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Political Thread

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Well considering congress can’t get the stimulus bill approved to do some of the stuff you mentioned, like the checks for Americans, not sure we can count on that as a viable option unfortunately.
Congress and senate would have to agree to pull that off. Good luck with that my 5yr old would be easier to negotiate with then Congress and senate

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Agreed, Congress needs to get it together. I will say though, I'm not in favor of airline bailouts...
Do me a favor. Find an old couple preferably married for 50+ years. Tell them you would like the economy to get back on track and that in order to do that they need to suck it up and risk everything for the STOCK market.

After one of them succumbs to the virus look the surviving one in the face and say "thanks for your sacrifice I just bought a new 60 inch TV"

Some of yall disappoint me.

Even better; look the couple in the face and explain to them why their Son/Daughter and grand children have all just died in a fire while trying to warm their house because their Son/Daughter lost their job and haven't been able to pay the utilities. And then tell that same couple because they didn't listen and adhere to social distancing and insisted on having their Son/Daughter and grand children around them before the highly at-risk population was given the green light to mingle one of them now has the virus and will die.

This is all a bunch of b.s.; trying to put blame for even one death depending on which decision is made.

Why don't we just ban alchohol completely given the extreme toll it takes on life every single day of every single year?

Why don't we ban abortion; it kills millions of lives every single year?
The chance of an outbreak re-emerging w/ a potentially more virulent mutated strain of the coronavirus in the fall if we lift restrictions too early is deeply concerning to me.

So there will be a vaccine by fall if we continue with restrictions for at least another month or more? And if we lift those restrictions the virus will mutate; got it. So there's no chance of it mutating after the vaccine is developed and the entire population of the US is inoculated and we make sure we keep our borders closed or make sure we check every single person entering the country to ensure they don't have the virus. Got it.

Any infectious disease experts on here want to weigh in?

..... crickets....

Oh that's right; they're all busy trying to solve the problem and don't have time to post drivel..
So there will be a vaccine by fall if we continue with restrictions for at least another month or more? And if we lift those restrictions the virus will mutate; got it. So there's no chance of it mutating after the vaccine is developed and the entire population of the US is inoculated and we make sure we keep our borders closed or make sure we check every single person entering the country to ensure they don't have the virus. Got it.

Any infectious disease experts on here want to weigh in?

..... crickets....

Oh that's right; they're all busy trying to solve the problem and don't have time to post drivel..

Even @Jon who's the closest thing to a qualified medical expert on this virus we have on this forum, has mentioned the very real possibility of new strains emerging in the fall multiple times in fact, it's far from being drivel as you've blindly asserted.

Yeah. I’m more concerned about a more severe outbreak next fall. Here are the scenarios:
- No vaccine
- vaccine made but it’s not ready in time (we need two weeks to build immunity to a vaccine, so timing will be important)
- vaccine is made and on time (highly unlikely), but is a poor match (in general, flu shots are 50% effective when we are talking best-case scenario)"


"Yeah I agree I don’t think it will die off, it will definitely pick back up by fall and by then we’d really need a vaccine."

This guy and Hillary were the best America could put up in 2016. So not ok
Do you really think he and now Cuomo are going to actually risk hundreds of thousands of American lives without understanding the ramifications of such a move? Im sure I know your answer but at some point you have to start using some common sense
Do you really think he and now Cuomo are going to actually risk hundreds of thousands of American lives without understanding the ramifications of such a move? Im sure I know your answer but at some point you have to start using some common sense

I dont know what to expect from piss poor narcissistic leadership.
I know everybody has an opinion but what the hell would you really know about leadership? Especially involving something like this. You have pre-programmed yourself to hate anything he says or does so I guess its to be expected

If I need a ride to work and someone offers me that ride but fails to show up 3 days in a row I am within reason to conclude the person isnt trustworthy.

Donald trump has proven time after time that he acts in his own best interest over and over. It is within reason to believe he will do the same here.

