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Misc All Things Religious

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
—Psalm 19:1–3
There is a language in nature that speaks of the existence of God. It is the language of order, beauty, perfection, and intelligence. Some time ago a scientist told me that when he gave serious thought to the majestic order of the universe and its obedience to unchanging law, he could not help but believe in God. He had become aware that God was speaking through nature.

God speaks in the certainty and regularity of the seasons; in the precision of the movements of the sun, the moon, and the stars; in the regular coming of night and day; in the balance between man’s consumption of life-giving oxygen and its production by the plant life of the earth; and even in the cry of a newborn child with its ever-new dimension of the miracle of life.

Obviously the answer is no. You cannot expect Christianity to bring about unity in a secular/pluralistic society.

But one thing American Christians would do well to understand is that Christianity has historically flourished when it is a marginalized group with little to no political/socio-economic standing in society.

We need to recover what it means to advance and promote God’s Kingdom and the values of God’s kingdom independently from the political process.
But as Christians, God gives us discernment and power to carry out biblical principles no matter what the culture is. We are not supposed to sit idly by letting everything go on like we are wimps waiting on the rapture. We are here for a reason.
But as Christians, God gives us discernment and power to carry out biblical principles no matter what the culture is. We are not supposed to sit idly by letting everything go on like we are wimps waiting on the rapture. We are here for a reason.

I agree, and I am not suggesting that we shouldn't vote and that we shouldn't promote a more just/godly society. The problem, as I see it, is that too many of us have grown to equate saving America as saving Christianity; or promoting Republican candidates as the same as promoting the gospel. The Bible tells us that we are citizens of heaven--that is our first allegiance; the kingdom of heaven is what we promote first and foremost. When we loudly and proudly support someone such as Trump, we do more to hinder our cause than to promote it. Just my opinion.
I agree, and I am not suggesting that we shouldn't vote and that we shouldn't promote a more just/godly society. The problem, as I see it, is that too many of us have grown to equate saving America as saving Christianity; or promoting Republican candidates as the same as promoting the gospel. The Bible tells us that we are citizens of heaven--that is our first allegiance; the kingdom of heaven is what we promote first and foremost. When we loudly and proudly support someone such as Trump, we do more to hinder our cause than to promote it. Just my opinion.
I agree too. The church has stopped functioning as the orig intent which is evident in society.
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I agree, and I am not suggesting that we shouldn't vote and that we shouldn't promote a more just/godly society. The problem, as I see it, is that too many of us have grown to equate saving America as saving Christianity; or promoting Republican candidates as the same as promoting the gospel. The Bible tells us that we are citizens of heaven--that is our first allegiance; the kingdom of heaven is what we promote first and foremost. When we loudly and proudly support someone such as Trump, we do more to hinder our cause than to promote it. Just my opinion.
We do more for our cause when we stand up for the unborn who are slaughtered by the millions , not be ashamed of something as simple as the 10 commandments being posted on some govt property, not consider preaching the word of God as hate speech cause it steps on someones toes, lifestyles.
We need to be a good steward with not just our money,but our time,talents,gifts,voice,job etc. I am accountable to God for what I stand for and why. There is and always will be a spiritual war going on in this world. My problem isnt Joe Biden,Donald Trump,Nancy Pelosi, the Rnc,Dnc. Its the wiles of the devil.
I agree too. The church has stopped functioning as the orig intent which is evident in society.
The church has conformed to the world when it should be the other way around. To much worldlinesss in the church today is point Im trying to make. The church isnt just 4 walls, but us as individual beleivers.
The church has conformed to the world when it should be the other way around. To much worldlinesss in the church today is point Im trying to make. The church isnt just 4 walls, but us as individual beleivers.

As a atheist I cringe when I read these kind of statements...I think there are two kinds of Christians, those that are just trying to find their way and those that live it as a "lifestyle", the second group are the ones I particularly have a hard time dealing with,

I have members of my extended family like that and its super annoying. If people want to become a Christian then fine but don't tell me I need to do this that or the other thing or if you feel compelled to tell me it do it ONCE...then move on, I have had friends as well do the same thing, its why I sometimes just smile and nod and keep my atheism to myself, so many uppity Christians think they have to save my soul its annoying, that and the friends that have literally decided to not be close friends with me after learning I don't believe in god, people I have known for years....its sad.
As a atheist I cringe when I read these kind of statements...I think there are two kinds of Christians, those that are just trying to find their way and those that live it as a "lifestyle", the second group are the ones I particularly have a hard time dealing with,

