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Political Thread

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My thought is Trump did cross the line with the Ukraine call. In past times this would have ended in Impeachment. But we have another issue facing the GOP senators and the Republican voters; the other side is much more terrifying. Biden is the closest thing to a centralist thinking candidate. He keeps losing ground to Sanders. Sanders or Warren have a great shot at being the Democratic nominee. Both of them want to change the foundation of our country. For many on here that may sound great, but for the centralist or right folks that is very scary. More scary than Trump. And yes most Republicans would admit that Trump is a self absorbed and maybe even a little insane. But they know what they have (a problem president); and our country will not be radically changed to a socialist state. That's why people are looking the other way and why I think Trump will win again this fall.

Biden will be the candidate unless he dies or has a major medical issue....and if Biden is smart he will pick someone more towards the middle and not Warren as VP since that would cost him some independents I think. I would love to see him actually back up the I might even pick a Republican statement by grabbing Kasich, I would actually vote for that ticket.
Hey Phil, how many cases have been won because a witness presumed the defendant did it? Asking for a friend.....?
No stats on that that I am aware of, but I can say, in response to the overarching point you raise - that is the point of skilled (and short) cross-exam ... Answering for a friend .. ;)
Phil spot on man. I will add this bolton, mulvaney, white house legal teams the list goes on and on and on.....refused, stonewalled, executive privelege blah blah blah at every single step of the way. The only way to counter that was to go through the judicial branch and it would have dragged on for the rest of the year more than likely. Nobody wanted that when there WAS and IS more than enough witnesses and evidence even a member of our own Armed Forces not that he's trustworthy right?.....Its all a sham trump uses the office for personal gain everybody knows that. And that's not what our founding fathers intended if your bank account is doing so good then maybe the Republican party can take trump and start there own united capitalist of wherever country were a nation of WE THE PEOPLE.....and yes I'm for capitalisim that works for everyone....not just the wealthy few who have now hijacked our political system for personal gain.......
Biden will be the candidate unless he dies or has a major medical issue....and if Biden is smart he will pick someone more towards the middle and not Warren as VP since that would cost him some independents I think. I would love to see him actually back up the I might even pick a Republican statement by grabbing Kasich, I would actually vote for that ticket.
I like Kasich.
Phil spot on man. I will add this bolton, mulvaney, white house legal teams the list goes on and on and on.....refused, stonewalled, executive privelege blah blah blah at every single step of the way. The only way to counter that was to go through the judicial branch and it would have dragged on for the rest of the year more than likely. Nobody wanted that when there WAS and IS more than enough witnesses and evidence even a member of our own Armed Forces not that he's trustworthy right?.....Its all a sham trump uses the office for personal gain everybody knows that. And that's not what our founding fathers intended if your bank account is doing so good then maybe the Republican party can take trump and start there own united capitalist of wherever country were a nation of WE THE PEOPLE.....and yes I'm for capitalisim that works for everyone....not just the wealthy few who have now hijacked our political system for personal gain.......
Did I say all that somewhere?
I am staying out of the politics here ... my comments are restricted to process, procedure and effective advocacy ... just to add some context in those few instances where I see it being sidelined (or inadvertently overlooked) ... please do not take anything I say as an editorial on substance ... :cool:
Regardless of anybody's "opinion" of what happened, the President will walk away from this intact and right back into the white house in November in a slaughter. Why? Because he has done a dynamite job, the sham Democrat party cant even offer a candidate worthy of dog catcher and most importantly, because most people don't give a damn about a phone call involving Ukraine and the corrupt Biden family. Thats called reality
Sad really if it’s true that they don’t give a damn. Too many people are all about “me, me, ME!”
From texting on their phones in the car, to leaving shopping carts in the middle of parking spaces at the grocery store. Like I said before, it’s “who cares! My 401k is doing great!”
Like shut up. There’s a world beyond your wallet.
Phil spot on man. I will add this bolton, mulvaney, white house legal teams the list goes on and on and on.....refused, stonewalled, executive privelege blah blah blah at every single step of the way. The only way to counter that was to go through the judicial branch and it would have dragged on for the rest of the year more than likely. Nobody wanted that when there WAS and IS more than enough witnesses and evidence even a member of our own Armed Forces not that he's trustworthy right?.....Its all a sham trump uses the office for personal gain everybody knows that. And that's not what our founding fathers intended if your bank account is doing so good then maybe the Republican party can take trump and start there own united capitalist of wherever country were a nation of WE THE PEOPLE.....and yes I'm for capitalisim that works for everyone....not just the wealthy few who have now hijacked our political system for personal gain.......

