Wanna bet?Because he is suppose to love all of us?
Any prayer can vaguely answered but when it comes down to tangible prayers that require miracles they never happen.
Wanna bet?Because he is suppose to love all of us?
Any prayer can vaguely answered but when it comes down to tangible prayers that require miracles they never happen.
Because he is suppose to love all of us?
Any prayer can vaguely answered but when it comes down to tangible prayers that require miracles they never happen.
Some of the best answered prayers are when God says No. If you look at the Lords prayer in the bible, the disciples where asking Jesus how they should pray. He instructs themNo it means god doesnt exist and when those and other prayers arent met then its excused as " god works in mysterious ways".
Wanna bet?
Because he is suppose to love all of us?
Any prayer can vaguely answered but when it comes down to tangible prayers that require miracles they never happen.
Because he is suppose to love all of us?
Any prayer can vaguely answered but when it comes down to tangible prayers that require miracles they never happen.
A) God doesn't help stupid - jump out of an airplane ... Holy poop ...Yes I will take that bet.
Jump out of an airplane without a parachute and pray god stops you before you impact the ground. Pray to breath underwater as your boat sinks so you cant drown. Pray like my neighbor who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer that he will be cured......he hasnt and is on hospice.
Now comes the part where yall say god wouldnt answer those prayers. Theres a reason why those things cant be answered in prayer it's because those outcomes are non-negotiable even for what is supposedly an omnipotent being.
Some of the best answered prayers are when God says No. If you look at the Lords prayer in the bible, the disciples where asking Jesus how they should pray. He instructs them
Our father which are in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
THY WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Ill stop right here, but see THY WILL BE DONE .... i quoted Isaiah 55:8 earlier ("my ways arent your ways")and you can find the lords prayer in the gospels of Mathew,Mark,Luke and John.
Every prayer from a born again christian is heard. May not get answered the way we want it to or according to our time table . But its heard and will be answered according to Gods Will.
Its important to remember sin seperates man from God. So if your praying and have unconfessed sin in your life or never gave your life to Christ ,then your just wasting your time. Need to get that out of the way 1st. Fortunately we have the number 1 lawyer of all time who makes intercession for us when we repent.
Romans 8:34
Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ who died, yea rather, who is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Yes I will take that bet.
Jump out of an airplane without a parachute and pray god stops you before you impact the ground. Pray to breath underwater as your boat sinks so you cant drown. Pray like my neighbor who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer that he will be cured......he hasnt and is on hospice.
Now comes the part where yall say god wouldnt answer those prayers. Theres a reason why those things cant be answered in prayer it's because those outcomes are non-negotiable even for what is supposedly an omnipotent being.
Yes I will take that bet.
Jump out of an airplane without a parachute and pray god stops you before you impact the ground. Pray to breath underwater as your boat sinks so you cant drown. Pray like my neighbor who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer that he will be cured......he hasnt and is on hospice.
Now comes the part where yall say god wouldnt answer those prayers. Theres a reason why those things cant be answered in prayer it's because those outcomes are non-negotiable even for what is supposedly an omnipotent being.
Get a chance, watch this video. It may just open your eyes.Yes I will take that bet.
Jump out of an airplane without a parachute and pray god stops you before you impact the ground. Pray to breath underwater as your boat sinks so you cant drown. Pray like my neighbor who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer that he will be cured......he hasnt and is on hospice.
Now comes the part where yall say god wouldnt answer those prayers. Theres a reason why those things cant be answered in prayer it's because those outcomes are non-negotiable even for what is supposedly an omnipotent being.
Referring to the bolded: What about prayers from others who believe in him?
Edit: I know, venturing into political and religion discussions may be dangerous.