I have members of my extended family like that and its super annoying. If people want to become a Christian then fine but don't tell me I need to do this that or the other thing or if you feel compelled to tell me it do it ONCE...then move on, I have had friends as well do the same thing, its why I sometimes just smile and nod and keep my atheism to myself, so many uppity Christians think they have to save my soul its annoying, that and the friends that have literally decided to not be close friends with me after learning I don't believe in god, people I have known for years....its sad.
Friend the decession you make in regards to your soul is between you and God. Yes my relationship with Jesus Christ dictates my lifestyle. Trust me I dont walk on water, certainly am not perfect and In Gods eyes he values you just as much as he does me. The Bible is very plain about that.
I value and cherish life as well as this awesome planet God created. Im so thankfull I get to wake up every morning and enjoy life. But this is not my eternal home. I will never stop bragging about Jesus and what hes done for me. Ive got something I wish everyone else could have , and they can if they choose so. God leaves that decession solely up to you. I have several friends,family members who arent born again Christians. I love them to death. Have them over to the house,talk regularly etc. But now Im not gonna go down to the bar and hang out with them or miss church on Sunday morning to go play Golf. My whole heart, being is surrendered unto God 1st. Then family,friends,country. Hope that helps. There is a verse in the bible "Greater is he that is in me,than he that is in the world."
Friend the decession you make in regards to your soul is between you and God. Yes my relationship with Jesus Christ dictates my lifestyle. Trust me I dont walk on water, certainly am not perfect and In Gods eyes he values you just as much as he does me. The Bible is very plain about that.
I value and cherish life as well as this awesome planet God created. Im so thankfull I get to wake up every morning and enjoy life. But this is not my eternal home. I will never stop bragging about Jesus and what hes done for me. Ive got something I wish everyone else could have , and they can if they choose so. God leaves that decession solely up to you. I have several friends,family members who arent born again Christians. I love them to death. Have them over to the house,talk regularly etc. But now Im not gonna go down to the bar and hang out with them or miss church on Sunday morning to go play Golf. My whole heart, being is surrendered unto God 1st. Then family,friends,country. Hope that helps. There is a verse in the bible "Greater is he that is in me,than he that is in the world."

That's all fine and well, as long as you respect their choices on what they choose to believe then its no big deal, I speak of those friends and family that feel they have to constantly push god on me since I am a heathen.....and it just makes me resent them or not hang around them. The same with the ones that cant post on FB without working god into their post, these same people that cheat on their mates, or have drinking problems etc.....

I guess what you replied to my post with is opposite of how I took the statement "The church has conformed to the world when it should be the other way around" which seems kind of menacing to someone like me.
That's all fine and well, as long as you respect their choices on what they choose to believe then its no big deal, I speak of those friends and family that feel they have to constantly push god on me since I am a heathen.....and it just makes me resent them or not hang around them. The same with the ones that cant post on FB without working god into their post, these same people that cheat on their mates, or have drinking problems etc.....

I guess what you replied to my post with is opposite of how I took the statement "The church has conformed to the world when it should be the other way around" which seems kind of menacing to someone like me.
Just because someone cheats or is an alcoholic and those same people put God in their posts doesn't mean they are bad people. Actually they are human with flaws just like me and you, and maybe they are acknowledging their need for God to intervene and make their lives better, free from addiction.
Just because someone cheats or is an alcoholic and those same people put God in their posts doesn't mean they are bad people. Actually they are human with flaws just like me and you, and maybe they are acknowledging their need for God to intervene and make their lives better, free from addiction.

Maybe but it comes across kinda preachy and then they judge me on my atheism while I don't do things like cheat on my wife or have a drinking problem but since I don't live a "clean" Christian life like themselves I am not as good a person as they are.....and trust me there are TONS of people like this out there. If I try to point out any of this then I am attacking Christians and they are all soooooo persecuted :rolleyes:
Maybe but it comes across kinda preachy and then they judge me on my atheism while I don't do things like cheat on my wife or have a drinking problem but since I don't live a "clean" Christian life like themselves I am not as good a person as they are.....and trust me there are TONS of people like this out there. If I try to point out any of this then I am attacking Christians and they are all soooooo persecuted :rolleyes:
Yeah there are tons of people that try to show how knowledgeable they are or how holy they are, but when it comes down to it they just think they have to act a certain way to appease man. All that matters is the relationship with Christ.
Maybe but it comes across kinda preachy and then they judge me on my atheism while I don't do things like cheat on my wife or have a drinking problem but since I don't live a "clean" Christian life like themselves I am not as good a person as they are.....and trust me there are TONS of people like this out there. If I try to point out any of this then I am attacking Christians and they are all soooooo persecuted :rolleyes:

I say you should persecute them if that is the case. If they really are Christians, calling out their blatant sins will convict them, leading them to repentance. If they aren't convicted enough to change, then they aren't Christians.
I agree, and I am not suggesting that we shouldn't vote and that we shouldn't promote a more just/godly society. The problem, as I see it, is that too many of us have grown to equate saving America as saving Christianity; or promoting Republican candidates as the same as promoting the gospel. The Bible tells us that we are citizens of heaven--that is our first allegiance; the kingdom of heaven is what we promote first and foremost. When we loudly and proudly support someone such as Trump, we do more to hinder our cause than to promote it. Just my opinion.
You will stand before God and give an account of how you voted and who you supported. I would not want to stand before God and have to tell him I voted for someone who supported killing his unborn children. That's why we Christians support Republican candidates. Always will...
You will stand before God and give an account of how you voted and who you supported. I would not want to stand before God and have to tell him I voted for someone who supported killing his unborn children. That's why we Christians support Republican candidates. Always will...

Where in Scripture does it say you will be accountable for a vote for a politician? Can you back that up? Is abortion the only political issue God cares about? Is he not equally concerned with economic justice (hello OT prophets)? The idea that one of two political parties solely represents God is absurd--absolutely absurd.
What about sexual assault? Does God not care about sexual assault? Is God good with supporting an anti-abortion candidate who has admitted to sexually assaulting women on tape; a man who claims he does not sin and does not need forgiveness? What's the different between sexual assault and abortion in the eyes of God? Does God grade on a curve? How does that work exactly?
Yeah there are tons of people that try to show how knowledgeable they are or how holy they are, but when it comes down to it they just think they have to act a certain way to appease man. All that matters is the relationship with Christ.
This times 1000. Very well said.
I put a lot of scripture quotes on here, but its to share with others who can take or leave. No way is it intended to show I can win a Bible knowledge quiz lol or that Im some great saint etc.
For Downeast and others its your decession and has to be made by you,for yourself. I ,nor anyone else have the authority to judge you for the decision you choose to make or any other aspect of your life. The Bible is very clear about that. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."
On the other hand as a christian I have everyright to judge , speak out against the sin. And its the Bible that defines what is and what isnt sin.
But its imperative of me to continously examine myself ,and get my house in order on a individual basis, before I try to represent or share Gods word with someone else. The biggest testimony I have isnt the words I speak,but the actions of my lifesryle I live. "Judge a tree by the fruit it bares". Be a waste of time if I said ,quoted scripture about showing compassion to other people,then when I cross paths with someone who disagrees with me and treat them dispespectfully.
But please dont ever think I myself as a Christian or anyone else you know is a Christian are perfect. We are not. If we where we wouldnt need Jesus to pay ALL our sin debt. Thats past,present,future. Also Just because I have a relationship with Jesus, doesnt mean I have a license to do anything I want to do because I have a get of jail free card, since all I have to do is confess my sin and the bible says he will forgive me. True repentance means to turn away from that sin. Own up to it and change( actions).
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The apostle Paul warns the Christian community against the evil of judging one another concerning certain doubtful or debatable practices151 where one Christian holds one opinion and another a different opinion. He then concludes this portion of his argument with a reminder of every Christian’s accountability at the Judgment Seat of God. He writes:
But why do you judge your brother or sister? Or again, why do you despise your brother or sister? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. 11 For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will give praise to God.” 12 Therefore, each of us will give an account of himself to God (Rom 14:10-12)..
The stark reality of Scripture is that every person, Christian and non-Christian, is accountable before a sovereign God (see Rom. 3:9-19) and will one day have to bow before Christ (Phil. 2:9-11). Jesus said, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked” (Luke 12:48b). Many reject this declaration of Scripture by all manner of human rationalizations and bias, but their rejection cannot alter the reality of accountability.

