I've been thinking about it too. Maybe the real 3 letter index killing our winters is the GOD index.
The next time it snows (if it ever does again), look outside. Just take a moment to admire how pure everything looks all covered in white. I can imagine that it would be the same way God sees a sinner who just accepted Jesus.I've been thinking about it too. Maybe the real 3 letter index killing our winters is the GOD index.
I believe the Bible, but I would urge caution at things like that. I've seriously wondered why we haven't seen an attempt on his life yet, given the political climate in place. But I'm not at all willing to give credence to any Biblical prophecy that supports such a thing, unless someone can show me where it's mentioned in Scripture.I heard today that biblical prophecy given that there would be an attempt assassination on Trump and his vice president sometime soon.. please pray for those two men at all times.. I know there are some that do not believe in such things please be civil because this . This may happen. But it's only an attempt and the prophecy says they will not do what they came to do
I totally agree definitely.. a lot of times that do not come out as depicted.. but many times I've seen in in. ActionI believe the Bible, but I would urge caution at things like that. I've seriously wondered why we haven't seen an attempt on his life yet, given the political climate in place. But I'm not at all willing to give credence to any Biblical prophecy that supports such a thing, unless someone can show me where it's mentioned in Scripture.
Definitely!!I totally agree definitely.. a lot of times that do not come out as depicted.. but many times I've seen in in. Action
.. main purpose for that is to remind everybody to pray
Amen brother "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" Matthew 22:37-39. I don't agree with Trump but I pray for him.I totally agree definitely.. a lot of times that do not come out as depicted.. but many times I've seen in in. Action
.. main purpose for that is to remind everybody to pray
That's nice. When I look at my kids I think of how much better they are than me especially when I was their age. I don't even know how they got to be so good. LOL. Of course God, Maybe farm raising and less dysfunction...Good for your kids. Good papa.I have two girls in college that have made me one proud dad and taught me to never be ashamed of my Faith.
2 college kids, both active in a local church there (that in and of itself is incredible.... unfortunately I remember my college days), my youngest also attends Fire Starters regularly and is constantly living out her Faith through social media post and on campus, both of them never fear praying in public... nope they aren't perfect (who among us is?) but they have a strong Christian Faith and I'm amazingly proud of who they are and the stance they take.
until perhaps, when a miracle is really needed ...For some people, religion makes sense & works well with their lives. For me, I’ve been a much better person as a whole since I left it all. The only thing I practice is spirituality, keeps everything open-ended allows for growth in a creative way & is very liberating.
For some people, religion makes sense & works well with their lives. For me, I’ve been a much better person as a whole since I left it all. The only thing I practice is spirituality, keeps everything open-ended allows for growth in a creative way & is very liberating.
Amen.Agree, religion is worthless and for me would be a total waste. Kinda like going to church on sunday morning, following a program,some rituals, socialize with a few friends just to have some fire insurance, you know in case what the bible explicitly says turns out to be true.
I am so blessed to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. There is a massive difference in having religion and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Billy Graham use to always say the biggest mission field in the world was inside the 4 walls of a Church.
That all so knowing faith you have been redeemed by Christ finished work on the cross was the game changer for me.
Going to church,volunteering,being a great member,tithing, outstanding citizen in the community, deacon,sunday school teacher etc are good things. But none of them will save a mans soul. Only confessing your sins,repenting and trusting in Christ overcoming death, hell and the grave will save a man. Thats the Bible not NCSnow. When that happened to me,it was like I had walked out of a dense fog into perfectly clear skies. The Bibe all of the sudden made sense. That voice inside of me, the holy spirit,that convicted me I was born a sinner and that I needed Jesus Christ as my savior, started to help me discern things and see things the way God sees them instead of the way I did or the world does. I know if God will reveal himself to a sinner like me and show me grace,mercy and have the desire to be my best friend. He feels the same way about everyone else who has and will walk the face of this earth. Just because Im a Christian and have this relationship with Christ, doesnt mean I have overcome the world. But the one I serve has and because he has, he promised me that one day I will, as well as anyone else who puts their faith an trust in him.
