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Political Thread

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All kinds of studies out there saying all kinds of different things

Again this flies in the face of what Dr. Birx said just yesterday and what others like Cuomo & Trump are starting to say. You can't trust the news media to do proper DD on this type of stuff but it does make for good headlines to get clicks and more $$ which is what they care more about than accuracy and true journalism. Notice for example the headline says hospitals WILL be overwhelmed but in the article itself it says COULD be. That's click bait.
Again this flies in the face of what Dr. Birx said just yesterday and what others like Cuomo & Trump are starting to say. You can't trust the news media to do proper DD on this type of stuff but it does make for good headlines to get clicks and more $$ which is what they care more about than accuracy and true journalism. Notice for example the headline says hospitals WILL be overwhelmed but in the article itself it says COULD be. That's click bait.

The underlying study is what matters. Parsing past the headline and seeing what the study shows is critical thinking at its best.

The mainstream media isn't the enemy. The govt telling you only to believe them is the enemy.....just ask anyone living under dictatorships.
All kinds of studies out there saying all kinds of different things

Obviously warmer weather slowing down the virus is not something they are taking into consideration. When is the last time a virus got worse the deeper we got into the warm season ?
The underlying study is what matters. Parsing past the headline and seeing what the study shows is critical thinking at its best.

The mainstream media isn't the enemy. The govt telling you only to believe them is the enemy.....just ask anyone living under dictatorships.
Todays left leaning mainstream media is LAZY and corrupt...….That much is fact. I have the numbers in my cellphone to the parents of over a dozen dead SEALS that would be happy to tell you that! Are they the enemy? They sure as hell aren't on MY Christmas card list
The underlying study is what matters. Parsing past the headline and seeing what the study shows is critical thinking at its best.

The mainstream media isn't the enemy. The govt telling you only to believe them is the enemy.....just ask anyone living under dictatorships.

The underlying study is based on a variety of assumptions about this virus, potential lockdown measures, duration, extent, etc. and are therefore prone to be highly inaccurate. These models are trying to forecast a virus that little is known about and are touted by the MSM more for the clicks than anything. Just do a google search of model outputs and most of the headlines you will see are the "worst case scenario" predictions with millions dying that are being touted and publicized by the MSM instead of "less scary" studies that get buried... I wonder why.
That dumb idiot that wanted an actual vote vs a voice vote stood no chance

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Meh... I wouldn't exactly call him an idiot, I mean I get where he is coming from and a 2.2 trillion (trillion!) stimulus package just passed without a lot of debate and w/o a roll call. He's right to want transparency and some sense of fiscal accountability but this just wasn't the time or the place to pick that fight. Another time would have been better. Many of us, myself included, are applauding this and loving the fact that we have checks coming our way but 2.2 trillion dollars is enough money for nearly 7k for every man, woman and child in the US. Which tells us the obvious, there ain't a pig in the whole world fatter then this pork loin of a bill. Lol
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Meh... I wouldn't exactly call him an idiot, I mean I get where he is coming from and a 2.2 trillion (trillion!) stimulus package just passed without a lot of debate and w/o a roll call. He's right to want transparency and some sense of fiscal accountability but this just wasn't the time or the place to pick that fight. Another time would have been better. Many of us, myself including, are applauding this and loving the fact that we have checks coming our way but 2.2 trillion dollars is enough money for nearly 7k for every man, woman and child in the US. Which tells us the obvious, there ain't a pig in the whole world fatter then this pork loin of a bill. Lol
Im one of those that likes to have them on record on votes but in this case its not a matter of who voted each way but who added what to the bill that dont belong there
The underlying study is based on a variety of assumptions about this virus, potential lockdown measures, duration, extent, etc. and are therefore prone to be highly inaccurate. These models are trying to forecast a virus that little is known about and are touted by the MSM more for the clicks than anything. Just do a google search of model outputs and most of the headlines you will see are the "worst case scenario" predictions with millions dying that are being touted and publicized by the MSM instead of "less scary" studies that get buried... I wonder why.

Sure but that's every study. People will latch on to the study that best fits what they want to happen when they attach their political views to this virus. This is why the admin suddenly latched on to the study from Ferguson when the numbers dropped.
Sure but that's every study. People will latch on to the study that best fits what they want to happen when they attach their political views to this virus. This is why the admin suddenly latched on to the study from Ferguson when the numbers dropped.