You obviously didn't watch the video I posted...Yeah generally I avoid it, I am not going to believe in god and I really don't want to change any believers minds....its just interesting to me, weather is science and science is what started me on my path to atheism.
lol sure...The Bible is undeniably real too, it’s simply a matter of whether one believes the claims made in it. Those are 2 separate arguments. One can see the reality of both the Bible and what Shakespeare wrote but debate the ideas/claims each one makes which are two separate areas of argument.
its called a coincidence... play that scenario over and over and only a small percentage of times will someone heal despite the odds. CONFIRMATION BIAS...That's actually not correct. I have personally seen someone who had stage 4 cancer, confirmed by multiple doctors, scans, tests, the best science available. This woman was prayed for fervently and she went back to the doctor one day and every single bit of cancer was completely gone. Doctors could not explain it and had never seen anything like it before. Those were tangible prayers that required a miracle which actually happened.
Referring to the bolded: What about prayers from others who believe in him?
Edit: I know, venturing into political and religion discussions may be dangerous.
Why didn’t God protect all those people in the mass shootings
lol sure...
John 9:31 New International Version (NIV)
31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.
I want post a ton of scripture on here, but outside of a prayer for repentance,salvation God does not hear the prayer of a man who doesnt know Jesus Christ as his savior. Bible is very clear about this.
Its also very clear God answers prayer according to his will.
Also shaggy put up a scenerio about jumping from an airplane, with no parachute etc.
Luke 4:9-13 New International Version (NIV)
9 The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. 10 For it is written:
“‘He will command his angels concerning you
to guard you carefully;
11 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[a]”
12 Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[b]”
13 When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune
Bottom line dont tempt the Lord.
its called a coincidence... play that scenario over and over and only a small percentage of times will someone heal despite the odds. CONFIRMATION BIAS...
So wait!!! God doesnt listen to sinners yet he gave his only begotten son for them? Yall wonder why some of us wish to ignore such a contradictory fairy tale?
So wait!!! God doesnt listen to sinners yet he gave his only begotten son for them? Yall wonder why some of us wish to ignore such a contradictory fairy tale?
I see you failed to read the part where i mentioned probability; i guess i may of should be more specific saying it was likely a coincidence since you utterly missed what i was implying. Also, just because we don't have an answer for it; definitely doesn't mean one should jump to the conclusion that it was divine intervention. It seems you continuously trap yourself in the teeth of confirmation bias. Science leaves the unknown open-ended and doesn't make conclusions unless there is evidence that supports it.I think you missed the context of my post. Shaggy made the claim that God doesn’t answer specific prayers healing people who are about to die and I was giving an example of a situation where this did in fact happen. Whether you believe it to be coincidence or an act of God is another debate entirely. You’ll see in my other posts I said answered prayer doesn’t prove the existence of God just as prayers that don’t turn out how we hope do not disprove His existence.
Btw if you want to try to be free of confirmation bias, I would encourage you to find the scientific explanation for these types of incidents instead of just a cop out like “coincidence.” By saying it’s just coincidence you are actually engaging in confirmation bias by failing to search for a legitimate scientific explanation/cause that could explain this and instead making an assumption that is based on your worldview which is the epitome of confirmation bias. A person who is terminal with stage 4 cancer and given weeks to live with no chemo/radiation and then suddenly is completely cancer free... how does science explain that? Why did the doctors treating this patient say they’ve never seen anything like it before and declare that it could only be an act of God? Again not saying it proves the existence of God but it’s something you should try to find an answer to scientifically if you reject that there is a God.
I see you failed to read the part where i mentioned probability; i guess i may of should be more specific saying it was likely a coincidence since you utterly missed what i was implying. Also, just because we don't have an answer for it; definitely doesn't mean one should jump to the conclusion that it was divine intervention. It seems you continuously trap yourself in the teeth of confirmation bias. Science leaves the unknown open-ended and doesn't make conclusions unless there is evidence that supports it.
You can’t assume it is, not that hard to understand but whatever. My question is, would you consider other religious books that say the truth deviates far from your bible credible sources?So what evidence would you require to confirm that the prayer indeed was answered and God is indeed real in this circumstance described? How could science “prove” this was an act of God?
