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Wintry 1/26-1/28 Winter Storm Potential

May be some what Banner, but i am pulling for everyone in Central GA through Central SC. But, like i said before, i hope we all end up happy before winter is over, and i hope this storm does it for most. Wouldn't get worked up on details like a snow hole in Atlanta. We have what feels like a eternity before this storm actually is in range.
How often does the nw trend happen anyone know?

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Honestly I think people make it up and just say NW trend when a model windshield wipers some ... I wouldn’t call it a NW trend I would say the models just shift back and forth until they settle on a solution
Honestly I think people make it up and just say NW trend when a model windshield wipers some ... I wouldn’t call it a NW trend I would say the models just shift back and forth until they settle on a solution
There was actually a nice thread on twitter retweeted by HM about the Nw trend. Basically it was said that models overdo cold profiles over snow cover and overdo high pressure because of it. Near verification models figure out the cold bias better and adjust NW
That high strength is depressing though haha, is only it we’re at least 1035
I think it will be okay if we have less of a high pressure impact ... 1. No surpression 2. We get the cold air before the system so the cold air is just waiting on the storm to plow into it 3. Cold air is hard to move so more than likely it’ll be a little colder
Things are looking up for Eastern GA and the Midlands of South Carolina.I wouldn't too exited yet but it seems like we could be looking at the biggest winterstorm since 2014 and maybe even the most snow since 2010 around the I-20 corridor areas east of Atlanta. If the temperatures trend colder,I would feel even better about this being a good snow event for North/Central GA and Central SC.