I always harken back to a time when I started questioning why am I here, or why are we as a people here. Then I started thinking and questioning evolution one day. Wondering how something as complex as the human anatomy, ability to communicate and think, live in an atmosphere with the exact right balance of gasses could have evolved from some cataclismic explosion millions of years ago. There is just no way I have faith strong enough to accept that. So I thought surely there has to be a divine creator of the things I just described above. If there is a creator, then wouldnt he have a purpose for it, want to reveal who he was?
Thats when I opened the bible and started asking,having more questions. Everytime I would have a question, I would discover the answer to those questions in the Bible.
The main question I had was why God did you create the heavens and the earth? Why did you create me? The answer was plain as day. He wants and desires fellowship with not only myself but all of those he created. It made perfect sense and it has been the most amazing expierence of my life. My hope and prayer is that anyone who is seeking the truth about God and what purpose their life has here on earth will turn to the Bible and towards God. Take him up on his offer, John 3 :16, to become best friends for eternity.
For some people, religion makes sense & works well with their lives. For me, I’ve been a much better person as a whole since I left it all. The only thing I practice is spirituality, keeps everything open-ended allows for growth in a creative way & is very liberating.
Amen"God is still on the throne." No matter what course life or circumstances seem to take. It is so wonderfull to know one day many people will start an eternal journey in a place called Heaven simply because they put their faith and trust in a ressurected savior Jesus Christ.
I am the wealthiest man on earth because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt myself,wife and 2 kids have chosen to give our lives over to christ.
I hope and pray daily everyone in this world would slow down and think about what an awesome gift God gave the world in his son Jesus Christ. The personal relationship I have with God through his son Jesus Christ finished work on the cross is better than anything money,this world, or fame could buy.
What makes God so awesome is he created all of us and gives us the freedom to choose him or not. The best deccesion I ever made in my life was to surrender my life to christ. Cant describe how God took an old wretched sinner like myself, washed me whiter than snow through his son Jesus shedding of his blood on that cross, and now has my sails/sights totally affixated on him. He is not only my King,redeemer, but hes also my best friend. The only reason God created everyone of us, is because he wants a personal relationship with us. I dont care who you are,what youve done, or where you come from. Dont ever think God doesnt know everything about you,love you more than you love yourself and wants to be your best friend. That really sums it up. We get so stuck on religion,theology etc that all folks need to know is God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,that who so ever shall beleive in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. The best advice I can give anyone in this world and its better than winning lotto numbers,inside trading info, what have you. If you want to become wealthy beyond measure,then check God out.
So true. I accepted Christ as Saviour in my life Jan 15th, 1989. No the road hasn't always been easy but I now have someone that I can pray to anytime I want. I love my Church and have been faithful since salvation. I thank God for the good and bad in my life.If I thought for one minute that there was no after-life, I would be pulling my hair out in fear. I would be afraid of everything that could cause my death. I am so glad that there is a God and I am so glad that I found salvation through His son. Now, my only fear is for the ones who do not believe. The sad part of it is..... even though it is a free gift, some will still refuse it. Just remember there are no atheists in hell. Once you die you will know that there is a God. Please ponder on that thought.
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.If I thought for one minute that there was no after-life, I would be pulling my hair out in fear. I would be afraid of everything that could cause my death. I am so glad that there is a God and I am so glad that I found salvation through His son. Now, my only fear is for the ones who do not believe. The sad part of it is..... even though it is a free gift, some will still refuse it. Just remember there are no atheists in hell. Once you die you will know that there is a God. Please ponder on that thought.
If I thought for one minute that there was no after-life, I would be pulling my hair out in fear. I would be afraid of everything that could cause my death. I am so glad that there is a God and I am so glad that I found salvation through His son. Now, my only fear is for the ones who do not believe. The sad part of it is..... even though it is a free gift, some will still refuse it. Just remember there are no atheists in hell. Once you die you will know that there is a God. Please ponder on that thought.
