Been dealing with CenturyLink internet issues for 16 months now and am just fed up. Reached out to ABC11 Trouble Shooter, hoping they will help us out with this.
During the height of the pandemic and both kids were home (college remotely), the wife was home and I was there every other day, we lost internet. Issue with one of their lines about .2 mile from our house (remember we live in rural area), they came out and replaced the line so internet was working but that line was just laid on top of the ground, next to the road. Long story short, 16 months later, 8 times (counting today) that line has been cut by road crews or farm crews mowing grass and no service. I've made over a dozen calls, talked to customer service, supervisors, technicians and finally back in April took to Twitter to express my concerns. I've had 2 long Twitter DM conversations with 2 different customer service reps who have "escalated" the situation and had tickets entered for the lines to be buried. Most recently they were scheduled to be buried Monday but that didn't happen and like I said, today the crews ripped those lines to shreds. There is no other internet provider in our location other than CenturyLink and we are at our wits end to get a resolution. So local media don't let me down
I've seen or heard this very message so many times over the last year it's ridiculous....
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