I am not a fan of the confirmation bias argument when trying to make a case for or against something. There are far stronger ones that could be made to support your position, confirmation bias is one of the weakest from a debate standpoint imo. Having said that, saying it was “likely a coincidence” is assuming something with the worldview in mind that there is no god, a confirmation bias. You have no evidence presented proving that this healing was not the work of God so you assume it must be “coincidence” because that aligns with your worldview. I’ll play devils advocate here and provide you with a link that examines some possible explanations and thoughts on the issue.
You can’t assume it is, not that hard to understand but whatever. My question is, would you consider other religious books that say the truth deviates far from your bible credible sources?
You can’t assume it is, not that hard to understand but whatever.
something that can be tested that simple.Answer my question first and then I’ll answer yours ?
something that can be tested that simple.
It is easy to be an atheist when you are young, successful, or when you think you don't need anything. However, it is very difficult to be one when you are met with severe hardship and there is nowhere else to turn and no way out. When you are lying on your death-bed and that little voice deep within you whispers... "What if I'm wrong? What's going to happen to me?". I truly hope everyone understands that we are not guaranteed our next breath and if you die without having accepted Christ, you are going to spend eternity in Hell. These are God's words. Like I said in an earlier post, there are no atheists in Hell. The minute you die, you will know that there is a God. Only one problem, it will be too late.something that can be tested that simple.
It is easy to be an atheist when you are young, successful, or when you think you don't need anything. However, it is very difficult to be one when you are met with severe hardship and there is nowhere else to turn and no way out. When you are lying on your death-bed and that little voice deep within you whispers... "What if I'm wrong? What's going to happen to me?". I truly hope everyone understands that we are not guaranteed our next breath and if you die without having accepted Christ, you are going to spend eternity in Hell. These are God's words. Like I said in an earlier post, there are no atheists in Hell. The minute you die, you will know that there is a God. Only one problem, it will be too late.
As an atheist, you have to believe everything came from nothing. Once you deviate from that position, you can no longer rationally conclude with certainty that God doesn't exist.
That's where your are wrong. It's not fear. Its acknowledgement that I have issues that are not holy and that I need Christ to pay for my unholiness and actually transform me into a better person, more Christ like. Yes, many Christians puff theirselves up to appear better than their neighbor so to speak, but we are all totally messed up in desperate need of redemption.See this is one of the philosophical things that just make me more of a atheist.....the root reason that most people are Christians after you scrape away all the fluff is fear. Fear of eternity in hell, this has been pounded into your head since the day you were born. Most people grow up indoctrinated into whatever religion their parents/family believe, and I remember my grandparents had a poster of demons attacking and killing people as god looked sadly down from above after judgement day and it terrified me as a child. It was in the room we slept in when we stayed the night there....why would a god send someone to hell for eternity even if they are good people simply because they don't believe in him.....its total vanity. I know Christians who literally say half the reason they believe is it is better to be safe than sorry just in case.
See this is one of the philosophical things that just make me more of a atheist.....the root reason that most people are Christians after you scrape away all the fluff is fear. Fear of eternity in hell, this has been pounded into your head since the day you were born. Most people grow up indoctrinated into whatever religion their parents/family believe, and I remember my grandparents had a poster of demons attacking and killing people as god looked sadly down from above after judgement day and it terrified me as a child. It was in the room we slept in when we stayed the night there....why would a god send someone to hell for eternity even if they are good people simply because they don't believe in him.....its total vanity. I know Christians who literally say half the reason they believe is it is better to be safe than sorry just in case.
That's where your are wrong. It's not fear. Its acknowledgement that I have issues that are not holy and that I need Christ to pay for my unholiness and actually transform me into a better person, more Christ like. Yes, many Christians puff theirselves up to appear better than their neighbor so to speak, but we are all totally messed up in desperate need of redemption.
So if there was no penalty of hell would you go around murdering and raping people, steal from your neighbors etc? Is your belief in God the only thing that prevents you from doing all those things?
Also I am not messed up nor am I desperately in need of redemption....at all. I don't need to believe in a god to be a good person....I don't need the promise of everlasting life or the threat of eternity in hell to do the right thing.