First of all this is the the religious thread, so if there is a thread to debate it, this is it. Second, you can't quote someone, call what they believe hilarious and full of fallacies, then state you don't want this to turn into a debate. You got to know your response will warrant a return response...just keep it civil.Its not really free, your fealty is required to get that "free" gift. So if a guy like me a atheist who lives a good life and is a good person dies I automatically go to hell right? Sounds to me like your god is more worried about your belief in it than in what kind of life you live. If someone lives a horrible life raping and killing kids for example and in the last moments of their lives they repent and accept Jesus/god they get to go to heaven correct? So I who live a clean life and do good deeds but does not believe in god automatically goes to hell, its hilarious, how does that show a loving caring god. Of course I don't think there is a god at all so I am just pointing out some of the fallacies that lead me to the conclusion that god is not real.
I dont want this to turn into a religious debate as I don't really think this is the thread for it, so I will leave it at that, if you need a belief in a god in your life I totally understand and respect that.
Its not really free, your fealty is required to get that "free" gift. So if a guy like me a atheist who lives a good life and is a good person dies I automatically go to hell right? Sounds to me like your god is more worried about your belief in it than in what kind of life you live. If someone lives a horrible life raping and killing kids for example and in the last moments of their lives they repent and accept Jesus/god they get to go to heaven correct? So I who live a clean life and do good deeds but does not believe in god automatically goes to hell, its hilarious, how does that show a loving caring god. Of course I don't think there is a god at all so I am just pointing out some of the fallacies that lead me to the conclusion that god is not real.
I have really tried to see and understand the point of view that everything we are able to behold and experience just came together and developed by random chance. Even before I was a Christian, I pondered this. For me, it's as simple as it just doesn't pass the sniff test. That's not scientific or emotional at all. But for me, the idea that totality of the complexity and wonder of every essence of the natural world is an amalgamation of a random set of circumstances that just happened to come together at the right time, in the right sequence, and in the right configuration is just inexplicable and unbelievable on it's face.
The last sentence seems fairly easy to defend, at least superficially. It starts with the assumptions that both God and the universe exist and that nothing created God (i.e. he always was, is, and will be). From there, it's an apples to oranges comparison. God is an omnipotent entity. The universe is material. The inverse argument is that everything came from nothing. To hold that position seems much more ludicrous to me.I went back and forth on the whole something from nothing problem, its a daunting one and I considered myself agnostic for several years due to it. Where I ended up on it is the only thing harder for me to believe than a random set of circumstances came together in the right sequence and right configuration to create the universe is that some magical omnipotent timeless sky daddy created it instead. That also leads to the god paradox, who created god, if god doesn't need a creator to exist then why does the universe need a creator to exist.
Its not really free, your fealty is required to get that "free" gift. So if a guy like me a atheist who lives a good life and is a good person dies I automatically go to hell right? Sounds to me like your god is more worried about your belief in it than in what kind of life you live. If someone lives a horrible life raping and killing kids for example and in the last moments of their lives they repent and accept Jesus/god they get to go to heaven correct? So I who live a clean life and do good deeds but does not believe in god automatically goes to hell, its hilarious, how does that show a loving caring god. Of course I don't think there is a god at all so I am just pointing out some of the fallacies that lead me to the conclusion that god is not real.
I dont want this to turn into a religious debate as I don't really think this is the thread for it, so I will leave it at that, if you need a belief in a god in your life I totally understand and respect that.
The last sentence seems fairly easy to defend, at least superficially. It starts with the assumptions that both God and the universe exist and that nothing created God (i.e. he always was, is, and will be). From there, it's an apples to oranges comparison. God is an omnipotent entity. The universe is material. The inverse argument is that everything came from nothing. To hold that position seems much more ludicrous to me.
I went back and forth on the whole something from nothing problem, its a daunting one and I considered myself agnostic for several years due to it. Where I ended up on it is the only thing harder for me to believe than a random set of circumstances came together in the right sequence and right configuration to create the universe is that some magical omnipotent timeless sky daddy created it instead. That also leads to the god paradox, who created god, if god doesn't need a creator to exist then why does the universe need a creator to exist.
I guess for me its just as easy to believe the universe has always existed or that it came from "nothing" ( again not sure what that even is though) versus a magic guy always existing and deciding to create a massive universe to populate with people to worship it.
Also the time frame involved is billions of years, I mean these random interactions that lead to life literally occurred for billions of years before succeeding, untold numbers of bacteria and other single cell critters splitting and mutating trillions of times so probability wise its not that hard to believe that eventually more organized life developed all without divine intervention....
