by his actions and congress's no matter what. If you think we live in a Trump-ruled utopia I have to ask you the same question. America deserves a better leader, and unfortunately nobody in the 2020 race can fill those shoes from how I see it. Pile of diapers vs rotting fish...
Individual thinking and the divide it causes is just that, the individual, that's not Trump's fault. Obama promised unity and better race relations and one can argue that wasn't achieved during his administration. But honestly I don't blame Obama, I blame a morally corrupt society that has forgotten what personal accountability is, the everyone is a victim society. When I hear this Trump is so divisive talk I think of other individuals that were considered "divisive" and Tim Tebow always comes to mind for me. He was called one of the most divisive athletes during his time in College and short stint in the NFL and often times his religious beliefs were "to blame". What made him divisive? It was how people reacted to his actions, not his actions alone that created this so called division...... it's the individuals responsibility to work, live, coexist with someone of a different opinion in unity because of their own response/actions, not the responsibility of the leader or actor or athlete or anyone else. Self accountability is completely lost in this blame game world we live in.
Good read. Tells you all you need to know.

Currently if you’re betting that Trump “Will Not” be removed from office, you will have to wager $4,000 to win $100..lol
Folks, Schiff just spent an hour going over 10 reasons why Trump wanted Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall. His presentation was beyond exemplary. Open minded folks would consider these 10 reasons as evidence that Trump attempted to use a foreign country to help himself politically:

Folks, Schiff just spent an hour going over 10 reasons why Trump wanted Zelensky to do the investigations for PERSONAL GAIN as opposed to doing them for the good of the US overall. His presentation was beyond exemplary. Open minded folks would consider these 10 reasons as evidence that Trump attempted to use a foreign country to help himself politically:

View attachment 31856

The Bidens rank right behind if not beside the Clinton's in corruption. Thank you Trump for asking they be investigated
This whole process has centered around “Trump tried to dig dirt up on Hunter Biden!” yet at this point we still don’t know if that dirt ON hunter Biden is cause for concern. “Nothing to see here..the main thing is he tried to dig the dirt up.”
The Bidens rank right behind if not beside the Clinton's in corruption. Thank you Trump for asking they be investigated

How corrupt the Bidens may very well be is 100% irrelevant to my post and to whether or not Trump did something worthy of impeachment. That list of 10 reasons is evidence that Trump was trying to use the Ukraine leader as a pawn for his own selfish political purposes even if it conflicted with already established US policy toward supporting Ukraine.

As far as I'm concerned, I've already heard enough. Trump needs to go and Pence needs to replace him.
How corrupt the Bidens may very well be is 100% irrelevant to my post and to whether or not Trump did something worthy of impeachment. That list of 10 reasons is evidence that Trump was trying to use the Ukraine leader as a pawn for his own selfish political purposes even if it conflicted with already established US policy toward supporting Ukraine.

That list you put up is heresy not evidence
How corrupt the Bidens may very well be is 100% irrelevant to my post and to whether or not Trump did something worthy of impeachment. That list of 10 reasons is evidence that Trump was trying to use the Ukraine leader as a pawn for his own selfish political purposes even if it conflicted with already established US policy toward supporting Ukraine.

As far as I'm concerned, I've already heard enough. Trump needs to go and Pence needs to replace him.
The boy who cried wolf..they’ve tried to remove him for any and everything for the last 4 years. It ain’t happpening. If dems would choose their fights more wisely they may have had a shot. This is their own fault
If you say it falls on the individual, tell that to Trump. His language fits that he's emotionally angered toward everyone who doesn't follow him. For someone who leads the nation, emotions can lead to bad choices.

And let's see if Trump has helped me any:

Any raises due to a booming economy? Nope. Businesses aren't going to just start handing out more money, at least not all of them
Tax cuts? I just started filing my taxes I have no opinion on this since I have no history prior to Trump.
(Note to the above, being a full time college student and working isn't easy so a full time job is not possible)
Healthcare costs? Still rising.

It's all to the individual. You can't just broad brush a statement like what you said before.
You have an interesting outlook at your young age. I think once you become invested in this country (graduate, get a full time job, run a business, own land, etc.), you will be able to see the damage the leftist can do to your freedom. You might not feel all that free at the moment with so many pressing responsibilities and uncertainties. Many were in a similar situation to yours before you came along. They worked very hard to get trained for the job market, succeed, invest and now look back and resent the entitlement mentality of the young and inexperienced. I think you're likely to see it the same way in about 10 years.

Sometimes I think it takes a good deal of maturity and a vested interest in the well-being of the country to understand the implications of voting. That's why I think the voting age needs to be moved to 35. I don't think we can allow socialism/communism to be a protected political platform in a republic. They are diametrically opposed and totally incompatible with personal freedom.
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