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Political Thread

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In the words of that famous statesman Rodney King "can we all just get along". I realize this is an empty hope but I had to try it anyway. Except for Forsyth Snow, very little seeing both sides of the issue here but I guess that is politics for you! Those that hate Trump will continue to call him names and those that think he NEVER does anything wrong will defend him. Believe it or not, it is possible for there to be some who believe that, like all humans, he makes mistakes and also possible to see he has done a lot of good things along the way. One thing I can't understand is why anyone would vote for Joe Biden thinking he would be an effective leader who would "unite" us. Just for the record, I did not vote for neither Trump or Hillary but do think Trump was the better of 2 bad choices in retrospect
Speaking for myself, I am fully aware Donald Trump has many, many faults. I don't agree with everything he does. I was taught during my service to question EVERYTHING but I am not an individual that dwell on the negative. Negativity is one of the deadly sins gets you killed in combat. I guess I have carried that over to civilian life.....It takes more energy to be negative than positive. I can assure you of that. In the teams we call it a "staff infection"
“When you have 15 people and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to ZERO...uh...that’s a pretty good job...”.

That's the original 15 people taken in from Japan the he was referring to. His response is that would be better in 15 days. That's not exactly misinformation man. Pretty nit picky if you ask me

Also, Trump told this bold faced lie yesterday: “This was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to this country.”

This is FALSE! In fact, Obama literally left behind a pandemic “playbook” with recommendations on how to handle a pandemic OMG.

Did he leave one behind for the rest of the world to follow too? yeah that's what I thought. Apparently he didn't leave behind enough equipment to handle such a pandemic with the rule book.

Find something with a little more substance or YES you are pretty much wasting all of us "ignorant" people's time

As I suspected, I’m wasting my time in pointing out anything negative about how Trump has handled the pandemic, which he kept denying was going to be a big deal in the US so as to prop up the stock market until it had already become a big deal in the US and he no longer could deny the seriousness of it.

1. I can’t believe I have to explain this to the Trump supporters that Trump saying that “in a couple of days” (not in 15 days as Sandbar misquoted by the way but that’s beside the point) that “close to ZERO” would be infected was severely downplaying this already serious situation to keep the stock market from dropping. And why was he patting himself on the back about it being a “pretty good job” that it would be “close to zero” in a couple of days before it even happened (and of course it didn’t happen)?

2. Trump has actually bashed Obama about his handling of a pandemic when Trump ironically discarded Obama’s pandemic playbook! Trump saying nobody thought this could happen to the US is a bold-faced lie, folks.

As usual, the election results will be dependent on the moderates, swing voters, and independents like myself.
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For the record.
None of the Trump family business, hotels are in any way shape form eligible or taking any money,loans from the corono Aid package.

Please by all means tell what the appropriate way to handle a global pandemic is in the early stages? Lets here it from a monday morning qb's stance. I heard hoards of people from the media to so called leaders in New York city telling people this was no big deal as the president was putting in travel restrictions (the same restrictions Dr Fauci admitted saved lives). I fondly remember Trump actually being blasted for it by the same people! Delayed? That is pure BS and tou know it. The fact is NOBODY was prepared for this in any way, shape or form because their is no way to be PERIOD! I did take a swipe at Cooper for being indecicive of which I actually admitted I was wrong for doing. I dont find being pissed at people in this position a wise thing which is why I dont participate in the constant bitching at Trump ritual. I have a lot more respect for leadership than most if you.

What will they be saying about The Uncle Don Cocktail. Kudos to Trump for seeing that french research and pushing this ,real time in the US. Had a lot of NyC patients doing real time testing with this since Tuesday. Fingers crossed the results look as good as they have every where else.

I still prefer to not ever to have to rely on it and avoid the Wuhan virus myself.
For the record.
None of the Trump family business, hotels are in any way shape form eligible or taking any money,loans from the corono Aid package.

What will they be saying about The Uncle Don Cocktail. Kudos to Trump for seeing that french research and pushing this ,real time in the US. Had a lot of NyC patients doing real time testing with this since Tuesday. Fingers crossed the results look as good as they have every where else.

I still prefer to not ever to have to rely on it and avoid the Wuhan virus myself.

1. Trump is liable to result in many more killed due to his downplaying the pandemic vs the number saved due to the cocktail. Without Trump downplaying it, there’d be far fewer needing the cocktail to save their lives in the first place.

2. Why are you calling it the “Uncle Don Cocktail”? What does Trump, himself, have to do with it? Are you saying it wouldn’t be an option if Trump wasn’t President? If so, based on what?

