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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

Lol this flu has a never ending fever I thought I might of got rid of it but it’s back, this thing is straight misery but I can definitely tell that the body aches has decreased quite a bit so I’m probably finally starting to turn the corner on this. Definitely one of the worst things that I have ever experienced
I meant the average mean for this winter. That would likely be highs averaging close to 60. Highly doubt it stays like this all 3 months.
I highly doubt Nashville has ever done that before . Raleigh has done it twice though! This year will make it 3 hopefully !
Are you done
You know me...that's pretty unlikely. But just to clarify, I wasn't picking at you. I was just saying that now we have another thing that nobody knew about that we now have to worry about. And if we fix that, there's probably something else we have to worry about that we aren't yet thinking about. It goes back to what I said 2 weeks ago about the MJO, ironically. The atmosphere is too complex of a system to get too worked up in either direction about any index in particular. And you sort of illustrated that with the U200 wind discussion.
Lol this flu has a never ending fever I thought I might of got rid of it but it’s back, this thing is straight misery but I can definitely tell that the body aches has decreased quite a bit so I’m probably finally starting to turn the corner on this. Definitely one of the worst things that I have ever experienced
The flu will kick your butt. It got my whole family and myself a few years ago at the same time. That was a miserable week.
I’m not ready yo bang the 1931-32/1889-90 drum, but if 2-3 weeks from now, it’s still like this, and no changes appears on the horizon, it will get really interesting.