I made a 500mb composite of all the +NAO, +EPO, -WPO winter storms we've seen in December.Historically, in -NAO/-AO/+EPOs, the +EPO backs off some and the AK vortex retrogrades towards the Aleutians, opening up the door for +PNA
I played around w/ a few composites, I think this is as close as I can get at a monthly scale for the hemispheric scale pattern in a -AO/-NAO/+EPO during Dec.
I even used an older, cooler base period to try and bias the temperature composite warmer but it's still arguably vodka cold.
View attachment 56498
View attachment 56499
'1950-12-28 00z', '1969-12-25 00z', '1969-12-26 00z', '1970-12-29 00z', '1970-12-30 00z', '1970-12-31 00z', '1975-12-25 00z', '1981-12-25 00z', '1988-12-12 00z', '2003-12-04 00z', '2003-12-05 00z', '2003-12-14 00z', '2009-12-18 00z', '2018-12-09 00z'