This is donald trumps fault for not being trustworthy. You are blinded by trump love and that's ok. We all have rights to have our opinions .
Yeah at this point if you have to pick a direction to go in go total lockdown.....Trump NEEDS the economy to recover, he NEEDS the stock market to bounce back, because without them he is not going to even have a chance at winning in Nov.....so as usual Trump is listening to the advisors that tell him what he WANTS to hear and ignores the ones he should be listening too.....Trump is not capable of making decisions that are the best for everyone as he looks at things from a me first perspective always....so all you grandparents out there sorry you have to die so your grandkids can have a good economy.....

The crazy part is that if we stuck to the plan and even went total lockdown for a 2-3 week period it would actually make it better faster...we would be coming out of it with a better handle on the drug cocktails after they had been tested better, the number of cases would hopefully be flattened leveled off, the death rate would be lower, etc etc, this would ultimately be better for the economy as it would give a better sense of stability. The sign of a effective leader is making the call and then sticking with it, Trump should not even have mentioned anything about letting up till the end of the 15 day plan....i

If I need a ride to work and someone offers me that ride but fails to show up 3 days in a row I am within reason to conclude the person isnt trustworthy.

Donald trump has proven time after time that he acts in his own best interest over and over. It is within reason to believe he will do the same here.

This is donald trumps fault for not being trustworthy. You are blinded by trump love and that's ok. We all have rights to have our opinions .
No sir. I am blinded by the love for my COUNTRY! Always have and always will. I spilled blood and tears for her. ALL politicians act in their own best interest. Some just choose to include their fellow countrymen which is the case with your current president!

It will be interesting to see if those polls change over the coming weeks.

This quote is from the article I posted.

Karlyn Bowman, public opinion analyst and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, says the poll could be reflecting the "rally-round effect."

"Publics tend to rally around their presidents in time of national emergency, and it's something we've observed in many situations," Bowman told The Hill.

And then we have this article.

Trump has seen an uptick in his approval rating over the past two weeks, even as the daily White House briefings have had a circus-like atmosphere and the president’s claims have been picked apart.

He is really not alone.

Cuomo is being taken way out of context here. Unlike what Trump said, Cuomo last night (I saw his interview) also qualified that we can’t keep it closed forever (which we all agree with) with the idea that getting the virus under control was first priority BEFORE considering opening things back up. He explicitly emphasized the value of human lives as being first and foremost. He most certainly is still looking at this similarly to before (get virus under control before opening back up) and not at all similar to what Trump said yesterday.

Lumping Cuomo with Trump (saying Trump is not alone) here is flat out deceptive and inaccurate!
In regards to opening everything back up and letting the economy run at the end of the 15 day period.

We haven't even closed it yet. We don't even have full testing capabilities yet.

Great Britain just shut down their entire country. Several others have as well. Wuhan is still locked down.

Hate to break it to people but this is just the beginning. The Trump 'base' has mostly not felt real significant pain from this yet. Look at most of the flyover states that vote Red and the majority of the Southeast. They have very few cases when compared to some of the larger coastal cities.

If you open everything before we get caught up with testing, and get some actual clinical trial results from treatment, all you are going to see on TV is nurses and doctors begging people to stay home as hospitals become overrun. I hate to think that is what it's going to take before some Americans, who feel so entitled that this can't to happen us, finally wake up.

I'll try to leave on a positive note. Here is another possible treatment that is effective in treating Covid-19.

Even @Jon who's the closest thing to a qualified medical expert on this virus we have on this forum, has mentioned the very real possibility of new strains emerging in the fall multiple times in fact, it's far from being drivel as you've blindly asserted.

Yeah. I’m more concerned about a more severe outbreak next fall. Here are the scenarios:
- No vaccine
- vaccine made but it’s not ready in time (we need two weeks to build immunity to a vaccine, so timing will be important)
- vaccine is made and on time (highly unlikely), but is a poor match (in general, flu shots are 50% effective when we are talking best-case scenario)"


"Yeah I agree I don’t think it will die off, it will definitely pick back up by fall and by then we’d really need a vaccine."


