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Political Thread

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Tell me now why each of the 10 listed reasons is not valid.
Come on GaWx. Your an intelligent person. You can see through all this BS. The man is a bully, but most Americans like that because he is doing exactly what he said he would do... (Make America Great Again). Nobody can deny that. He may have put a little pressure on some foreign interests, but he is not guilty of any impeachable offence. The Dems have stretched this WAY out of proportion. This is purely partisan politics at its' best.... or should I say, at its' worst.
You don't need to be "socialist" to oppose Trump. I identify as more right-wing and I honestly believe our president is, and I'm saying this very nicely, very bad for this country. I can only hope for the Democrats to beat him this year so republicans can regroup and figure out that right-wing extremism WILL NOT get moderate votes. But unfortunately, while it is being debated that the Democrat party is broken, I actually think the Republican party is also not what it once was. It's either you follow Trump blindly, or you're a "hippie leftist anarchist LGBTQA+ socialist atheist who wants to take away our guns"

Also, raising the voting age to 35 is a bad move. This isn't a country just for 35+ year olds. If I'm old enough to pay taxes and join the military, I'm old enough to contribute to society and have a say over what happens in politics.
At 18 you're still not old enough to drink or buy tobacco. A 16 year old still has to pay taxes. What are you getting at? Raising the voting age may very well be a valid solution.
Come on GaWx. Your an intelligent person. You can see through all this BS. The man is a bully, but most Americans like that because he is doing exactly what he said he would do... (Make America Great Again). Nobody can deny that. He may have put a little pressure on some foreign interests, but he is not guilty of any impeachable offence. The Dems have stretched this WAY out of proportion. This is purely partisan politics at its' best.... or should I say, at its' worst.

1. Are you saying that being a bully is key to MAGA? I liked Reagan's approach to MAGA much more. He was tough/firm but classy and not a jackass. And funny too! My favorite POTUS of my lifetime by far.
2. Yes, of course, partisan politics (PP) is very much a factor. I hate PP. But referring to that is often used as a diversion tactic by many so they can avoid defending Trump against the accusations, themselves.
3. It isn't so much about putting pressure on a foreign country. It is about putting one's selfish interests ahead of the interests of the country he's the leader of (corruption). "This for that"/quid pro quo.
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1. Are you saying that being a bully is key to MAGA? I liked Reagan's approach to MAGA much more. He was tough/firm but classy and not a jackass. And funny too! My favorite POTUS of my lifetime by far.
2. Yes, of course, partisan politics (PP) is very much a factor. I hate PP. But referring to that is often used as a diversion tactic by many so they can avoid defending Trump against the accusations, themselves.
3. It isn't so much about putting pressure on a foreign country. It is about putting one's selfish interests ahead of the interests of the country (corruption). "This for that"/quid pro quo.
I'll agree with you on one thing, I miss Reagan
At 18 you're still not old enough to drink or buy tobacco. A 16 year old still has to pay taxes. What are you getting at? Raising the voting age may very well be a valid solution.
Or putting a cap on voting age can be argued. Why do old people get to decide the future?
You don't need to be "socialist" to oppose Trump. I identify as more right-wing and I honestly believe our president is, and I'm saying this very nicely, very bad for this country. I can only hope for the Democrats to beat him this year so republicans can regroup and figure out that right-wing extremism WILL NOT get moderate votes. But unfortunately, while it is being debated that the Democrat party is broken, I actually think the Republican party is also not what it once was. It's either you follow Trump blindly, or you're a "hippie leftist anarchist LGBTQA+ socialist atheist who wants to take away our guns"

Also, raising the voting age to 35 is a bad move. This isn't a country just for 35+ year olds. If I'm old enough to pay taxes and join the military, I'm old enough to contribute to society and have a say over what happens in politics.
Yet you are not old enough to say I want to buy cigarettes or alcohol
1. Are you saying that being a bully is key to MAGA? I liked Reagan's approach to MAGA much more. He was tough/firm but classy and not a jackass. And funny too! My favorite POTUS of my lifetime by far.
2. Yes, of course, partisan politics (PP) is very much a factor. I hate PP. But referring to that is often used as a diversion tactic by many so they can avoid defending Trump against the accusations, themselves.
3. It isn't so much about putting pressure on a foreign country. It is about putting one's selfish interests ahead of the interests of the country he's the leader of (corruption). "This for that"/quid pro quo.
I'll agree with you on one point. I was old enough to vote for Reagan..... and I proudly voted for him.
1. Are you saying that being a bully is key to MAGA? I liked Reagan's approach to MAGA much more. He was tough/firm but classy and not a jackass. And funny too! My favorite POTUS of my lifetime by far.
2. Yes, of course, partisan politics (PP) is very much a factor. I hate PP. But referring to that is often used as a diversion tactic by many so they can avoid defending Trump against the accusations, themselves.
3. It isn't so much about putting pressure on a foreign country. It is about putting one's selfish interests ahead of the interests of the country he's the leader of (corruption). "This for that"/quid pro quo.

Think about this. Is Schiff someone who has proven to be reliable, fair and thorough in this investigation? If the evidence he presented is so overwhelming, why are they asking the Senate to basically do what they should have done in the house? Also, if you believe his 10 points posted, how much of that is based on fact vs opinion/hearsay? Those are key areas to investigate if you want to determine if the 10 points presented by Schiff are based in fact or fiction or a mashup of both. Then you also have to determine how these types of claims would hold up in a court of law.
At 18 you're still not old enough to drink or buy tobacco. A 16 year old still has to pay taxes. What are you getting at? Raising the voting age may very well be a valid solution.
So you think 18 year olds should not be able to vote but I bet you have no problem sending them to war to defend you.
Think about this. Is Schiff someone who has proven to be reliable, fair and thorough in this investigation? If the evidence he presented is so overwhelming, why are they asking the Senate to basically do what they should have done in the house? Also, if you believe his 10 points posted, how much of that is based on fact vs opinion/hearsay? Those are key areas to investigate if you want to determine if the 10 points presented by Schiff are based in fact or fiction or a mashup of both. Then you also have to determine how these types of claims would hold up in a court of law.

I watched the full hour. Schiff very meticulously went through all 10 one by one and, most importantly, he also presented evidence from both the House hearings (videos and slides of transcripts) that largely came both from folks from the Trump Administration (so, not at all Never Trumpers) and even Trump, himself!

So, as far as I'm concerned, these 10 are based on clearly presented facts. Did you by chance see this? If not, if you have an hour, you should watch it.
That "older generation" has actually earned it. The younger generation? They got a ways to go
I just think it's convenient for people who had the right to vote at 18 want to change the age when it looks like the young people will vote the old out
I just think it's convenient for people who had the right to vote at 18 want to change the age when it looks like the young people will vote the old out
Just a quick note ...... the fastest growing age group in America, is folks over 100. People are living longer now.
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