3. I’m wasting my time.
Im sorry but to even suggest he is putting the economy ahead of protecting people is friggin disgusting! We cant shut the world down for months over a virus that to me is being handled the best we can. People have to work. I don't understand why some of you folks cant understand that simple concept
Spot on. Exactly what I have been trying to say. Numbers today are 86k + cases confirmed which we all know it’s much much more have it. A little over 1300 deaths. Yes it’s sad any death and this number will go up but predictions of 100k to 500k to 2m deaths seems to be way overinflated. If Easter comes and it’s still low on deaths I say open up like the plan Trump come up with. I believe e media inflated this virus. Also it’s going to come back until there is a vaccine. We can not shut down every time it comes around. The headline we now have more cases than any country is ridiculous. China never gave real numbers. To me the media blasting this headline leads to more panic. Even gov of NY is now realizing shutting down his economy was not a good idea. More homelessness and poverty and more crime. Again I am not saying those that have lost loved ones is not sad. It truly is.
Response to Gawx.

Im saying Uncle Don has replaced uncle Sam. The Gravy Train has left the station. Yall where hammering him for even mentioning it with optimissum last week lol.
Its gotten comical watching the left fall all over their self once again, just like the fabricated past 2 coupe attempts. Along comes this crisis and its onvious as day all the keft is doing is playing the I gotcha card, using this to win an election at whatever the cost may be. Your media outlets, cbs,nbc,abc,msnbc,cnn want even cover the daily briefing, question an answer conferences anymore because yall think its contributing to over 60% of people approving of the job they are doing.
Folks are gonna vote Trump back in because they are fed up with the Democrat/Main Stream Media socialist agenda. Plain an simple. You guys are not gonna win an election runing on all those issues. You know your only hope to advance that is to destroy Trump.
While I am certain the numbers will increase, so far in NC we have 3 deaths from Covid-19 and 150 deaths from Type A flu. Not making an editorial comment here, just something I learned this morning for our information purposes.
A part of me wonders if the media has an agenda to try and get Trump out of office. I realize this virus is horrible but i believe the media has taken it to another level.
Response to Gawx.

Im saying Uncle Don has replaced uncle Sam. The Gravy Train has left the station. Yall where hammering him for even mentioning it with optimissum last week lol.
Its gotten comical watching the left fall all over their self once again, just like the fabricated past 2 coupe attempts. Along comes this crisis and its onvious as day all the keft is doing is playing the I gotcha card, using this to win an election at whatever the cost may be. Your media outlets, cbs,nbc,abc,msnbc,cnn want even cover the daily briefing, question an answer conferences anymore because yall think its contributing to over 60% of people approving of the job they are doing.
Folks are gonna vote Trump back in because they are fed up with the Democrat/Main Stream Media socialist agenda. Plain an simple. You guys are not gonna win an election runing on all those issues. You know your only hope to advance that is to destroy Trump.

For the umpteenth time, I’m a right of center independent. You keep implying I’m a lib Democrat. Nothing is further from the truth. There are plenty of non-libs who aren’t afraid to criticize Trump when they deem it appropriate. The fact that I’m not a lib makes my criticism more significant. The libs as a whole never were going to vote for Trump in the first place. But criticism from independents/moderates is very significant.
A part of me wonders if the media has an agenda to try and get Trump out of office. I realize this virus is horrible but i believe the media has taken it to another level.

I don’t wonder but rather KNOW that the vast majority of the MSM is biased because they want Trump out. However, Trump brings most of this on himself by his constant telling of lies, being inconsistent, his being a jackass, among other things. Trump is giving the anti-Trump media so much ammunition almost daily!
Also, the virus really is serious whether you believe it or not. The contagiousness as well as fatality rate is far beyond the typical flu. I can’t believe I have to say this.

My criticisms of Trump are based on my own brain considering everything rather than just being spoon fed what the anti-Trump media spews.
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I do think there's some truth into balancing the impact of taking an economic hit with what may happen with the virus. I however, don't think it's reasonable to take another step or broadcast the possibility of it until we see what happens as more people test positive for this virus and what happens to those that have tested positively recently. Do we actually see hospitals get overwhelmed outside of the areas with the highest population? That's one instance. So far, while we now have the most cases (which is not surprising because of the US population), it looks like it hasn't happened.

Like I wouldn't loosen restrictions around April 12th (if whether we're restricted or not on Easter does not matter a whole lot as some churches will ignore it and that seems like a recipe for major problems a few weeks later), but I would look at where we're at near the end of the 3rd full week from now. That would be about around April 17th. I would also hope that an open mind is shown there instead of trying to carry out what "I" want.