It will come back, but what is now an additional question is how much herd immunity will we have?

There’s experts who believe this will behave like other coronaviruses and once you get it you build immunity for good. Even if that’s not the case, we will have some kind of baseline herd immunity before fall (we had zero herd immunity against this in Jan)

So it point-of-care antibody testing gets here quickly, to everyone, we can get immune people back to the workplace. A way of screening the immune.
It will be interesting to see if those polls change over the coming weeks.

This quote is from the article I posted.

And then we have this article.

Definitely will be, it depends on the fallout from this virus and how trump continues to handle this crisis going forward. Just when you thought the 2 candidates for a presidential election couldn't get any worse than 2016, it looks like 2020 will likely have it beat by a country mile. We have a narcissistic orangutan going up against a senile pedophile, pick your poison!
Definitely will be, it depends on the fallout from this virus and how trump continues to handle this crisis going forward. Just when you thought the 2 candidates for a presidential election couldn't get any worse than 2016, it looks like 2020 will likely have it beat by a country mile. We have a narcissistic orangutan going up against a senile pedophile, pick your poison!

It’s the way of the world. Unfortunately and eventually it will bring in the one that gets us.
Definitely will be, it depends on the fallout from this virus and how trump continues to handle this crisis going forward. Just when you thought the 2 candidates for a presidential election couldn't get any worse than 2016, it looks like 2020 will likely have it beat by a country mile. We have a narcissistic orangutan going up against a senile pedophile, pick your poison!

As much as I have criticized Trump for earlier downplaying the virus despite his excellent move to close travel from China and am now critiquing him considering opening things back up way too early, and as much as I’ve said I like Biden in general way more than Trump as a potential unifier, I do agree that I don’t know if Biden would have handled this any better due to his advancing age/not being anywhere near his peak. If I had my druthers, I’d easily take someone like Governor Kasich over either one. Heck, I’d much rather have Gov Cuomo handling the virus, itself, as Pres vs Trump or Biden.
Cuomo is being taken way out of context here. Unlike what Trump said, Cuomo last night (I saw his interview) also qualified that we can’t keep it closed forever (which we all agree with) with the idea that getting the virus under control was first priority BEFORE considering opening things back up. He explicitly emphasized the value of human lives as being first and foremost. He most certainly is still looking at this similarly to before (get virus under control before opening back up) and not at all similar to what Trump said yesterday.

Lumping Cuomo with Trump (saying Trump is not alone) here is flat out deceptive and inaccurate!
Yeah because trump is NEVER taken out of context! Im pretty sure Donald Trumps intentions are to get the virus under control. I know some of you refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt which is exactly what you are doing here. To be sure you understand his gamesmanship with congress by now?
As much as I have criticized Trump for earlier downplaying the virus despite his excellent move to close travel from China and am now critiquing him considering opening things back up way too early, and as much as I’ve said I like Biden in general way more than Trump as a potential unifier, I do agree that I don’t know if Biden would have handled this any better due to his advancing age/not being anywhere near his peak. If I had my druthers, I’d easily take someone like Governor Kasich over either one. Heck, I’d much rather have Gov Cuomo handling the virus, itself, as Pres vs Trump or Biden.

I completely agree with you here wrt Biden vs Trump, Cuomo is a bit of a control freak and that's playing to his advantage during this crisis.
Cuomo is being taken way out of context here. Unlike what Trump said, Cuomo last night (I saw his interview) also qualified that we can’t keep it closed forever (which we all agree with) with the idea that getting the virus under control was first priority BEFORE considering opening things back up. He explicitly emphasized the value of human lives as being first and foremost. He most certainly is still looking at this similarly to before (get virus under control before opening back up) and not at all similar to what Trump said yesterday.

Lumping Cuomo with Trump (saying Trump is not alone) here is flat out deceptive and inaccurate!

I don’t think it’s inaccurate at all or out of context.

Asked about Trump's remarks, Cuomo said "you have to walk and chew gum in life," adding that no executive has the "luxury of being one-dimensional."

