I thought republicans were supposed to be pro-life. Guess not
They have an advisor and it's not in high risk, problem is everything is down these days. I don't know all the details, he's a stubborn buzzard.
I thought republicans were supposed to be pro-life. Guess not
Look at it this way. A couple saved up and worked hard and had 500k in the stock market to live off for the next 20 years. Now a crash comes and their savings is worth 250k and they have no idea how much further it’ll go down. That will cause a ton of fear and worry for any elderly couple... and I know quite a few in this exact boat who would prefer the economy get back up and running vs the anxiety/fear that comes with seeing their investments cut in half in a few weeks.
Dr Fauci absence was questioned he does not agree with Trump so no surprise we didn't see him out there tonight...."he was busy doing other meetings"....
Trump said Fauci was at a task force meeting during the press briefing.
“He’s a good man. I like Dr. Fauci,” Trump said. “He’s not here because we weren’t discussing” issues that he is best at addressing, the president said.
Asked if Fauci agreed with Trump on the need to ease some of the travel and social distancing restrictions as a way to revive the economy, Trump said: "He doesn't not agree."
I’d love just to ----- take a break.I’d love just to have Fauci at the next one and Trump take a break.
Look I get what you're saying but part of my point was, for my parents, it isnt about them. For many in their situation it isn't, it isnt selfishness or greed on their part, its they are doing this for the next generation. So yeah not wise investment decisions, not everybody has that knowledge but it was more about the selfless act.This is similar to the other post and it's hard not come across as critical but anyone even remotely close to retirement should not be 100% exposed to risk. If they were 60 and had 60% of their money protected against loss that would be 300,000 safe. The other 40% is 200,000 and it has only experienced 30% losses, or 60,000. So a risk tested and age appropriate portfolio that was 500k would be worth 440k now.
Again, there are bad FA'S and there is greed for gain on both sides. If someone was 100% chasing returns then it's kind of on them, isn't it? We were in the longest bull market since before WWII. It wasn't going to last forever Covid-19 or not.
Trump is so full of poop. What the heck is Trump saying here? I bet Fauci is furious with Trump right now. You could see it in Fauci’s expressions when he was standing behind Trump in the prior N.C. they were both at. Trump is such a jackass that it wouldn’t shock me if he decides to try to open things up early just to spite Fauci.
Typical over exaggeration, good grief nobody wants grandparents to dieYeah at this point if you have to pick a direction to go in go total lockdown.....Trump NEEDS the economy to recover, he NEEDS the stock market to bounce back, because without them he is not going to even have a chance at winning in Nov.....so as usual Trump is listening to the advisors that tell him what he WANTS to hear and ignores the ones he should be listening too.....Trump is not capable of making decisions that are the best for everyone as he looks at things from a me first perspective always....so all you grandparents out there sorry you have to die so your grandkids can have a good economy.....
The crazy part is that if we stuck to the plan and even went total lockdown for a 2-3 week period it would actually make it better faster...we would be coming out of it with a better handle on the drug cocktails after they had been tested better, the number of cases would hopefully be flattened leveled off, the death rate would be lower, etc etc, this would ultimately be better for the economy as it would give a better sense of stability. The sign of a effective leader is making the call and then sticking with it, Trump should not even have mentioned anything about letting up till the end of the 15 day plan....i
Umm tell that to the republican lieutenant governor of TexasTypical over exaggeration, good grief nobody wants grandparents to die
I see why they might not agree on things...
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It's always a conspiracy to get trump. Nobody needs to get trump because trump does it all to himself.
I see why they might not agree on things...
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I didn’t know that. Yep, Trump is such a teeny, weeny,that I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s having an effect on their relationship despite Fauci being about the most knowledgeable and experienced US epidemiologist.
This harkens back to my earlier point wrt Trump and many conservatives prioritizing the economy over actual lives. Many are only concerned about their check books in the immediate term and fail to see the bigger picture and disastrous consequences that come with the other alternative of keeping the economy open and overloading the health care system beyond repair and having basically everyone requiring ICU and those needing immediate treatment for ailments that have absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus potentially perish because they can’t get the medical treatment they need right away.