Look at it this way, God originally created the earth for man to enjoy it, have dominion over all the things of the earth and to enjoy a perfect world and fellowship with Him. Think for a minute what this earth would be like if this earth was without war, violence, anger, criminals, hatred, etc. every bad thing and instead filled with a people who can enjoy the beauty of the earth, fellowship with one another and with the One who made them and loves them perfectly. Human beings have built within them the desire to have fellowship/friendship, to be accepted and loved, etc all things that God built into us. Scripture tells us that one day God will destroy this earth and create a New Earth which will be what God originally intended but without the curse of sin that plagues this current earth we live on.
The stuff you speak of is from the curse of Man's sin. He created humans with the ability to choose rightly or wrongly. God did not want to create a bunch of robots, that would be lousy as you say.Right but God built all that horrible nasty stuff into us the violence, war, hatred etc.....we were created in his image ,God is perfect and makes no mistakes so we are what he intended, he could with the wave of his hand make all that stuff go away right? He could with a thought return all of us to the Garden of Eden...….so it must be God wants it this way...…pretty lousy god if you ask me.
Right but God built all that horrible nasty stuff into us the violence, war, hatred etc.....we were created in his image ,God is perfect and makes no mistakes so we are what he intended, he could with the wave of his hand make all that stuff go away right? He could with a thought return all of us to the Garden of Eden...….so it must be God wants it this way...…pretty lousy god if you ask me.
You dont go to hell because you are murder,drunkard, thief,, hypocrite fill in the blank.Its not really free, your fealty is required to get that "free" gift. So if a guy like me a atheist who lives a good life and is a good person dies I automatically go to hell right? Sounds to me like your god is more worried about your belief in it than in what kind of life you live. If someone lives a horrible life raping and killing kids for example and in the last moments of their lives they repent and accept Jesus/god they get to go to heaven correct? So I who live a clean life and do good deeds but does not believe in god automatically goes to hell, its hilarious, how does that show a loving caring god. Of course I don't think there is a god at all so I am just pointing out some of the fallacies that lead me to the conclusion that god is not real.
I dont want this to turn into a religious debate as I don't really think this is the thread for it, so I will leave it at that, if you need a belief in a god in your life I totally understand and respect that.
Man was originally created without sin, perfect, good and in the image of God. However, Satan's plan was to deceive Adam/Eve and they ended up disobeying God to which there were severe consequences. What you are asking for is for God to force His changes on everyone against their will. The only people who can be in the New Earth are those who have been turned from their sin and placed their faith in God, He can't bring every single person from earth to Heaven like what you are suggesting. Furthermore, if God gave us all what we truly deserved He would wipe every single human off the face of the earth and be done with us or would literally be forcing people against their will (a robot) to do exactly what he wanted. That would mean for you and me, anytime we are faced with the prospect of breaking God's law (sin) God would have to either kill us to prevent it from happening or force us to do something differently. Man was created with the ability to choose and make choices, to suffer the good or bad consequences of them. Adam made a bad choice and mankind is under the curse of sin as a result... but the promise from God in Scripture is that He will one day restore the earth how it was intended to be and all of His people will live in peace/unity with Him on that New Earth. Those who rejected God and lived in rebellion against Him will not be there. The reason God doesn't just destroy this world now and create the new one is also explained in Scripture; it's to give people like you and I a chance to place our faith in Him so that we can enjoy eternity in the perfect world that He will create when this one is finally purged/destroyed. What God wants is for all people to one day be in the perfect world He creates again but He will not force anyone there. We each are responsible for how we respond to God just as Adam was in the beginning and there are consequences for our choices. I understand where you are coming from, I wrestled with a lot of these questions in high school and college and spent a great deal of time working through them and searching for answers.
I would like to hear some counter-arguments against the problem of pre-determinism vs free-will. Everything I’ve heard from Christians on this topic has been filled with confirmation bias towards their god is all-knowing & we don’t know anything so we shouldn’t question. This is a common tactic the Bible uses to deceive people into blind faith. & to add on top of that, no one in the Christian community ever questions that maybe the god depicted in the Bible is actually an evil god