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Go back and read what I said. I said, “as it has been commonly taught.”
You said "it is questionable." If you did not feel that way, you would have said, "some folks apparently question". Why are you always down-playing some of the very truths that Christianity was based on? "Choose you this day whom ye will serve."
You said "it is questionable." If you did not feel that way, you would have said, "some folks apparently question". Why are you always down-playing some of the very truths that Christianity was based on? "Choose you this day whom ye will serve."
There is no sense in discussing such matters with you. First, you’re not understanding what I’m saying. Secondly, you have proven yourself to be intolerant of orthodox interpretations of Scripture that differ from your own.
I don't know how in the world we could ever really know for sure one way or the other when it comes to the church and the tribulation. You can make a compelling case for the differing views. I guess it just comes down to what you want to believe.
I don't know how in the world we could ever really know for sure one way or the other when it comes to the church and the tribulation. You can make a compelling case for the differing views. I guess it just comes down to what you want to believe.
This. And in the end it matters not which view you subscribe to. All that matters is your relationship with the Lord when it all comes to pass. In the meantime the best we can do is study His word and ask Him for clarity and understanding.

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My opinion and it’s only a opinion. Trump won in 2016 because it wasn’t time for the rapture just yet. I believe if Biden wins the rapture will happen within his 4yr term. If Trump wins I believe it’s not yet time for the rapture yet. Just a opinion though.

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Why do people act like trump is some sort of holy man of God. Maybe Mike Pence........but not trump.....I'm sorry but I recommend laying off YouTube.....just my opinion I think u mean well but very misinformed..

Spoiler alert: Trump used to be registered democrat and supported abortion rights he didn't fully switch parties until the 2000s.....he flip flops like a fish not a true conservative at all....don't know why us Christian's act like he's our savior....far from it.......
Why do people act like trump is some sort of holy man of God. Maybe Mike Pence........but not trump.....I'm sorry but I recommend laying off YouTube.....just my opinion I think u mean well but very misinformed..

Not saying he’s some holy man. But what I’m saying is he’s standing in the way of the new world order. That’s what I’m saying. I think Trump defends christianity

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Not saying he’s some holy man. But what I’m saying is he’s standing in the way of the new world order. That’s what I’m saying. I think Trump defends christianity

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Trump wouldn't/couldn't even cite his favorite book from the Bible in an interview, which he said is his favorite book, claiming it was a highly personal choice. Now, I agree that a relationship with the Lord is highly personal, but He also commands us to share and spread His word. What true Christian wouldn't take an opportunity to share their favorite part of the Word? I don't know what is in his heart, only God knows that. Maybe he truly is a Christian, and I hope that he is, but it just seems strange that a true Christian wouldn't even name a book from the Bible, or at least a favorite verse, or something.

In the end it is not for me to judge, just makes me wonder.

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Not saying he’s some holy man. But what I’m saying is he’s standing in the way of the new world order. That’s what I’m saying. I think Trump defends christianity

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God knew what was going to happen before it happens we all know that....but really think about it how can trump be standing in the way of the Lord Almighty. God is sovereign nobody can keep the rapture from happening it doesn't have ties to a political office. All conspiracy stories and hyped up media is a way to distract the puplic from knowing the truth and real issues in the world.....not trying to be mean I respect your opinions. That's what makes America and this fourm great
Trump wouldn't/couldn't even cite his favorite book from the Bible in an interview, which he said is his favorite book, claiming it was a highly personal choice. Now, I agree that a relationship with the Lord is highly personal, but He also commands us to share and spread His word. What true Christian wouldn't take an opportunity to share their favorite part of the Word? I don't know what is in his heart, only God knows that. Maybe he truly is a Christian, and I hope that he is, but it just seems strange that a true Christian wouldn't even name a book from the Bible, or at least a favorite verse, or something.

In the end it is not for me to judge, just makes me wonder.