Capitalism in this country works the same for everyone my man. Its the unequal opportunity of OUTCOME that some cant get through there thick skulls. The only thing that stands between any of us and success is a list of excuses
Sad really if it’s true that they don’t give a damn. Too many people are all about “me, me, ME!”
From texting on their phones in the car, to leaving shopping carts in the middle of parking spaces at the grocery store. Like I said before, it’s “who cares! My 401k is doing great!”
Like shut up. There’s a world beyond your wallet.

Oh spare me the lecture. The president can be the biggest asshole on earth and I still go out of my way to help my fellow man. We all make list on the issues when voting but the issues important to me might rank higher on the pecking order than yours. I vote with my wallet not my emotions. Thats not a crime sir. You dont know a thing about me other than what you interpret from message board. Im not gonna change my support for the man because he gets you bent out of shape
This would be funny if it was not so sad. the defense team cant show actual factual evidence to really counter anything the House managers said, so instead we are going to get hrs of them deflecting and trying to make this about Biden and the Ukraine.....the willful ignorance being portrayed is astonishing...…the outcome is set in stone already the GOP just needs to go up say Trump is innocent the defense rest and then let this sham trial be over...if they don't let Bolton and a few others testify this is all just a big waste of time, the GOP leadership does not have the character and loyalty to the Constitution to do the right thing here....
This would be funny if it was not so sad. the defense team cant show actual factual evidence to really counter anything the House managers said, so instead we are going to get hrs of them deflecting and trying to make this about Biden and the Ukraine.....the willful ignorance being portrayed is astonishing...…the outcome is set in stone already the GOP just needs to go up say Trump is innocent the defense rest and then let this sham trial be over...if they don't let Bolton and a few others testify this is all just a big waste of time, the GOP leadership does not have the character and loyalty to the Constitution to do the right thing here....

No offense but are you watching the same thing we are? You are making a pretty bold assumption that your Democrats presented anything the even resembles accusations that need defending. Jay Sekulow pretty much just ended this entire debacle. I tried to tell you this isn't going to end well for you Trump haters
No offense but are you watching the same thing we are? You are making a pretty bold assumption that your Democrats presented anything the even resembles accusations that need defending. Jay Sekulow pretty much just ended this entire debacle. I tried to tell you this isn't going to end well for you Trump haters

They are not "my" democrats and its not a assumption its all there in black and white to those who look at the facts without their trumper glasses on.....basically the only people who don't see it are the ones that do not want to see it.

I never expected the GOP to do the right thing here and have said as much the entire time, its just funny/sad to see the president's team even pretend to defend/excuse his actions, they just need to go ahead and end their opening statements so we can get to the rest of the trial....

The President's team has no realistic rebuttal for placing the aid on hold illegally, for the phone call on July 25th being illegally placed on a secure server, for the WH consul telling people to not talk about the call, for the stalking and threatening of the US Amb to the Ukraine etc etc etc they cant refute any of it, because Trump did it, all of it and it was unethical and illegal, so they deflect and try to make this about stuff it isn't.

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They are not "my" democrats and its not a assumption its all there in black and white to those who look at the facts without their trumper glasses on.....basically the only people who don't see it are the ones that do not want to see it.

