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Pattern June 2022

Birmingham received 6.97 of rain yesterday a record for the date. North and central Alabama continues to receive above average rainfall. Over 36” of rain so far this year. Strange we have been so wet the past few years while many of you guys to our east are in drought conditions hoping for rain.
I don't really see a lot to hold the heat back in that period around the 15th. The ridge may try to reform/retrograde getting toward the 20th which may break the heat some the further east you go but over all a pretty classic US heat dome incoming
I've got one more shot of rain this weekend before the furnace, if that one fails goin get ugly I'm afraid and not to sound like that guy, but it will take a TC at that point
Birmingham received 6.97 of rain yesterday a record for the date. North and central Alabama continues to receive above average rainfall. Over 36” of rain so far this year. Strange we have been so wet the past few years while many of you guys to our east are in drought conditions hoping for rain.
Over 36" there and 19" here, quite the stark contrast indeed
I've got one more shot of rain this weekend before the furnace, if that one fails goin get ugly I'm afraid and not to sound like that guy, but it will take a TC at that point
There are some exceptionally bad analogs showing up. At this point I've accepted our fate for the next 90 days is hot and mainly dry. Hopefully we can catch something big Saturday then maybe some ridge riding mcs next week. As you said though it's going to get ugly easily around here if we don't
There are some exceptionally bad analogs showing up. At this point I've accepted our fate for the next 90 days is hot and mainly dry. Hopefully we can catch something big Saturday then maybe some ridge riding mcs next week. As you said though it's going to get ugly easily around here if we don't

Looks like a good derecho setup next week.

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00z GFS is still advertising every single day the entire run (minus today) at 100*F or above for DFW.

Tomorrow's in jeopardy though, as another MCS might pass by close enough for a repeat of Wednesday.
Seeing some towering CU outside. With the remnant outflow boundary from yesterday overhead, might get some pop up storms.
So this weekend is a great time to plant more grass seed before the true heat comes. o_O
As crazy as it sounds soil temps in the 80s to near 90 is the best for germinating warm season seeds but good luck keeping it wet. You will see some literature online that says 65-75 but I think it's bogus