I wouldn't trust any study high or low... my point is the Oxford/Ferguson study has been inconsistent with initially claiming 12-18 months of quarantine necessary until a vaccine comes around only to radically shift 2 days after the UK locks down saying things will peak in 2-3 weeks instead of the summer. We know very little about this virus and a ton of assumptions have to be made in these model outputs and that is why they are changing like they are.
Guaranteed he don’t need that many ventilators. There would not be enough staff or O2 to support that many ventilators going at same time. Just another headline to make people panic.

The correct thing for Trump to say is that NY has the total support of the federal government and Trump is going to do all he can to make sure the full resources of the USA are available to make sure no one in NY dies due to lack of ventilators....Trump handled this about as well as you would expect from Trump....which is to say poorly.
Trumps doing well he’s urging General Motors to make respirators

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There are in this world plenty of uppity libs, uppity cons, uppity of any group you can name. No group comes close to cornering the market on being uppity/arrogant/looking down on others, etc.

There are plenty of uppity Trumpers. But also there were plenty of uppity Obamaers. Uppitiness is human nature that many (most?) have to fight against.
Oh I understand completely. I was joking a bit, and probably should have used a different term than uppity.
Guaranteed he don’t need that many ventilators. There would not be enough staff or O2 to support that many ventilators going at same time. Just another headline to make people panic.

Maybe, maybe not. It goes back to that reactive versus proactive approach. If trumps wrong then he will be reactive and lives will be lost. We already know you dont care about that though.
Maybe, maybe not. It goes back to that reactive versus proactive approach. If trumps wrong then he will be reactive and lives will be lost. We already know you dont care about that though.
While out working today you would be surprised how many felt same way. We shut down entire economy for this. Many said so all these confirmed cases but less than 2k deaths. Several had laid off employees. At the dealerships they live by commission of sales. Now no money to feed their families. This is everywhere. Layoffs and people scared to death. Maybe it’s easy for you because you will get paid and don’t have a family to feed. Don’t be so quick to judge. I do value life. What happens when this comes back in fall or later and still no vaccine? Shut down everything again? Just because people want to make a living by working does not mean that don’t value life. Bottom line without money and an economy there is a recession and could be a depression. As one said today we sacrifice over 300 million lives for not even 2000 lives yet. Harsh yes but reality.
While out working today you would be surprised how many felt same way. We shut down entire economy for this. Many said so all these confirmed cases but less than 2k deaths. Several had laid off employees. At the dealerships they live by commission of sales. Now no money to feed their families. This is everywhere. Layoffs and people scared to death. Maybe it’s easy for you because you will get paid and don’t have a family to feed. Don’t be so quick to judge. I do value life. What happens when this comes back in fall or later and still no vaccine? Shut down everything again? Just because people want to make a living by working does not mean that don’t value life. Bottom line without money and an economy there is a recession and could be a depression. As one said today we sacrifice over 300 million lives for not even 2000 lives yet. Harsh yes but reality.

If you value life you show it in a weird way.

Anyone above ground can recover what they've lost. It might be easy and it might take some time but they have the oppurtunity. The ones who we lost cant recover squat because they are DEAD.

Out of curiosity how old are you?
If you value life you show it in a weird way.

Anyone above ground can recover what they've lost. It might be easy and it might take some time but they have the oppurtunity. The ones who we lost cant recover squat because they are DEAD.

Out of curiosity how old are you?
If you value life you show it in a weird way.

Anyone above ground can recover what they've lost. It might be easy and it might take some time but they have the oppurtunity. The ones who we lost cant recover squat because they are DEAD.

Out of curiosity how old are you?
Your statement, outlook and reasoning is categorically wrong.
While out working today you would be surprised how many felt same way. We shut down entire economy for this. Many said so all these confirmed cases but less than 2k deaths. Several had laid off employees. At the dealerships they live by commission of sales. Now no money to feed their families. This is everywhere. Layoffs and people scared to death. Maybe it’s easy for you because you will get paid and don’t have a family to feed. Don’t be so quick to judge. I do value life. What happens when this comes back in fall or later and still no vaccine? Shut down everything again? Just because people want to make a living by working does not mean that don’t value life. Bottom line without money and an economy there is a recession and could be a depression. As one said today we sacrifice over 300 million lives for not even 2000 lives yet. Harsh yes but reality.