The economy can’t be kept down for months and months without a total collapse of everything and anarchy happening. We can’t simply close the economy until this virus disappears or a vaccine comes along in 12-18 months. I’m okay with a short term shutdown for a month or two, assuming we can get this stimulus stuff passed, but longer than that is a tough call imo. You either keep the economy closed for a month or two to flatten the curve and then open it up or keep it closed indefinitely hoping for a vaccine and risk total collapse of everything as we know it. Human suffering isn’t just lives lost to a virus, it’s a lot more than that. It’s people filled with anxiety, fear, depression, increased suicides, losing everything they have, etc that also has to be looked at too. It’s not an easy decision and honestly something that most people have never seen in their lifetime so choosing the best path forward and taking the loss of life vs these other factors into account is a tough task.
The economy can’t be kept down for months and months without a total collapse of everything and anarchy happening. We can’t simply close the economy until this virus disappears or a vaccine comes along in 12-18 months. I’m okay with a short term shutdown for a month or two, assuming we can get this stimulus stuff passed, but longer than that is a tough call imo. You either keep the economy closed for a month or two to flatten the curve and then open it up or keep it closed indefinitely hoping for a vaccine and risk total collapse of everything as we know it. Human suffering isn’t just lives lost to a virus, it’s a lot more than that. It’s people filled with anxiety, fear, depression, increased suicides, losing everything they have, etc that also has to be looked at too. It’s not an easy decision and honestly something that most people have never seen in their lifetime so choosing the best path forward and taking the loss of life vs these other factors into account is a tough task.
There's a pretty huge difference between shutting everything down for just a few weeks as Trump suggests vs a few months as you & I are supporting. Opening the economy back up too early and allowing the virus to spread yet again opens the door for mutations and deadlier, more virulent strains to emerge.
There's a pretty huge difference between shutting everything down for just a few weeks as Trump suggests vs a few months as you & I are supporting. Opening the economy back up too early and allowing the virus to spread yet again opens the door for mutations and deadlier, more virulent strains to emerge.
And as a result also arguably cause a more negative effect on the economy from a cumulative standpoint than would have been the case with a shortened period of restrictions! So, shortening it too much could end up causing a lose lose situation.
And to @snowlover91 , we’re not far apart as I’m thinking likely no more than a few months (til around May or June perhaps). But Trump is talking like it could be only til early to mid April.
Overtime hurd immunity will take over I hope
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Ask Iran how that's going.
But if we shut it down through May or June, things slowly get back to normal for a month and then wave 2 hits what do we do then? Shut it all down for 2 more months or longer?
Ask Iran how that's going.
1. Hopefully by then the drug cocktail will be approved.
2. It would hopefully still flatten the curve/spread out the infections.
3. Wild card: Could the infection rate be helped by getting into summer?
Freeze mortgage, rent, utilities, etc. Send $1k-2k a month to every American. Wait a few months, curve will flatten. Sure, the economy will take a hit, but it'll bounce back, just take a look at history. Are we really going to go down the road of "money now">"greater good of USA" again?I do understand where Trumps coming from. We can’t keep people out of work for months. People will lose there homes and go hungry. Is that really ok? I don’t want 100,000 people dead either but I also don’t want people losing jobs and homes.
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1. Hopefully by then the drug cocktail will be approved.
2. It would hopefully still flatten the curve/spread out the infections.
3. Wild card: Could the infection rate be helped by getting into summer?
Freeze mortgage, rent, utilities, etc. Send $1k-2k a month to every American. Wait a few months, curve will flatten. Sure, the economy will take a hit, but it'll bounce back, just take a look at history. Are we really going to go down the road of "money now">"greater good of USA" again?
Freeze mortgage, rent, utilities, etc. Send $1k-2k a month to every American. Wait a few months, curve will flatten. Sure, the economy will take a hit, but it'll bounce back, just take a look at history. Are we really going to go down the road of "money now">"greater good of USA" again?