Use this website it’s by far the most accurate measure of ENSO by year...I found a link that classified El Nino years. The years fresh in memory for me that worked out well for the southeast in general are 09/10 and 14/15 (not all areas of the southeast, but just in general). 09/10 was moderate and 14/15 was weak. Looking a little more at this webpage, a few other years pop out for me in memory based off light research I've done on memorable winter storms for the SE, but they were all strong Ninos.
(Although I'm now wondering if this link is actually correct because it also classifies 16/17 as a La Nina. Wasn't that year a strong El Nino? The 17/18 winter season was a weak La Nina.)
9-10 was strong
14-15 was weak
16-17 was neutral (not on the list so most likely neutral, I doubt he left a date out but you can double check the EONI numbers)
17-18 was weak
Image via Webber

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