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We're supposed to spread the good news!!! The true meaning of the gospels have been distorted for money, power and personal gain to this very day. Hell fire and brimstone.....God will save every single person in this world who believes in a higher power there's no such thing as religion....... religion was made up by man....time doesn't exist either all man-made conception's.
God knew what was going to happen before it happens we all know that....but really think about it how can trump be standing in the way of the Lord Almighty. God is sovereign nobody can keep the rapture from happening it doesn't have ties to a political office. All conspiracy stories and hyped up media is a way to distract the puplic from knowing the truth and real issues in the world.....not trying to be mean I respect your opinions. That's what makes America and this fourm great
All I know is that God uses the least expected people to fulfill his purposes usually.
All I know is that God uses the least expected people to fulfill his purposes usually.
Yes sir were all imperfect vessels....I'm not implying that God wouldn't use trump but more the rapture doesn't depend on a presidential election nor does it depend on trump protecting Christianity. In fact I believe the opposite is true were closer to the brink of world chaos because of trump the world is less stable now that the U.S withdrew on foreign policy were not the leader anymore and that's a very bad thing...for all religions...
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."
Exodus 20:13
"Thou shalt not kill."
*Being a Christian would mean NOT supporting Abortion: John 14:15
"If you love me, keep my commands"


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Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."
Exodus 20:13
"Thou shalt not kill."
*Being a Christian would mean NOT supporting Abortion: John 14:15
"If you love me, keep my commands"


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Well i mean since we are adhering to the bible so strictly.

What's that verse about an adulterer and his adulteress being put death?
Just look up ch
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."
Exodus 20:13
"Thou shalt not kill."
*Being a Christian would mean NOT supporting Abortion: John 14:15
"If you love me, keep my commands"


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Dude do us all a favor don't turn this in to a right wing political fourm it's religion not politics.
We're supposed to spread the good news!!! The true meaning of the gospels have been distorted for money, power and personal gain to this very day. Hell fire and brimstone.....God will save every single person in this world who believes in a higher power there's no such thing as religion....... religion was made up by man....time doesn't exist either all man-made conception's.
Uh.... no, that's not correct, A person has to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and only through Him will a he/she be given Salvation. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me" There will be many who will say on the day of judgment "Lord, Lord, did we not do many wonderful works in Thy name" and Jesus will say "depart from me ..... I never knew you" and they will be cast into Hell. This is not my religion, this is straight from God's word.
There is no sense in discussing such matters with you. First, you’re not understanding what I’m saying. Secondly, you have proven yourself to be intolerant of orthodox interpretations of Scripture that differ from your own.
I believe in God's Holy Word ..... period. If you don't, then you have problem bigger than me. You can read anything into the scriptures and twist it any way that makes you feel better, but that would not be God's words anymore. It would be man's. That's where you and I differ on what is the truth. There is a literal Heaven and Hell. No man or woman will see Heaven unless he/she accepts the Blood of Jesus as a payment for their sins. That's the message that we were told to go and preach.....
I believe in God's Holy Word ..... period. If you don't, then you have problem bigger than me. You can read anything into the scriptures and twist it any way that makes you feel better, but that would not be God's words anymore. It would be man's. That's where you and I differ on what is the truth. There is a literal Heaven and Hell. No man or woman will see Heaven unless he/she accepts the Blood of Jesus as a payment for their sins. That's the message that we were told to go and preach.....

Have I ever said otherwise to these central tenets of the faith? No I have not. You sir do the twisting.
He’s being obedient to God

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I think that Dana believes that he is being obedient to God, and likely believes everything that he has said. The problem is that for the past couple thousand years untold numbers of people have claimed to receive dreams from God saying the end is coming at such and such time, and so far none have been right. So you have to take these videos with a little skepticism.

The Bible cautions us that someone is a prophet only after their prophecies become true, and if they don't come true, then they weren't a prophet.

As stated time and again, the important thing is to be ready for the end at any time. To act as though He will be coming at any moment. Maybe Dana is right, maybe he isn't... What does it matter if you are right with the Lord? If it is time then there is nothing anyone can do about it, nothing anyone can do to stop it. There's only one thing you need to do to prepare, just make sure you have done that and try to live your life to the fullest in the meantime, don't waste time worrying about the how and when.

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Uh.... no, that's not correct, A person has to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and only through Him will a he/she be given Salvation. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me" There will be many who will say on the day of judgment "Lord, Lord, did we not do many wonderful works in Thy name" and Jesus will say "depart from me ..... I never knew you" and they will be cast into Hell. This is not my religion, this is straight from God's word.
What about the ones who never never heard the good news and yes religion is man made.......
Uh.... no, that's not correct, A person has to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and only through Him will a he/she be given Salvation. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me" There will be many who will say on the day of judgment "Lord, Lord, did we not do many wonderful works in Thy name" and Jesus will say "depart from me ..... I never knew you" and they will be cast into Hell. This is not my religion, this is straight from God's word.
Hell has been misinterpreted imo I'm on my phone or I would include some articles give me a few hours I'm at work
I believe in God's Holy Word ..... period. If you don't, then you have problem bigger than me. You can read anything into the scriptures and twist it any way that makes you feel better, but that would not be God's words anymore. It would be man's. That's where you and I differ on what is the truth. There is a literal Heaven and Hell. No man or woman will see Heaven unless he/she accepts the Blood of Jesus as a payment for their sins. That's the message that we were told to go and preach.....
This is an endless argument....I get what your saying but the I'm sorry the kjv is not perfect it's the best we got but power and greed has twisted the message......I believe in Jesus period but I know there's people that haven't heard the good news......I said higher power in my original post Jesus/God did not invent religion we did through our interpretations anyway I'm shutting up because its not a productive conversation....
What about the ones who never never heard the good news and yes religion is man made.......