Sounds to me they are closer to Trump than you want to admit. Possibly sending the young out to work and keeping the older home which you could argue that is exactly what Trump is saying.

In regards to opening everything back up and letting the economy run at the end of the 15 day period.

We haven't even closed it yet. We don't even have full testing capabilities yet.

Great Britain just shut down their entire country. Several others have as well. Wuhan is still locked down.

Hate to break it to people but this is just the beginning. The Trump 'base' has mostly not felt real significant pain from this yet. Look at most of the flyover states that vote Red and the majority of the Southeast. They have very few cases when compared to some of the larger coastal cities.

If you open everything before we get caught up with testing, and get some actual clinical trial results from treatment, all you are going to see on TV is nurses and doctors begging people to stay home as hospitals become overrun. I hate to think that is what it's going to take before some Americans, who feel so entitled that this can't to happen us, finally wake up.

I'll try to leave on a positive note. Here is another possible treatment that is effective in treating Covid-19.

Could be the "Trump Base" you mention has enough common sense to stay at home and wash our hands! Just a thought.....Looks to me like the blue areas are the folks that cant seem to take a hint.
I don’t think it’s inaccurate at all or out of context.

Sounds to me they are closer to Trump than you want to admit. Possibly sending the young out to work and keeping the older home which you could argue that is exactly what Trump is saying.

Except it's not at all what Trump said at the press conference yesterday. The two really aren't close. (at least not today)
I don’t think it’s inaccurate at all or out of context.

Sounds to me they are closer to Trump than you want to admit. Possibly sending the young out to work and keeping the older home which you could argue that is exactly what Trump is saying.

For instance if Trump’s team was exploring this, he would be accused of putting money over life. Which he has been.

Cuomo's financial advisors will explore the economic strategy put forth by Dr. David L. Katz, founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, that calls for isolating only those most vulnerable to COVID-19.

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Katz argued the "herd immunity" approach — relying on those with robust immune systems to act as "dead ends" for the virus — would provide protection to those more vulnerable while lessening the financial cost of a complete economic halt.

"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself." Katz wrote

I really don’t like defending Trump and the dumb things he says, but let’s be consistent.
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Except it's not at all what Trump said at the press conference yesterday. The two really aren't close. (at least not today)

Listening to Trump supporters on both talk radio and an account I heard this morning, this is what they are believing. We will just have to wait and see what his plan actually is.
Not sure how accurate this is (saw on fb) so take with grain if salt.

Before you get pissed that Democrats block the bill in the Senate, here are some quick facts for you.

1. The checks were going to be determined by 2018 taxes. So if you are in a different situation today than 2018, that wasn’t going to be considered. If for some reason you didn’t file taxes in 2018, you weren’t getting anything.

2. The bill called for one check to be sent. The same amount to everyone. Didn’t matter where you live, the cost of living, etc.

3. To be eligible for the one time check of 1200, you had to make 23K(single) 47K (couple) in 2018. If you made less that that, you receive 600. The poorest of our citizens would receive very little.

4. Likewise, if you made 100K or more in 2018 but you are now out of work or making less money, for any reason, you receive nothing.

5. There was a 500billion out for large corporations that just received a huge tax cut. There was little to no oversite for this money. These companies could receive this money and give no guarantee that they wouldn’t lay off employees. It was a tax payer bail out with no over site that it would benefit tax payers.

6. Mnuchin was to be given total oversite of which corporations received this money and wouldn’t get required to name the corporations or how much they received for 6 months.

7. Meanwhile, small business owners would be offered to take a loan from the government to pay their employees. A LOAN while the wealthiest corporations receive a check.

8. No money to help out state governments

9. No additional money for SNAP

10. No funds to help uninsured

There’s many more issues but it all boils down to the fact that the bill didn’t help those who need it most.

The bill was written last night by Senate Republicans and no Democrats. There was nothing bipartisan about this bill.
I don’t think it’s inaccurate at all or out of context.

