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Political Thread

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I’m don’t mean to sound edgy this morning and I apologize, but the pent up frustration of how partisan politics are being and how quickly someone is stupid and how divided the US in a time of crises is getting to me.

I need to get my forge finished and slam some steel to vent.
Yeah, it is bigtime pork filled and I showed my disappointment for it here yesterday. However, there’s one piece of pork in there that I’d bet many conservatives here secretly like: the 33.2M for new NOAA facilities. Would you honestly be against that in itself if that were the only pork in it?

I may be biased, but I definitely am a fan of 33.2M for new NOAA facilities. While we're at it, why don't we just add funding for construction of a few new NEXRAD radars across the US? As weather weenies, I think most of us would approve of such delicious, juicy, mouthwatering, fall off the bone pork...

Here is a quote from last night’s Cuomo interview that I saw:

“This is New York and we're with the home of so much of this. So coming up with the plan to restart the economy is very important,” the governor said. “But this, you don't want to -- it's a false choice to say public health or restart the economy. Nobody's going to make that choice, and by the way, if you have to make that choice, it's public health. Because you cannot put a value on a human life.”

So, as I said, he’s still clearly putting health/value of a human life over the value of restarting the economy. Trump didn’t at all say it this way. I maintain that they were still miles apart with their comments yesterday. Cuomo maintained his compassionate view of human lives/health as first and foremost vs Trump very coldly asking if the cure is worse than the disease, mirroring what Fox News host Steve Hilton had coldly just said the prior evening.

Here's the full context of what Cuomo said.

Chris Cuomo:
What was your reaction to what the President said about I'm not looking at months, I'm not going to let the elephant jump off the ledge because of a cat, or whatever he said. We're looking to open back up - surprised?

Governor Cuomo: I'm not surprised. The President is very concerned about the economy. The economy was doing well - the economy is now truly suffering. The consequences haven't even been felt yet because not only have you stopped the revenue machine - you've increased the expense machine, okay? So those two things are going to compound each other. So the President is very eager to get back to the economy. Everybody agrees this is an unsustainable situation. You can't keep spending money and close down the economy and the President is eager to get it opened as quickly as possible.

I actually have a group that is working on the restart of the economy because I get it, too.
This is New York and we're with the home of so much of this. So coming up with the plan to restart the economy is very important. But this, you don't want to - it's a false choice to say public health or restart the economy. Nobody's going to make that choice, and by the way, if you have to make that choice, it's public health. Because you cannot put a value on a human life. Nobody cares how long it takes to get the economy up and running if you actually saved lives.

But, Christopher, there is an art form here which is overlaying a public health strategy and an economic strategy. In other words, what we did is, we just closed everything down as quickly as we could. Shut all the doors, border all the windows. There was no art to what we did, no nuance. Is there a public health strategy that says, "Look, you can start to bring young people back to work. You can start to test and find out who had the virus and who resolved from the virus, and they can start to go back to work." That's how we'll restart the economy with a smart public health strategy, because closing the door on everyone was only because we didn't know better, right? If you now look at it, it didn't make any sense to close the schools, send my kids home with me or older people, or with grandmothers who were vulnerable to this virus. And young people were then maybe bringing it into the house. We didn't have any data or science to instruct us. But now you can come up with a smarter public health strategy that actually protects older people, lets younger people get back to work, and that can start the economic recovery. But it has to be that smart. It can't be reactive. It can't be emotional.

So taking the full context of the interview, Cuomo said he understood why Trump would want to start opening up the economy and he has a group working on the exact same thing. He went into more detail and said he's looking to approach it in a specific way that overlays public health strategy with economic strategy, merging the two together. Instead of shutting it all down, how about let young people get back to work, find a way to protect the elderly and start economic recovery. Instead of separating public health and economic recovery he's essentially saying he's going to merge the two. Trump said he would look at opening the economy back up, but to my knowledge he didn't say for sure he would and didn't give details on if he would mix public health and economic strategy like Cuomo said he would. It's entirely possible Trump is planning something similar to Cuomo with a mix of public health and economic strategy, we simply don't know at this time.
Yeah, it is bigtime pork filled and I showed my disappointment for it here yesterday. However, there’s one piece of pork in there that I’d bet many conservatives here secretly like: the 33.2M for new NOAA facilities. Would you honestly be against that in itself if that were the only pork in it?
Right now I absolutely would, now isnt the time.
I’m don’t mean to sound edgy this morning and I apologize, but the pent up frustration of how partisan politics are being and how quickly someone is stupid and how divided the US in a time of crises is getting to me.

I need to get my forge finished and slam some steel to vent.
Or sling some lead
Yeah, it is bigtime pork filled and I showed my disappointment for it here yesterday. However, there’s one piece of pork in there that I’d bet many conservatives here secretly like: the 33.2M for new NOAA facilities. Would you honestly be against that in itself if that were the only pork in it?