Realistically though, and I guess optimistically according to a chatroom, I'm hoping to start transitioning back to normal in about mid-May. That's close to when the CDC gatherings ban is up at least for now, but that idea gets totally trashed in that chatroom and some of them are saying we should lock up for the whole year because there's no way that we're going to be able to stop this enough to start transitioning to normal life.

@GaWx NCSNOW has been one of the people that I've seen say there's only black and white in politics in here while I've lurked (since I'd rather mostly not speak my mind). Just fwiw, but I know you don't agree, and I kind of think I don't either. It's kind of because I'm only really now starting to explore politics a little more.
As I suspected, I’m wasting my time in pointing out anything negative about how Trump has handled the pandemic, which he kept denying was going to be a big deal in the US so as to prop up the stock market until it had already become a big deal in the US and he no longer could deny the seriousness of it.

1. I can’t believe I have to explain this to the Trump supporters that Trump saying that “in a couple of days” (not in 15 days as Sandbar misquoted by the way but that’s beside the point) that “close to ZERO” would be infected was severely downplaying this already serious situation to keep the stock market from dropping. And why was he patting himself on the back about it being a “pretty good job” that it would be “close to zero” in a couple of days before it even happened (and of course it didn’t happen)?

2. Trump has actually bashed Obama about his handling of a pandemic when Trump ironically discarded Obama’s pandemic playbook! Trump saying nobody thought this could happen to the US is a bold-faced lie, folks.

As usual, the election results will be dependent on the moderates, swing voters, and independents like myself.
Well I will tell you the same thing I told Downeast. I'm tired of hearing about it. It is what it is. Time to move on in a positive direction. Trump sucks, I get it. I choose to keep eyes forward thinking about positive vibes with this. Vote how you want to vote. I highly doubt anybody is gonna change minds and I will continue to support the commander in chief
Spot on. Exactly what I have been trying to say. Numbers today are 86k + cases confirmed which we all know it’s much much more have it. A little over 1300 deaths. Yes it’s sad any death and this number will go up but predictions of 100k to 500k to 2m deaths seems to be way overinflated. If Easter comes and it’s still low on deaths I say open up like the plan Trump come up with. I believe e media inflated this virus. Also it’s going to come back until there is a vaccine. We can not shut down every time it comes around. The headline we now have more cases than any country is ridiculous. China never gave real numbers. To me the media blasting this headline leads to more panic. Even gov of NY is now realizing shutting down his economy was not a good idea. More homelessness and poverty and more crime. Again I am not saying those that have lost loved ones is not sad. It truly is.

Cant blame China for not reporting their numbers when we arent anymor either.
Do yourself a favor and stop asking people to defend the same BS over and over again. I think you are going to get the same response you got last time this was asked. Vote for Joe Biden....Its a good choice for you. After he says something stupid you will forget it and so will he!
Why is Biden a good choice for me? Why would I forgot something stupid that he said?
For the umpteenth time, I’m a right of center independent. You keep implying I’m a lib Democrat. Nothing is further from the truth. There are plenty of non-libs who aren’t afraid to criticize Trump when they deem it appropriate. The fact that I’m not a lib makes my criticism more significant. The libs as a whole never were going to vote for Trump in the first place. But criticism from independents/moderates is very significant.
Im not a fan of Trump the citizen, mannerism. But im a huge fan of Capitalism, conservatism, preserving the American Way of Life. "God,Family,Country".
How anyone who stands for that can go vote for Joe Biden whos 100% new green deal, globalist while claiming they are for America 1st,Capitilisim,good ole American values is beyond me. The man, much to my suprise flat out gets it done. Hes an outsider to the washington establishment who resides inside that beltway , on k street and control the media 99.9 %. .
To your credit you always label yourself conservative ,center. To me its black and white, no grey area at all. Ill take an inflated ego who passes laws and apoints conservative judges, knows how to get govt burreaucy out of the private sector way (red tape) so we the people can reach our potential.

I know 100% what trump is for and gonna do. He reminds me of Ronald Reagan and Jessie Helms. I knew where they stood and what they would fight for without comprising. Unlike the standard politician who says one thing and governs the exact opposite( McCain,Romney as an example). I despise that. Be you. Even Bernie ,im 180 degrees opposite of his views. But he is what he is. Not campaigning as something hes truly not.
For the umpteenth time, I’m a right of center independent. You keep implying I’m a lib Democrat. Nothing is further from the truth. There are plenty of non-libs who aren’t afraid to criticize Trump when they deem it appropriate. The fact that I’m not a lib makes my criticism more significant. The libs as a whole never were going to vote for Trump in the first place. But criticism from independents/moderates is very significant.
Which begs the question..do we have any uppity libs in here? ?
I don’t wonder but rather KNOW that the vast majority of the MSM is biased because they want Trump out. However, Trump brings most of this on himself by his constant telling of lies, being inconsistent, his being a jackass, among other things. Trump is giving the anti-Trump media so much ammunition almost daily!
Also, the virus really is serious whether you believe it or not. The contagiousness as well as fatality rate is far beyond the typical flu. I can’t believe I have to say this.