This is not even true though, hell I would love to have my plant closed for a few weeks, I am working 65-70 hrs a week every week for months now, its like that for everyone working in the plant I work in. Things are not nearly as dire as you say they are nor will they be even a month or two down the road, the stimulus money plus unemployment money will pay the hardest hit people the same as if not more than their normal pay.... sure it will be tough but it is way better than the alternative.
This is not even true though, hell I would love to have my plant closed for a few weeks, I am working 65-70 hrs a week every week for months now, its like that for everyone working in the plant I work in. Things are not nearly as dire as you say they are nor will they be even a month or two down the road, the stimulus money plus unemployment money will pay the hardest hit people the same as if not more than their normal pay.... sure it will be tough but it is way better than the alternative.
Temporarily but say hello to hyperinflation which is coming. Bread $6-8. Milk $10-12. Everyone ready for that? The stimulus is nice now but want be in near future. We can agree to disagree. Hopefully you all are right and I’m dead wrong and utopia will happen!
Temporarily but say hello to hyperinflation which is coming. Bread $6-8. Milk $10-12. Everyone ready for that? The stimulus is nice now but want be in near future.

Then I guess trump should have done more easier to prevent this economic and humanitarian disaster.
What happened to "[W]hen you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done." ?

What happened to the website that people were going to use to figure out if they needed to be tested or not and was going to be operative nearly two weeks ago (this Sunday would be two weeks)?

What happened to the drive-through testing sites that were going to be set up in Walmart parking lots to serve those people who were sent there by that website to be tested?

Seriously, why do you still believe a word out of this man's mouth?
Does our national debt even matter anymore? What happens if it’s just ignored we can always print more money right?

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Then I guess trump should have done more easier to prevent this economic and humanitarian disaster.
Humanitarian disaster? So are we going to consider the flu every year a humanitarian disaster? We can not live our lives scared. When nature is ready to clean house. Nature will and no avoiding that. I do not know if this is true but apparently there is 3 strains of mutations of this virus on stateside now and all 3 are resistant to disinfectants. There is going to be another stimulus coming as they are saying. Eventually either money because useless or hyperinflation hits. Which do you want your kids to face in their lifetimes? Kick the can down the road we have for years but now the acceleration of debt in trillions and no economy to pay taxes into. That spells absolute disaster. Much worse than this virus has caused.
Todays left leaning mainstream media is LAZY and corrupt...….That much is fact. I have the numbers in my cellphone to the parents of over a dozen dead SEALS that would be happy to tell you that! Are they the enemy? They sure as hell aren't on MY Christmas card list
Nah. Government telling you to believe nobody but the government is the enemy. No questions. No debate.
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It's official, and I'm sorry to say, but Biden's a mumbling, bumbling bunch of hot mess...It's agonizing to listen to him....Sheer torture......And he has a 50/50 chance right now of being our next President....Scary!!!!

Edit: I think he just called Anderson Cooper, "Doctor"!!!!
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Trump tells Pence to not talk to Governors that are not nice to him....that's the kind of BS ego tripping crap that makes Trump unfit to be the leader of the USA....

some funny/sad quotes from random people on Reddit about this....

"Trump doesn't care that the aid isn't for governors, but for Americans. This is the kind of petty ---- Trump is willing to kill people for. And he's doing it in the open and telling everyone!"

"He’s willing to let you die if your governor isn’t kissing his ass."
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Nah. Government telling you to believe nobody but the government is the enemy. No questions. No debate.
Ignorant, biased questions not worth a debate but Im intelligent enough on my own that I dont need either one to make my decisions. Unfortunately we have millions of citizens that have lost that ability by allowing themselves to be dumbed down.......
Trump tells Pence to not talk to Governors that are not nice to him....that's the kind of BS ego tripping crap that makes Trump unfit to be the leader of the USA....

some funny/sad quotes from random people on Reddit about this....

"Trump doesn't care that the aid isn't for governors, but for Americans. This is the kind of petty poop Trump is willing to kill people for. And he's doing it in the open and telling everyone!"

"He’s willing to let you die if your governor isn’t kissing his ass."
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