It would be nice, but negotiate those outside of a crisis bill like this one. The bill itself needs to stick solely with the economic recovery/relief for the coronavirus and nothing else.
Also I will add, what Cuomo is advocating is what I and some others have been talking about. Yes a short term shutdown to flatten the curve and give some time to figure out the best strategy is fine... but you have to think about how to get the economy going again and also balance how to best protect those at highest risk. I actually fully agree with his mindset of at this point. It's not solely the economy or solely public health, but find a way to balance/merge those two together so you can start to open the economy back up soon while also protecting the lives of the highest risk group. Maybe that means more use of the anti-viral drugs, maybe some type of isolation for the elderly and restrictions at hospitals/nursing homes... I'm sure they have plenty of other options as well that they are looking at to try and balance the two instead of choosing one or the other.
But his team(according to that article) are looking at possibly letting the able go back to work because of the article that said “"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself."”

1. Just to clarify, that quote was from David Katz, not Gov Cuomo, himself:

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself." Katz wrote.

From your link:

2. Actually, I agree with David Katz’s quote. He’s saying that the sum of the tolls from social, economic, and health standpoints is greater than the health aspect, itself. Of course it is. Who wouldn’t agree with that? I mean that’s a “duh” statement. But that’s not saying economic trumps health/value of lives.
It is my understanding that Trump has been encouraging leadership at the state level to make the call on shutting things down if needed in his conference calls with them. The stimulus is to help those who are losing jobs due to the state shutdowns and general slowing of the economy as national, local and regional restrictions were put into place.

I haven’t seen the evening PC, what was the summary of it?
I watched it all. He did not say he was opening up everything in 2 weeks as is being implied on here. He said he will evealuate at day 15, which has been the plan all along. Says point blank we cant stay shut down forever. Says he will take all the annalytical data ,opininion ,advice from everyone on team doctors, scientist and then he alone will weigh it all and make decession ('s). Their goal was to get to day 15 and the team would have enough data to know exactly where we stand with mortality rate, number of infections ,hot spots etc. Then be able to evaluate much better. Goal all along has been to save lives.
Wasn't sure if it's been mentioned but anyone else see the 25 million pay raise to the house that was slid in? If that doesn't make you lose faith nothing will.
1. Just to clarify, that quote was from David Katz, not Gov Cuomo, himself:

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself." Katz wrote.

From your link:

2. Actually, I agree with David Katz’s quote. He’s saying that the sum of the tolls from social, economic, and health standpoints is greater than the health aspect, itself. Of course it is. Who wouldn’t agree with that? I mean that’s a “duh” statement. But that’s not saying economic trumps health/value of lives.

Yeah, it wasn’t Cuomo that said it, but his team is considering that plan which is what I said.
What needs to be in it is a permanent committee of PROFESSIONALS who do nothing but maintain a national protocol and inventory of a national stockpile of necessary PPE.

This has been a disaster and clear case of bad governance for years through many dept and branches.

It's like our coaches put up a game plan to play against a HS JV team and instead Kobe, Lebron, Michael, Larry and Magic walked onto the court.

As I assume you’d agree with and though I’m no Trump fan obviously, Yahoo is very liberally and anti-Trump biased. I mean they’re one of the worst with those biases imo. However, I do think Yahoo’s Rick Newman is making some very valid points.
As I assume you’d agree with and though I’m no Trump fan obviously, Yahoo is very liberally and anti-Trump biased. I mean they’re one of the worst with those biases imo. However, I do think Yahoo’s Rick Newman is making some very valid points.

Yeah, agree, I read and post it all. Just put a FoxNews article up in the Corona thread
Easy to see where the lefts true heart and compassion reside. Also how the media runs 100% cover for them. Good ole NYT blaming Republicans for this bill not passing.
You guys on here go talk to your neighbor whos unemployed,no paycheck,sitting at home sacrificing right now. Read that 1400 page democrat propssed Pelosi manifesto bill to them.

When you finish see how they respond.
New York governor says the peak of pandemic is 14 to 21 days away

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the apex of the coronavirus will be "higher" and "sooner" than experts anticipated — and it could be two or three weeks away.

"We haven’t flattened the curve," he said at a news conference. "The apex is higher than we though and the apex is sooner than we thought. That is a bad combination of facts."

New York revised its estimated needs to 140,000 hospital beds and 40,000 ICU beds.

Currently, the state has 53,000 hospital beds, he said.
You can fully reopen the economy but have extreme orders in place. To keep people distance. It’s just figuring out how but it can be done.

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You can fully reopen the economy but have extreme orders in place. To keep people distance. It’s just figuring out how but it can be done.

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You have a customer service call center that is 2200sq feet with 30 employees in cubicles. How do you get those people 6 feet apart and still maintain full staffing?
You have a customer service call center that is 2200sq feet with 30 employees in cubicles. How do you get those people 6 feet apart and still maintain full staffing?

Seems like there’s plenty of room to space 30 employees out

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1. Just to clarify, that quote was from David Katz, not Gov Cuomo, himself:

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself." Katz wrote.

From your link:

2. Actually, I agree with David Katz’s quote. He’s saying that the sum of the tolls from social, economic, and health standpoints is greater than the health aspect, itself. Of course it is. Who wouldn’t agree with that? I mean that’s a “duh” statement. But that’s not saying economic trumps health/value of lives.

