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Pattern FEB 3-6 2024 System

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if you shift this 200-300 miles west this a meteorological black swan event that rivals jan 2000 lol

if you shift this 200-300 miles west this a meteorological black swan event that rivals jan 2000 lol
I’m not giving up (despite my best judgement) bc I just don’t buy the models having this thing nailed down 138hrs out. Just like if it buried us this far out I would t be buying a snow shovel
I was just about to post prior to the 12z GFS that with today's shortwave it was still taking some massive jumps until about 96 hours out, so we've still got another 24 hours at least for wild rides (and we just about went on one).
That is what I keep coming back to. That wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to stay off-shore. It didn't.
let me address this right now- jan 2000 resulted in millions (tens of millions? hundreds of millions?) being pumped into modeling research and development to make sure a catastrophic failure like that doesn't happen again. that storm was a mega surprise for all of i95. we're not going to see a surprise like that again.
We getting trolled hard now...I really thought if that omega ridge hold back west of the lakes would give enough room for that n/s low to dig back west.

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I agree. And perhaps it will, the 12z GFS/CMC are really, really close. Would like to see the Euro start stepping in this direction because we've not only got to get it to step to the GFS/CMC solution, but then step beyond it slightly more if we are to get anything. That's a lot of stepping.
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