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Political Thread

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It's funny to me that a group of people are upset over a phone call to the Ukraine Pres and the withholding of future funding for a short period of time while corruption was looked into and that this trumped up anger is based off of us turning our backs on an ally. An ally that needed those funds to be able to fight Russia and prevent another invasion.

Same group: Upset with America and it's leaders for going to war with Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait, to help protect our allies in the Mideast and stabilize the region, protecting it from a ruthless dictator.

It's funny to me that a group of people are upset over a phone call to the Ukraine Pres and the withholding of future funding for a short period of time while corruption was looked into and that this trumped up anger is based off of us turning our backs on an ally. An ally that needed those funds to be able to fight Russia and prevent another invasion.

Same group: Upset with America and it's leaders for going to war with Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait, to help protect our allies in the Mideast and stabilize the region, protecting it from a ruthless dictator.

Spot on!!
It's funny to me that a group of people are upset over a phone call to the Ukraine Pres and the withholding of future funding for a short period of time while corruption was looked into and that this trumped up anger is based off of us turning our backs on an ally. An ally that needed those funds to be able to fight Russia and prevent another invasion.

Same group: Upset with America and it's leaders for going to war with Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait, to help protect our allies in the Mideast and stabilize the region, protecting it from a ruthless dictator.


This just simply is not what happened.....

This is what happened.....the president through Rudy and Parnas among others got the Amb ran out of the Ukraine then told the Ukrainians they had to promise to go after Biden who by all accounts has not done anything in order to give the president political leverage in the US presidential election, if they did not then no aid.....the Ukrainians where going to do it but that president lost ( ironically that president was extremely corrupt ) the new president who ran and won on a anti corruption platform was then leaned on to go after the Bidens. The president literally put the funds on hold 90 minutes AFTER the July phone call....90 mins. See Shaggy's post above, the US under Trump has given billions to hundreds of countries with way more corruption than the Ukraine....heck the US had given the Ukraine aid 50 times during Trumps presidency and only this last time did Trump order it held. The actual act of holding that aid was ILLEGAL, it broke the law...Trump's aids pleaded with him to release it and to not keep in on hold yet Trump did not listen...ONLY when the story broke about the WB complaint did Trump ok the release of the aid because HE HAD TOO because he got caught.

Its a complete white wash to frame it as a investigation into corruption and that it was only for a short time etc.....its was illegal to do it in the first place, Trump did it anyways to try to extort a foreign government into going after his political rival and meddle in the US presidential election, and the ONLY reason Trump released the aid is because he got caught. That is what really happened.
Regardless of anybody's "opinion" of what happened, the President will walk away from this intact and right back into the white house in November in a slaughter. Why? Because he has done a dynamite job, the sham Democrat party cant even offer a candidate worthy of dog catcher and most importantly, because most people don't give a damn about a phone call involving Ukraine and the corrupt Biden family. Thats called reality
What gives you the authority to make this statement? When you were that age people that were older probably felt the same way about you. Were they right? Young people didn't buy into the false cause of revenge for 9-11 by invading Iraq, you did.
I mean tbh, I was just 9 back when that happened. I actually did want revenge on the attacks. But I had thought Saudi Arabia would make more sense. At least since I knew that most of the hijackers had originated from that country. Alliances and oil and all that were lost on my simplistic mind.

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Regardless of anybody's "opinion" of what happened, the President will walk away from this intact and right back into the white house in November in a slaughter. Why? Because he has done a dynamite job, the sham Democrat party cant even offer a candidate worthy of dog catcher and most importantly, because most people don't give a damn about a phone call involving Ukraine and the corrupt Biden family. Thats called reality

The bolded is your opinion, not necessarily reality.
Regardless of anybody's "opinion" of what happened, the President will walk away from this intact and right back into the white house in November in a slaughter. Why? Because he has done a dynamite job, the sham Democrat party cant even offer a candidate worthy of dog catcher and most importantly, because most people don't give a damn about a phone call involving Ukraine and the corrupt Biden family. Thats called reality

Polling says differently its damn near 50/50 on removal. Its overwhelming that the people you say don't care want more witnesses.
Polling says differently its damn near 50/50 on removal. Its overwhelming that the people you say don't care want more witnesses.

Polling! LOLOLOL. So let me rephrase my original statement. The majority of people, who have more important things in life to be concerned about than a phone call to Ukraine, don't really care about that phone call to Ukraine......
Polling! LOLOLOL. So let me rephrase my original statement. The majority of people, who have more important things in life to be concerned about than a phone call to Ukraine, don't really care about that phone call to Ukraine......

Then you're living in a bubble.
Polling! LOLOLOL. So let me rephrase my original statement. The majority of people, who have more important things in life to be concerned about than a phone call to Ukraine, don't really care about that phone call to Ukraine......

Yeah I mean who cares if Trump craps all over the Constitution or breaks law's as long as our 401k is doing good right.....
Yeah I mean who cares if Trump craps all over the Constitution or breaks law's as long as our 401k is doing good right.....

So long as you arent in charge of interpreting the constitution then yeah, Im gonna focus on my future. I feel pretty confident the guy in charge of hearing this trial knows a thing or two about the law of the land
This is no editorial comment on Trump, nor is it intended to express any opinion on whether he is good bad or somewhere in between, or whether he is fit for office. It is a comment on process.
To put in to everyday terms, the Constitution makes the House the State Attorney. The House interviews and culls the witnesses. It then decides whether to "indict" based on what the witnesses say and show. If the House elects to "indict" based on the evidence it has adduced, the matter is referred to the "jury" (the Senate) along with the House's witnesses and documentation in support of the "indictment"; the House puts on the case, the Senate questions the witnesses and/or their testimony brought forward by the House, weighs the House's evidence, and comes to a decision. The Senate is not the prosecutor and has no obligation to call witnesses that the "prosecutor" did not bring forward. If the prosecutor feels that witnesses have been hidden during its investigation, in this case it (the House) goes to the 3rd branch of the government (the Judiciary) in an effort to compel those witnesses to testify during the investigative stage (the Judiciary then, in that event, determines if there is a legal right for the House to have particular witnesses testify during the investigative stage). If the "prosecutor" (the House) elects not to seek judicial intervention, it cannot then later compel the "jury" to do so once the "trial" has started. Of course, if the "jury" wants to hear additional evidence (not provided by the "prosecutor") in this instance it has the right to do so, if, in its sole (political) discretion, it wants to. That's just the way the process was written and how it is supposed to work.
Process cannot be "invented" on the fly to suit anyone's wants or needs (either side's); process (due process) is the foundation of our liberty.
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Wow...I guess ABC doesn't want some of their viewers hearing some of Jay Sekulow's commentary....They will let you hear only what they want you to hear....SAD

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