What if I told you that many people disagree with your last statement, and actually really do believe people should sacrifice/put their lives at risk, in order to save the economy? Yeah, that’s where we are at right now in this unhinged capitalistic system. It’s truly amazing to watch unfold. And incredibly terrifying.
What if I told you that many people disagree with your last statement, and actually really do believe people should sacrifice/put their lives at risk, in order to save the economy? Yeah, that’s where we are at right now in this unhinged capitalistic system. It’s truly amazing to watch unfold. And incredibly terrifying.
unhinged capitalistic system? Compared to what?
Easy to see where the lefts true heart and compassion reside. Also how the media runs 100% cover for them. Good ole NYT blaming Republicans for this bill not passing.
You guys on here go talk to your neighbor whos unemployed,no paycheck,sitting at home sacrificing right now. Read that 1400 page democrat propssed Pelosi manifesto bill to them.

When you finish see how they respond.
It’s disgusting and most people are naive so will buy that narrative without checking out who is actually holding things up.
Per Fox News townhall, Trump was hoping to open things up by Easter (4/12/20). Hopefully, he's just trying to bluff the stock markets up. If this kind of talk is a big factor in market rises, look for reversals of these kind of gains/back and forth rather than sustained rises. He's sending such a confusing signal in talking about opening up while the virus is spreading like wildfire. He's treating this too much like an "either/or" situation and is too much of a "slogans" guy imo. Too black and white.
No Dr. Fauci there. :(
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Per Fox News townhall, Trump was hoping to open things up by Easter (4/12/20). Hopefully, he's just trying to bluff the stock markets up. He's sending such a confusing signal in talking about opening up while the virus is spreading like wildfire. He's treating this too much like an "either/or" situation and is too much of a "slogans" guy imo. Too black and white.
No Dr. Fauci there. :(
Thing is if he "opens up the country" the states, which should be doing this anyway, will still have major restrictions in place. It's not like he is going to mandate the states, local governments relax their own restrictions.
Per Fox News townhall, Trump was hoping to open things up by Easter (4/12/20). Hopefully, he's just trying to bluff the stock markets up. He's sending such a confusing signal in talking about opening up while the virus is spreading like wildfire. He's treating this too much like an "either/or" situation and is too much of a "slogans" guy imo. Too black and white.
No Dr. Fauci there. :(
I see nothing wrong with "hoping" to open things back up in 3 weeks. he could indeed be bluffing but a lot of good things could change in 3 weeks time. Hopefully enough to hint at things turning a corner
Thing is if he "opens up the country" the states, which should be doing this anyway, will still have major restrictions in place. It's not like he is going to mandate the states, local governments relax their own restrictions.

I know. So, from that standpoint, yes he has limited power. But just like there's confusion between nearby cities that have very different restrictions, what about folks living near state borders/metros that cross state lines? So, if Trump were to issue federally mandated restrictions, there wouldn't be confusion near state lines.
I see nothing wrong with "hoping" to open things back up in 3 weeks. he could indeed be bluffing but a lot of good things could change in 3 weeks time. Hopefully enough to hint at things turning a corner
Nothing wrong with an optimistic message from a leader....
I know. So, from that standpoint, yes he has limited power. But just like there's confusion between nearby cities that have very different restrictions, what about folks living near state borders/metros that cross state lines? So, if Trump were to issue federally mandated restrictions, there wouldn't be confusion near state lines.
I live along the Va/NC border, if Va does shelter in place and NC does not, I'm not going to Va.... it's just not that confusing to me.
Nothing wrong with an optimistic message from a leader....
Except when it ignores reality. I feel like him saying we'll be looking better in 3 weeks is to some degree propaganda. Remember how we were in a trade war with China not too long ago? See China opening back up? I feel like that's what could be going on. We have to just see where we are in a couple weeks honestly. Until we turn the corner on case rises we have to hope governors do the right thing unlike here in GA.
It's amazing how people believe every article of the MSM without digging to see what the actual truth is. They read one article about Trump not listening to Dr Fauci by the NYT or similar outlet and run with it and criticize Trump. As a good example, here is the actual truth from Dr. Fauci himself. @GaWx I think you will find this interview with Dr. Fauci interesting.

Here are some highlights tweeted by WMAL host Vince Congalese (the discussion of conflict with Trump starts at 6:00 in the audio).

DR. FAUCI: “No, I don’t consider the balancing act… the president has the awesome responsibility of considering every aspect of this. I just give public health advice completely clean, unconnected with anything else. He has to factor in other things.
* * *
FAUCI: “…under very intense discussion. What the president is trying to do is balance the public health issues with the fact this is having an enormous impact on the economy of the country which may actually, indirectly, cause an incredible amount of harm… even health wise.”
* * *
DR. FAUCI says media is trying to “pit” him against

“That is really unfortunate. I would wish that that would stop. … there are not differences. The president has listened to what I have said…
The idea of pitting one against the other is just not helpful.”
And here is a tweet with part of the audio from the interview. Dr. Fauci himself has said Trump has listened to everything he has said and has NOT overridden him. Let's stop blindly following the MSM and go to the sources themselves to see what the truth actually is. JMO.

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