I've mentioned this before. There are two primary trains of thought on this particular matter.

First is the idea that the blood of Jesus is sufficient to cover the sins of all those who are people of "faith" (sufficient faith in the eyes of God, not necessarily those of other religions), yet they never hear the gospel. This is not the same as universalism. I do not subscribe to this theory.

Second, is the belief that Scripture teaches that God has given every human being an innate knowledge of him and his Law. Those who respond appropriately to this knowledge will be given the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. I affirm this view.
Hell has been misinterpreted imo I'm on my phone or I would include some articles give me a few hours I'm at work

Hell, like any other biblical doctrine, has different interpretations. Many of the so-called newer views are not so new. The most common "new" view is of annihilationism, which teaches that hell is a real place, but those who are sent there are eventually "annihilated;" that is, they don;t spend an eternity in pain and suffering--they are literally annihilated. This is based on some rather loose hermeneutics , in my opinion.

There is no question that Jesus believed in and taught that hell was a very real place that lasted for a very real eternity. The rest of the NT affirms this view, in my opinion at least.
This is an endless argument....I get what your saying but the I'm sorry the kjv is not perfect it's the best we got but power and greed has twisted the message......I believe in Jesus period but I know there's people that haven't heard the good news......I said higher power in my original post Jesus/God did not invent religion we did through our interpretations anyway I'm shutting up because its not a productive conversation....
If you don't believe the KJV is perfect, then it is just another worthless book. I believe it 100%, from cover to cover, and I don't let "religion" play into it at all. Greed and power may have twisted man's interpretation of the Bible, but God's Word is still God's Word and anyone can read it for themselves and He will show you exactly what you need to do. When you read John 3:16, the message is so simple that any child can understand it. Why do we try to make everything so complicated?
Hell, like any other biblical doctrine, has different interpretations. Many of the so-called newer views are not so new. The most common "new" view is of annihilationism, which teaches that hell is a real place, but those who are sent there are eventually "annihilated;" that is, they don;t spend an eternity in pain and suffering--they are literally annihilated. This is based on some rather loose hermeneutics , in my opinion.

There is no question that Jesus believed in and taught that hell was a very real place that lasted for a very real eternity. The rest of the NT affirms this view, in my opinion at least.
I agree with this statement. Luke 16 is a good example.
Evilness and darkness? Theres some screwed up stuff in the world but we are nowhere near the levels of evil and darkness yall blabber on about. A few thousand people have been protesting abuses by the police. Sometimes those protests turn into riots when bad actors show up.

In the scope of history the "evil and darkness" we see today is minuscule compared to the past human abuses. Slavery, genocide, religious purges, dictators starving MILLIONS of their peoples, the Holacaust.

Today is a drop in the bucket compared to those.
If I may push back some. Many of these evils you mentioned of the past are still alive and well all around the world. Sex slavery is a huge market globally; genocide still occurs--not to mention the genocide of millions of innocent babies every year in their mother's womb right here in the USA; religious purging is alive and well, particularly by African muslims toward African Christians.

Evil has been and will be. It is part of the human experience, unfortunately.

Shaggy, remember that "evil" (from the Christian perspective) really refers to anything that is against the nature of God. It doesn't have to be murder and rape to be considered "evil," though those certainly are. Things like inappropriate sexual activity, lying, stealing etc, can also be considered evil because they are directly against the nature of God. Most people tend to think of comparing something against man's standard to decide if something is evil or not, thus we tend only to think of the really terrible things as evil; but with God as the standard, anything unGodly is actually evil. By that standard, we are all guilty of evil and it is literally everywhere. The world is certainly a very evil place. Even by your interpretation though, it still is. Slavery, murder, rape, sexual exploitation, war, dictators, etc, are all (unfortunately) alive and well today. And though perhaps rates may not be as high as past generations or times, with a world population of nearly 8 billion, the total numbers are no doubt shocking.
Why do people act like trump is some sort of holy man of God. Maybe Mike Pence........but not trump.....I'm sorry but I recommend laying off YouTube.....just my opinion I think u mean well but very misinformed..