Sounds to me they are closer to Trump than you want to admit. Possibly sending the young out to work and keeping the older home which you could argue that is exactly what Trump is saying.

Here is a quote from last night’s Cuomo interview that I saw:

“This is New York and we're with the home of so much of this. So coming up with the plan to restart the economy is very important,” the governor said. “But this, you don't want to -- it's a false choice to say public health or restart the economy. Nobody's going to make that choice, and by the way, if you have to make that choice, it's public health. Because you cannot put a value on a human life.”

So, as I said, he’s still clearly putting health/value of a human life over the value of restarting the economy. Trump didn’t at all say it this way. I maintain that they were still miles apart with their comments yesterday. Cuomo maintained his compassionate view of human lives/health as first and foremost vs Trump very coldly asking if the cure is worse than the disease, mirroring what Fox News host Steve Hilton had coldly just said the prior evening.
Here is a quote from last night’s Cuomo interview that I saw:

“This is New York and we're with the home of so much of this. So coming up with the plan to restart the economy is very important,” the governor said. “But this, you don't want to -- it's a false choice to say public health or restart the economy. Nobody's going to make that choice, and by the way, if you have to make that choice, it's public health. Because you cannot put a value on a human life.”

So, as I said, he’s still clearly putting health/value of a human life over the value of restarting the economy. Trump didn’t at all say it this way. I maintain that they were still miles apart with their comments yesterday. Cuomo maintained his compassionate view of human lives/health as first and foremost vs Trump very coldly asking if the cure is worse than the disease, mirroring what Fox News host Steve Hilton had coldly just said the prior evening.
Partner you should now by now that Trump is a horrible, horrible speaker 90% of the time. I know he didn't say it but come on. You have to know they are both thinking along the same lines. I mean some of this is just getting ridiculous and you seem to be a pretty level headed guy. You cant honestly believe he is putting money ahead of human life.....
Partner you should now by now that Trump is a horrible, horrible speaker 90% of the time. I know he didn't say it but come on. You have to know they are both thinking along the same lines. I mean some of this is just getting ridiculous and you seem to be a pretty level headed guy. You cant honestly believe he is putting money ahead of human life.....

Trump flat out said he didn't want a boat with sick people to dock because it would add to the numbers and make it look bad.

I have to wonder if he would put money before people. I shouldnt have to wonder.
Partner you should now by now that Trump is a horrible, horrible speaker 90% of the time. I know he didn't say it but come on. You have to know they are both thinking along the same lines. I mean some of this is just getting ridiculous and you seem to be a pretty level headed guy. You cant honestly believe he is putting money ahead of human life.....

I hope you’re right!
Leave out the pork and just pass a bill already, it's not difficult....

Yeah, it is bigtime pork filled and I showed my disappointment for it here yesterday. However, there’s one piece of pork in there that I’d bet many conservatives here secretly like: the 33.2M for new NOAA facilities. Would you honestly be against that in itself if that were the only pork in it?
Here is a quote from last night’s Cuomo interview that I saw:

“This is New York and we're with the home of so much of this. So coming up with the plan to restart the economy is very important,” the governor said. “But this, you don't want to -- it's a false choice to say public health or restart the economy. Nobody's going to make that choice, and by the way, if you have to make that choice, it's public health. Because you cannot put a value on a human life.”

So, as I said, he’s still clearly putting health/value of a human life over the value of restarting the economy. Trump didn’t at all say it this way. I maintain that they were still miles apart with their comments yesterday. Cuomo maintained his compassionate view of human lives/health as first and foremost vs Trump very coldly asking if the cure is worse than the disease, mirroring what Fox News host Steve Hilton had coldly just said the prior evening.

But his team(according to that article) are looking at possibly letting the able go back to work because of the article that said “"I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near total meltdown of normal life ... [will be] possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself."”

I could give a flying flip about which one “sounded” compassionate or cold because that completely goes along the lines of who you like or don’t like. Besides politicians have sounded compassionate and the stabbed you in the back and others have sounded cold and succeeded.
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