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Political Thread

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Wow...I guess ABC doesn't want some of their viewers hearing some of Jay Sekulow's commentary....They will let you hear only what they want you to hear....SAD

Fox hasnt even aired the trial because they didn't want to hear the growing case against trump
Fox hasnt even aired the trial because they didn't want to hear the growing case against trump

Orrrrrr….Maybe it's because they don't want to bore their viewers with the same repetitive garbage the Democrats have been spewing in the Senate...I think most people are sick of this Impeachment circus...Just a thought
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Orrrrrr….Maybe it's because they don't want to bore their viewers with the same repetitive garbage the Democrats have been spewing in the Senate...I think most people are sick of this Impeachment circus...Just a thought
Wouldn't you think not airing something that's politically significant would show that they're biased to the right more than many would admit? Yes CNN is biased quite a bit to the left, but not showing something because it hurts the republicans is bias, even if it is entirely live.
Wouldn't you think not airing something that's politically significant would show that they're biased to the right more than many would admit? Yes CNN is biased quite a bit to the left, but not showing something because it hurts the republicans is bias, even if it is entirely live.

There has been nothing significant that I can see...This is same stuff that they talked about in the House...Nothing new and more importantly, nothing they have brought up is Constitutionally impeachable...I guess that's why we're all here at this stage
Orrrrrr….Maybe it's because they don't want to bore their viewers with the same repetitive garbage the Democrats have been spewing in the Senate...I think most people are sick of this Impeachment circus...Just a thought

Yeah that's it lol
Fox hasnt even aired the trial because they didn't want to hear the growing case against trump
We already watched all the House hearings...That was their time, their case, their show...A few highlights is all anybody should need now from them. America is not watching. Ratings bad.
Parnas and his lawyer have turned over a tape of him in a meeting with Trump about Amb Yononavitch, you got to believe that these guys probably taped a lot of their interactions with Trump.....this also pretty much sinks the entire premise that Trump does not know these people lol....Trump is out right lying about his relationship with these guys because he knows its going to be the end of him. Its also clever to leak this stuff, I mean it has to make the GOP senators wonder what more could be coming out, imagine if they all vote to not remove Trump and then a month after the trial even more evidence comes up showing they saved a crooked and corrupt president, that probably wont help them much in Nov..
My thought is Trump did cross the line with the Ukraine call. In past times this would have ended in Impeachment. But we have another issue facing the GOP senators and the Republican voters; the other side is much more terrifying. Biden is the closest thing to a centralist thinking candidate. He keeps losing ground to Sanders. Sanders or Warren have a great shot at being the Democratic nominee. Both of them want to change the foundation of our country. For many on here that may sound great, but for the centralist or right folks that is very scary. More scary than Trump. And yes most Republicans would admit that Trump is a self absorbed and maybe even a little insane. But they know what they have (a problem president); and our country will not be radically changed to a socialist state. That's why people are looking the other way and why I think Trump will win again this fall.
Nice touch, leading out with Schiff sham speech to show his lack of credibility. This thing will be over by end of week and come summer most will have long forgot, really don't get the Dems strategy but hey roll on.
A problem here is Bernie is able to trick the young children that everything will be free. And he's able to sell it to the older people/grand parents that they wont have to spend a dime for it.

The 1% will leave. They will LEAVE with their money. Who foots the bills then?
Nice touch, leading out with Schiff sham speech to show his lack of credibility. This thing will be over by end of week and come summer most will have long forgot, really don't get the Dems strategy but hey roll on.

They are attacking the Senate now. They know they have no shot at the white house so my guess is the shoot for that chamber. If they aren't careful they will lose the house back too
I wish every one of the alphabet networks (all the across the board from MSNBC to FOX) would get it straight - it is "opening statements" - not "opening arguments" ... it is in turn, when the time comes, "closing arguments" ...
If I were Schiff and Nadler among others, I would find a deep dark hole somewhere to hide myself from the embarrassment of shaming my family name!
I wish every one of the alphabet networks (all the across the board from MSNBC to FOX) would get it straight - it is "opening statements" - not "opening arguments" ... it is in turn, when the time comes, "closing arguments" ...
Hey Phil, how many cases have been won because a witness presumed the defendant did it? Asking for a friend.....?
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