Jesus emphatically taught that a day of judgment is coming when every person will have to give an account. For instance, in a context where the Pharisees had spoken evil of Jesus by attributing His miracle to Satan, Jesus condemned them as a brood of vipers who could never say anything good since their hearts were evil. He then went on to make the point that people are responsible for all their actions and words, which will acquit or condemn them on the day of judgment. In Matthew 12:36 He said, “I tell you that on the day of judgment, people will give an account for every worthless word they speak.”
Unfortunately, however, man is a rebel who wants to do his own thing without any or very little accountability for his actions. Since the fall of man (Gen. 3), this has been the case, but a worldwide phenomenon of our day is a defiance of any form of established authority whether religious or secular, social or political. This sad reality has colored the beliefs and actions of our present society worldwide. Without a sense of accountability to a sovereign God, the world can quickly gravitate in the direction of the ruthless acts and tyranny of people like Hitler. When God either does not exist in the beliefs of men or when the truth about God is distorted into man’s own image of who and what God is like, everything is permitted, morally speaking.
Today, we live in a time when, having fundamentally rejected the absolutes and clear teachings of Scripture, man seeks to make God accountable to him for his comfort and pleasure. Thus, people are not only doing what is right in their own eyes, but the prevailing attitude is ‘Do your own thing. You are only accountable to yourself and your own self-fulfillment.’ This is a shift from a God-centered perspective of life to a man-centered perspective. This is all part of man’s attempt to dismiss any accountability to God. The reality is that when men seek to ignore accountability to God and others, they leave themselves vulnerable to the cold misery of slavery and eventually to the menace of a dictator.
Accountability to God and to one another according to the directives of Scripture is the foundation for freedom and liberty. But what is true freedom and wherein lies its source? Freedom is not the right to do as one pleases as a capricious child. Certainly it means the capacity to exercise choice, but never so that it is devoid of responsibility or accountability. Freedom is both the responsibility and the ability, by the grace of God, to do what is right according to the absolute and righteous standards of truth as given to us in God’s Holy Word. Many see freedom as the right to abandon accountability to God and men in order to do what they please in the promotion of self gratification. But that is not freedom. It is slavery, or at least leads to slavery. Speaking of false teachers who either twist Scripture to their own self-centered objectives or deny its authority altogether, Peter writes, “…promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved” (2 Pet. 2:19). Beliefs or one’s world view always has consequences. It is like a train which is free to do what it was created to do as long as it is on its track.
Accountability is one of the means God uses to bring about solid growth and maturity with the freedom to be what God has created us for. But as we’ve just stressed, the problem is that we live in a society that has become very individualistic. The prevailing attitude is be your own man or woman, do your own thing, be your own boss, and often this attitude is promoted or stated in a way that undermines accountability to God and others. The Bible in no way denies our individualism. Indeed, it promotes it, but in a way that holds us each accountable to others. Proper individualism leads to a certain amount of inventiveness, ingenuity, and freedom, but it can also breed license and irresponsibility without accountability. The fact is you can’t make disciples or produce growing and mature Christians without accountability.
So again, true freedom is not the ability to do as one pleases, which is license, but the power by God’s grace to do as one ought. But what do we mean by accountability?
The Meaning of Accountability, What it is
By accountability, we are not talking about coercive tactics, the invasion of privacy, or bringing others under the weight of someone’s taboos or legalism or manipulative or dominating tactics. Rather, by accountability we mean developing relationships with other Christians that help to promote spiritual reality, honesty, obedience to God, and genuine evaluations of one’s walk and relationship with God and with others. We are talking about relationships that help believers change by the Spirit of God and the truth of the Word of God through inward spiritual conviction and faith.
Being what we are, sheep that are prone to wander, accountability to others is simply one of the ways God holds us accountable to Him. Left to ourselves, there is the great temptation to do mainly what we want rather than what God wants and what is best for others. So what is meant by accountability? We are talking about teaching, exhorting, supporting, and encouraging one another in such a way that it promotes accountability to Christ and to others in the body of Christ, but never by manipulation or domination.
The Necessity of Accountability, Why we need it.

from Bible.org
Where in Scripture does it say you will be accountable for a vote for a politician? Can you back that up? Is abortion the only political issue God cares about? Is he not equally concerned with economic justice (hello OT prophets)? The idea that one of two political parties solely represents God is absurd--absolutely absurd.
Its not which one represents God, cause both fail misearably, just like you and me from time to time as Im sure we can agree.
Its more than abortion for me personally. I look at both platforms. Every candidate that has run,is runing,and will run for polotical office has many flaws.
I look at policy to base my position off of. The 1st one is to see which of the 2 candidates will even acknowledge God, Jesus Christ as the creator of this universe. Then I start working through issues such as abortion, trying to help those less fortunate, stand up for peace but at the same time be willing to stand up for human rights.
I prayfully try to make the best decession I can and go vote. No one in washington DC, Raleigh NC can solve mans main problem. Only God can do that.
Thankfully all my sins past,present,future are forgiven. Because of Jesus,not anything I did. So I have a duty to be a good steward of everything in my life God has blessed me with. One of the many is being a good citizen in a country that is so richly blessed. I will vote, debate political issues. But at the end of the day,if my preference looses, the Sun will come up tommorow and God is still on the throne.