My criticisms of Trump are based on my own brain considering everything rather than just being spoon fed what the anti-Trump media spews.
I am sorry, but everything you have criticized him for, in the past, has come from our main-stream Democratic media. I begged you to listen to other world news outlets such as BBC or the Australian news outlets when it came to discerning the truth about the impeachment, but you refused to listen. Every country in the free world knew what the Dems were doing, but you could not, because you have a clear bias. You are never going to see the light. So, I am not even going to try any more. However, I will still gladly debate with you.
That dumb idiot that wanted an actual vote vs a voice vote stood no chance

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Regarding the MSM, they have proven themselves time and time again to be full of questionable sources, misleading statements and hype. The MSM hype about things was correctly addressed by Dr. Birx yesterday. This information she shares, potentially, could be why Trump and Cuomo are starting to shift their tone to a less worried one in recent days that seeks to restore the economy while doing so in a way that also balances an appropriate public health policy.

While Trump mentioned that new guidelines were under consideration, Dr. Deborah Birx indicated that models that were driving some of the initial decisions that were the basis for current 15-day guidance were not proving to be accurate.

I’m sure you have seen the recent report out of the U.K. about them adjusting completely their needs. This is really quite important. If you remember, that was the report that says there would be 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million deaths in the United States. They’ve adjusted that number in the U.K. to 20,000. Half a million to 20,000. We are looking at that in great detail to understand that adjustment.
I’m going to say something that is a little bit complicated but do it in a way we can understand it together. In the model, either you have to have a large group of people who a-asymptomatic, who never presented for any test to have the kind of numbers predicted. To get to 60 million people infected, you have to have a large group of asymptomatics.
We have not seen an attack rate over 1 in 1,000. So either we are measuring the iceberg and underneath it, are a large group of people. So we are working hard to get the antibody test and figure out who these people are and do they exist. Or we have the transmission completely wrong.

She noted the projections based on those models did not match the actual observations being recorded in South Korea, Italy or China. For example, Italy would be reporting 400,000 deaths if the predictive model was accurate. Italy’s currently reports 8,215 total deaths.

Thursday’s social media contained many worries about hospitals enacting “Do Not Resuscitate” orders because of the lack of equipment.

Hospitals on the front lines of the pandemic are engaged in a heated private debate over a calculation few have encountered in their lifetimes — how to weigh the “save at all costs” approach to resuscitating a dying patient against the real danger of exposing doctors and nurses to the contagion of coronavirus.
The conversations are driven by the realization that the risk to staff amid dwindling stores of protective equipment — such as masks, gowns and gloves — may be too great to justify the conventional response when a patient “codes,” and their heart or breathing stops.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago has been discussing a do-not-resuscitate policy for infected patients, regardless of the wishes of the patient or their family members — a wrenching decision to prioritize the lives of the many over the one.

Birx torched that notion while taking a scalpel to the media for its panic-based coverage of the pandemic.

We are reassured in meeting with our colleagues in New York that there are still I.C.U. Beds remaining and still significant — over 1,000 or 2,000 ventilators that have not been utilized.
Please for the reassurance of people around the world, to wake up this morning and look at people talking about creating DNR situations, Do Not Resuscitate situations for patients, there is no situation in the United States right now that warrants that kind of discussion. You can be thinking about it in the hospital.
Certainly, hospitals talk about this on a daily basis, but to say that to the American people and make the implication that when they need a hospital bed it’s not going to be there or a ventilator, it’s not going to be there, we don’t have evidence of that.

Finally, Birx stressed how important it was to give the proper assurances based on revised and more accurate projections.

It’s our job collectively to assure the American people, it’s our job to make sure that doesn’t happen. You can see the cases are concentrated in highly urban areas and there are other parts of the states that have lots of ventilators and other parts of New York state that don’t have any infected. We can meet the needs by being responsive.
There is no model right now — no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks.

Based on the data currently obtained from the massive testing effort now being conducted, researchers now suspect that the estimates of the virus’s transmissibility have increased, which indicates that many more people have already have been infected than is know. This data, in turn, implies the virus is less dangerous than initially feared.
Regarding the MSM, they have proven themselves time and time again to be full of questionable sources, misleading statements and hype. The MSM hype about things was correctly addressed by Dr. Birx yesterday. This information she shares, potentially, could be why Trump and Cuomo are starting to shift their tone to a less worried one in recent days that seeks to restore the economy while doing so in a way that also balances an appropriate public health policy.


