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Political Thread

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Hey children what's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down ...
There's battle lines bein' drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong ...

Just a thought perhaps worth remembering ... perhaps ...
Biden will be the candidate unless he dies or has a major medical issue....and if Biden is smart he will pick someone more towards the middle and not Warren as VP since that would cost him some independents I think. I would love to see him actually back up the I might even pick a Republican statement by grabbing Kasich, I would actually vote for that ticket.
Not happening. Sanders will get the nomination and the White House unless something major changes.
Jerry has been (and still is) an inspiration ... but I'd better not get into the history ... it's sort of long, continuous and very weird ... o_O

I have a great memory of my first night HALO jump at 30,000 feet. Hummed Scarlet Begonias in my head to calm my nerves!

You do realize he threatened Ukraine over the investigation into Burisma? You think Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate the Bidens because they tore a tag off of a mattress? Seeing as how you are smarter than everyone else here and "Doing the right thing" is what you stand for im sure you could dig up tons of shady dealings on Joe Biden.

I have looked into the Biden's and the Ukraine and I find the same thing over and over again.....nothing.....at worst Biden jr took a position because of his name and that it was short sighted given the job his father was doing....but in the end there is nothing there.

heck do you know why Biden wanted Shokin gone? I dont think you do, see Biden as part of the broader US policy that wanted Shokin gone because HE WAS NOT INVESTIGATING anything.....including Burisma. In fact evidence shows Shokin was bribing the head of Burisma to not investigate them.

Get educated on the facts and how things are and what really happened....this is why Shokin was pushed out.....the guy who replaced him actually investigated stuff, so you want us to believe that Biden wanted the lazy guy who was not even investigating Burisma much less his son or him replaced by someone that was actually going to investigate corruption....thats what you think shows/proves the Bidens are corrupt.

Some useful background for those who truly want to understand what is going on....

"Neither Shokin nor Poroshenko wanted to investigate [Burisma owner Mykola] Zlochevsky,” says Sakvarelidze. “They simply began a criminal case, arrested a few assets, and began negotiating with the corruptioneer for a bribe.”

“Shokin impeded those fighting for justice,” said Vitaly Tytych, a lawyer representing the families of the victims. “It is wrong to call what he did investigations. Because if there is one thing Shokin never did it is investigate.”

“We were under no illusions,” Soboliev tells The Independent. “We saw how Shokin had made an art of dumping cases while pretending to investigate. How he was a symbol of ineffectiveness and stalling. How he was the embodiment of the post-Soviet prosecutor.”

In summing up, David Sakvarelidze used a similar formula.

“Shokin was not a bad man per se,” he says. “He was simply a man of another era; a typical, post-Soviet Ukrainian prosecutor.

By the time Joe Biden arrived in Kiev in December 2015 to issue his infamous ultimatum, Shokin had lost the support of all but 3.5 per cent of Ukrainians.
If you are in politics for decades you are going to be involved in shady dealings. The level to which it bothers people tends to fall in line with how much you despise the individual on a personal level which is why I dont allow my emotions to dictate my political support
If you are in politics for decades you are going to be involved in shady dealings. The level to which it bothers people tends to fall in line with how much you despise the individual on a personal level which is why I dont allow my emotions to dictate my political support
Most people can not separate emotions from seeing things in black and white.
So long as you arent in charge of interpreting the constitution then yeah, Im gonna focus on my future. I feel pretty confident the guy in charge of hearing this trial knows a thing or two about the law of the land

I gotta agree with you. Chief Justice Roberts is probably the smartest guy in the room. He may have been appointed by a conservative, but for all intents and purposes, he’s a centrist. He will be fair and unbiased and will let the rule of law decide.
They are not "my" democrats and its not a assumption its all there in black and white to those who look at the facts without their trumper glasses on.....basically the only people who don't see it are the ones that do not want to see it.

I never expected the GOP to do the right thing here and have said as much the entire time, its just funny/sad to see the president's team even pretend to defend/excuse his actions, they just need to go ahead and end their opening statements so we can get to the rest of the trial....

The President's team has no realistic rebuttal for placing the aid on hold illegally, for the phone call on July 25th being illegally placed on a secure server, for the WH consul telling people to not talk about the call, for the stalking and threatening of the US Amb to the Ukraine etc etc etc they cant refute any of it, because Trump did it, all of it and it was unethical and illegal, so they deflect and try to make this about stuff it isn't.

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So going backward here, what is your opinion of people in the GOP party who dont support impeachment? Do you think they are blind? Incompetent? Worthy of your future support since you claim to be conservative?
So going backward here, what is your opinion of people in the GOP party who dont support impeachment? Do you think they are blind? Incompetent? Worthy of your future support since you claim to be conservative?