I never expected the GOP to do the right thing here and have said as much the entire time, its just funny/sad to see the president's team even pretend to defend/excuse his actions, they just need to go ahead and end their opening statements so we can get to the rest of the trial....

The President's team has no realistic rebuttal for placing the aid on hold illegally, for the phone call on July 25th being illegally placed on a secure server, for the WH consul telling people to not talk about the call, for the stalking and threatening of the US Amb to the Ukraine etc etc etc they cant refute any of it, because Trump did it, all of it and it was unethical and illegal, so they deflect and try to make this about stuff it isn't.

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Sekulow made a great point. Aid was withheld on multiple occassions to different countries, the Democrats just didnt give a damn until it involved the crooked Bidens who you know are crooked. You just mentioned a post or two before that you would vote for that crook so what does that really say about you Mr. Do the right thing? It says you are full of yourself
Sekulow made a great point. Aid was withheld on multiple occassions to different countries, the Democrats just didnt give a damn until it involved the crooked Bidens who you know are crooked. You just mentioned a post or two before that you would vote for that crook so what does that really say about you Mr. Do the right thing? It says you are full of yourself

I don't know Biden is crooked, and neither do you....there is nothing legitimate showing that he is, link me up with some decent actual links that show he is dirty, and not some far right blogger I mean real actual evidence. If and when anything comes out that shows Biden is crooked then I will be 100% in support of throwing his ass in jail or out of office etc.....

In a way that displays perfectly how partisan and crazy this all is.....you say you know Biden is crooked, your sure of it based on absolutely no real evidence other than you political beliefs and partisanship, you want it to be true therefor it is.......ironically there is way more proof out there that Trump is far more crooked with his dealings in the Ukraine than Biden is, but you cool with that....so I dunno man to me if anything says someone is full of it its your last post....
I don't know Biden is crooked, and neither do you....there is nothing legitimate showing that he is, link me up with some decent actual links that show he is dirty, and not some far right blogger I mean real actual evidence. If and when anything comes out that shows Biden is crooked then I will be 100% in support of throwing his ass in jail or out of office etc.....

In a way that displays perfectly how partisan and crazy this all is.....you say you know Biden is crooked, your sure of it based on absolutely no real evidence other than you political beliefs and partisanship, you want it to be true therefor it is.......ironically there is way more proof out there that Trump is far more crooked with his dealings in the Ukraine than Biden is, but you cool with that....so I dunno man to me if anything says someone is full of it its your last post....

Oh please lol. You know he is crooked. If not then you have zero business telling anybody else they are blinded by Trump. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. I know Trump is shady, always has been but I dont put on heirs about it because he isnt a threat to you, me or this country. Its ok with me if you believe the crap you post. He eats at your soul as he does many but you arent gonna piss on my boots and tell me its raining
Oh please lol. You know he is crooked. If not then you have zero business telling anybody else they are blinded by Trump. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. I know Trump is shady, always has been but I dont put on heirs about it because he isnt a threat to you, me or this country. Its ok with me if you believe the crap you post. He eats at your soul as he does many but you arent gonna piss on my boots and tell me its raining

Waiting for the evidence that Biden is crooked......and we will disagree about the bolded.....
Sekulow made a great point. Aid was withheld on multiple occassions to different countries, the Democrats just didnt give a damn until it involved the crooked Bidens who you know are crooked. You just mentioned a post or two before that you would vote for that crook so what does that really say about you Mr. Do the right thing? It says you are full of yourself
No offense but are you watching the same thing we are? You are making a pretty bold assumption that your Democrats presented anything the even resembles accusations that need defending. Jay Sekulow pretty much just ended this entire debacle. I tried to tell you this isn't going to end well for you Trump haters
Waiting for the evidence that Biden is crooked......and we will disagree about the bolded.....

You do realize he threatened Ukraine over the investigation into Burisma? You think Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate the Bidens because they tore a tag off of a mattress? Seeing as how you are smarter than everyone else here and "Doing the right thing" is what you stand for im sure you could dig up tons of shady dealings on Joe Biden.
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