Fwiw, these are the (weighted) analogs I came up w/ for this winter & posted about on twitter/"X" a few days ago. I weighed more intense El Niños, El Niños accompanied by a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (+IOD), negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation (-PDO), a neutral - negative NAO in December, and a warm Atlantic (+AMO) more heavily than other Ninos.
Even when you account for things like long-term climate change and changes in instrumentation/measurement & sampling techniques over the record, this subset of years paints a rather cool/stormy picture across the southern tier of the US.
Snow is obviously a whole different animal. While I didn't factor the background warming of the climate into the ERA-5 (CPC-like) probability composite shown below, you definitely get the idea that things are really leaning in our favor this year regardless.
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