I expect the party that I feel is more about the Constitution and doing the right thing to do just that. They are not blind they all know exactly what Trump did, they also all know that if this was a Democratic president they would all vote to remove them for what they are giving Trump a pass on. Of course the Dems would do the exact same thing if the shoe was on the other foot....but I expect it from them. So the GOP leadership is neither blind or incompetent they simply place more value in their party and power than they do country....this is the exact crap the founders warned against, the parties no longer have allegiance to the people or the Constitution but rather the power they "think" they have.....that is where you and me differ, I dont care what letter you have beside your name if you violate the public trust and the Constitution then you got to go....and unless we the people demand better we will be stuck with options like Trump and Clinton.

The thing I dont understand is why everyone wants to go down with Trump, I cant figure it out.....just remove him and go with Pence and then hopefully Haley.....either one of them is a better option....I am probably more conservative than you are, at least in the classical sense.....
Biden will be the candidate unless he dies or has a major medical issue....and if Biden is smart he will pick someone more towards the middle and not Warren as VP since that would cost him some independents I think. I would love to see him actually back up the I might even pick a Republican statement by grabbing Kasich, I would actually vote for that ticket.

If Biden is dumb enough to pick Kasich as VP, he deserves the beat down he would get.
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So after hearing the new lev parnas video it is even more evident trump is unfit for office.

So you have lev discussing the ambassador. Trump literally has to ask what her name is. He is clueless completely and totally clueless as to who she is. Then Parnas who has no position in the US govt at all says "she has said things about you and just wait until you are impeached".......now this man who trump supposedly doesnt even know tells him that and trump makes an immediate emotionally unstable decision to get rid of her without one shred of proof.

If this is how easily he can be influenced to make major diplomatic decisions then that's a bit unnerving.
I expect the party that I feel is more about the Constitution and doing the right thing to do just that. They are not blind they all know exactly what Trump did, they also all know that if this was a Democratic president they would all vote to remove them for what they are giving Trump a pass on. Of course the Dems would do the exact same thing if the shoe was on the other foot....but I expect it from them. So the GOP leadership is neither blind or incompetent they simply place more value in their party and power than they do country....this is the exact crap the founders warned against, the parties no longer have allegiance to the people or the Constitution but rather the power they "think" they have.....that is where you and me differ, I dont care what letter you have beside your name if you violate the public trust and the Constitution then you got to go....and unless we the people demand better we will be stuck with options like Trump and Clinton.

The thing I dont understand is why everyone wants to go down with Trump, I cant figure it out.....just remove him and go with Pence and then hopefully Haley.....either one of them is a better option....I am probably more conservative than you are, at least in the classical sense.....

So Nikky Haley is 100% in support of President Trump. In fact she doesnt support impeachment at all from what I have read. Her opinion on Ukraine is that while it might not have been the smartest thing to do, it was is no way, shape or form an impeachable offense. So what do you think of her judgement now?
So Nikky Haley is 100% in support of President Trump. In fact she doesnt support impeachment at all from what I have read. Her opinion on Ukraine is that while it might not have been the smartest thing to do, it was is no way, shape or form an impeachable offense. So what do you think of her judgement now?

I disagree with her on that....still overall she is much more in line with my views and certainly more capable of being president than Trump. Unfortunately a lot of folks currently in the GOP are having to move more to the right since they fear Trumps base.....sadly this is a folly as once Trump is gone so will a lot of the voters he is getting and you will see a lot of these people move more to the center again. Haley has no love for Trump she never supported him in 2016 and admits she voted for him begrudgingly.....also I bet if a coalition of GOP leaders in Congress approached her to go after Trump she would in the blink of a eye if she though they could pull it off.
I disagree with her on that....still overall she is much more in line with my views and certainly more capable of being president than Trump. Unfortunately a lot of folks currently in the GOP are having to move more to the right since they fear Trumps base.....sadly this is a folly as once Trump is gone so will a lot of the voters he is getting and you will see a lot of these people move more to the center again. Haley has no love for Trump she never supported him in 2016 and admits she voted for him begrudgingly.....also I bet if a coalition of GOP leaders in Congress approached her to go after Trump she would in the blink of a eye if she though they could pull it off.
Only one problem.....You're not going to find a coalition of GOP leaders in Congress willing to "go after Trump". They know that it would most likely be political suicide.
Biden is toast. Dems did exactly what Q and others predicted long ago. They opened up the Biden bag for 3 days and now it's game on (Biden is the last thing they should have brought up over and over). They single handedly made it more of an issue and made it possible for Trumps team to run with it. What is wrong with them. Whoever thinks Bernie could be the nominee is exactly right. Totally possible if the dems don't get rid of him first..And what is wrong with Hillary? Nobody likes Bernie? Is she completely out of her mind? Simply amazing how people are behaving, lying and ignoring evidence. Even the fake news had to credit Trumps team.
Per everybody that didn't watch, per truth and lots of polls and ratings...if you believe them. Bet you didn't watch either. Even the people there were not watching. The ones that wanted this. Sleeping and generally bored..Impeaching a sitting president is a big deal. They should take it serious.
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