Spoiler alert: Trump used to be registered democrat and supported abortion rights he didn't fully switch parties until the 2000s.....he flip flops like a fish not a true conservative at all....don't know why us Christian's act like he's our savior....far from it.......
Trump wouldn't/couldn't even cite his favorite book from the Bible in an interview, which he said is his favorite book, claiming it was a highly personal choice. Now, I agree that a relationship with the Lord is highly personal, but He also commands us to share and spread His word. What true Christian wouldn't take an opportunity to share their favorite part of the Word? I don't know what is in his heart, only God knows that. Maybe he truly is a Christian, and I hope that he is, but it just seems strange that a true Christian wouldn't even name a book from the Bible, or at least a favorite verse, or something.

In the end it is not for me to judge, just makes me wonder.

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I can see both perspectives here but I would also add a reminder that we are all on a journey. It probably isn't very accurate (or fair) to take a snapshot (or several snapshots) and conclude a person is or isn't a Christian, or they don't measure up, or pass the eye test. There was undoubtedly a time for many of us other Christians when we couldn't quote a favorite scripture or name multiple books of the Bible, or think about things in a theologically sound way. Remember that salvation and sanctification are two very different processes. A person can be saved in an instant and is then, by nature, a follower of Christ, but their walk, maturation, and growth will last a lifetime. Some obtain salvation but struggle mightily with the sanctification process. We're all somewhere in the middle of that journey. It's just that some have been on it longer, or have gotten a little farther from the starting line. Most likely, people could take a certain snapshot of any one of us, and say "man that person's not a Christian;" but that wouldn't necessarily make it true. And as one learns to walk as a Christian, former ways can certainly give way; and that, in fact, is exactly what is supposed to happen.
For Trump in particular, I remember reading James Dobson spent some time with him a few years ago and he felt Trump had genuinely become a Christian, but was near the very beginning of his walk. Only Trump and God can really answer that. Truth be told, we can all look like baby steppers to others.

New Dana coverstone Dream About October!

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Kook. This guy needs to lay off the skunk weed and get some quality reefer. He wouldn’t be having mucked up dreams and “visions” if he’d get some good Orange Dream, Sativa, or Afghan Kush. That being said, MJ isn’t bad for you, but bad MJ gets you saying garbage like this.
Well i mean since we are adhering to the bible so strictly.

What's that verse about an adulterer and his adulteress being put death?

I think you're talking about the old testament laws here. This one is mentioned in both Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I think we've discussed this before but remember the old testament laws were no longer binding after the sacrifice of Jesus. Why? The old covenants were made with man (Adam/Eve, Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc) and required man's effort for atonement (though it fell short) until the time was right for Jesus to make His sacrifice (which is a whole discussion in itself). Jesus' sacrifice was retroactive, so that people who came before him and worked towards reconciliation with God would be saved. But those same people did not yet have knowledge of the sacrifice of Jesus to connect to (they had the benefit of it because God and Jesus are not bound by time, but those people had no way of integrating the sacrifice and grace or teachings into their lives as it hadn't happened yet). There is a reason it was called "the law." But the law was always meant to be temporary, as ultimately, people will fall well short of reconciliation.
Christians (followers of Jesus) do not try to earn reconciliation by observing the law (in fact doing so would be throwing away His sacrifice). Instead, reconciliation is met by grace and faith. John 3:16.

Romans 6:14
"For sin shall no longer be your master because you are not under the law, but under grace. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under the law but under grace. "

So since grace is now the reconciliation, the burden of the law is no longer borne, and it was a temporary and incomplete system to begin with. And (as we've said before) this is not a license to sin at will to take advantage of Grace. Paul gives strict warning against such notions. Read Romans 6; it spells all this out fantastically! So, we no longer put adulterers to death because the death of Jesus and God's grace have fully atoned for that sin. That doesn't mean it is "ok" and that a Christian should continue doing it since he or she will be forgiven (Romans again).
Just recently found this guy. This a good video about the some of the common questions and objections atheists often have and also talks about the role of mockery in discussions. All Christians have certainly experienced this in conversations with atheists (think Bill Maher). He directly looks at some of the material from a popular atheist comedian, Ricky Gervais. Definitely worth a watch.
Lots of terrible stories around the world for many but this just goes to show how lucky we still are in our country to have freedom of religion, for now at least. Christians have always been targeted too and still are today. Say a prayer for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria.
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