Have you seen Fergusons response to the right wing media jumping on his downward shift? He has a full explanation and says those advancing it as he was "wrong" is bogus and that he shifted because of the lockdowns and reduction of cases spread.

EDIT for link:

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I really can't stand the "experts" who predict how many people could die. All it does is create more panic. I still can't get over someone saying over 2 million Americans could die. What a joke. Anyone who thought that had any chance of happening needs their heads examined.
I really can't stand the "experts" who predict how many people could die. All it does is create more panic. I still can't get over someone saying over 2 million Americans could die. What a joke. Anyone who thought that had any chance of happening needs their heads examined.
Oh there were quite a few here that actually did! Some probably do need an examination but I have a mild case of TBI so who am I to talk.....
I really can't stand the "experts" who predict how many people could die. All it does is create more panic. I still can't get over someone saying over 2 million Americans could die. What a joke. Anyone who thought that had any chance of happening needs their heads examined.

Yeah because you know viruses and other dangerous microbes aren't the biggest human killers over history :oops:
Can't be taxed if you're not earning anything because you get no hours due to your company having to cut them back in order to remain open. Lol whoever made that clearly has never heard of part time employees.

See my later post addressing just that problem
I think the South Carolina numbers are way way to low. Misleading the people I’m sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah because you know viruses and other dangerous microbes aren't the biggest human killers over history :oops:
In all fairness, we have cases of the Plague (almost wiped out mankind at one point) show up every once in a while, and it's not even worth mentioning anymore. Same goes for smallpox and polio. We are a much more knowledgeable population now.
Have you seen Fergusons response to the right wing media jumping on his downward shift? He has a full explanation and says those advancing it as he was "wrong" is bogus and that he shifted because of the lockdowns and reduction of cases spread.

EDIT for link:

Yes his explanation is bogus and there are lots of holes in it. "Ferguson gives the lockdown credit, which is *interesting* - the UK only began its lockdown 2 days ago, and the theory is that lockdowns take 2 weeks or more to work." Here was his initial prediction below vs his revised claim which seem to be vastly different.

"Finally, if the British government quickly went all-out to suppress viral spread — aiming to reverse epidemic growth and reduce the case load to a low level — then the number of dead in the country could drop to below 20,000. To do this, the researchers said, Britain would have to enforce social distancing for the entire population, isolate all cases, demand quarantines of entire households where anyone is sick, and close all schools and universities — and do this not for weeks but for 12 to 18 months, until a vaccine is available.
“We might be living in a very different world for a year or more,” Ferguson told reporters.

Fast forward to a week later, "He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower. Source
sure but to be arrogant enough to believe it can't happen or that a projection of 2.2 is crazy falls under that category of -------complacency kills
While you are going back to my awesome quotes, don't forget that "reality" plays a factor in EVERYTHING. Reality is often the difference between "panicking" and getting killed or being cool like fonzi and jumping through the fire unscathed
While you are going back to my awesome quotes, don't forget that "reality" plays a factor in EVERYTHING. Reality is often the difference between "panicking" and getting killed or being cool like fonzi and jumping through the fire unscathed

Fonzi jumped a shark dude get with the times please ;)
Yes his explanation is bogus and there are lots of holes in it. "Ferguson gives the lockdown credit, which is *interesting* - the UK only began its lockdown 2 days ago, and the theory is that lockdowns take 2 weeks or more to work." Here was his initial prediction below vs his revised claim which seem to be vastly different.

"Finally, if the British government quickly went all-out to suppress viral spread — aiming to reverse epidemic growth and reduce the case load to a low level — then the number of dead in the country could drop to below 20,000. To do this, the researchers said, Britain would have to enforce social distancing for the entire population, isolate all cases, demand quarantines of entire households where anyone is sick, and close all schools and universities — and do this not for weeks but for 12 to 18 months, until a vaccine is available.
“We might be living in a very different world for a year or more,” Ferguson told reporters.

Fast forward to a week later, "He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower. Source

All kinds of studies out there saying all kinds of different things

Which begs the question..do we have any uppity libs in here? ?

There are in this world plenty of uppity libs, uppity cons, uppity of any group you can name. No group comes close to cornering the market on being uppity/arrogant/looking down on others, etc.

There are plenty of uppity Trumpers. But also there were plenty of uppity Obamaers. Uppitiness is human nature that many (most?) have to fight against.
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