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Misc Stock Market

@Rain Cold check out the future FB AR Glasses (these are research glasses part of Project Aria just announced today)


Now revisit the Microvision video put out Aug. 4th....

I like where this is headed, @Jimmy Hypocracy it's not too late to jump on board!
Tbh if I were in Apple and had a gain or a loss that isn't big I'd likely exit now unless you plan on holding for a very long time, because I think China is going to probably retaliate for what's going on with Tik Tok in the form of attacking Apple.
Tbh if I were in Apple and had a gain or a loss that isn't big I'd likely exit now unless you plan on holding for a very long time, because I think China is going to probably retaliate for what's going on with Tik Tok in the form of attacking Apple.
I’m out on my short terms. I’ll wait and see if we find a bottom to add more to my long term account.
You know what...welcome back to the fear of COVID among other things (technicals, like how I spotted QQQ being below the 50 day and that's been your main long term driver or a gut feeling of the NASDAQ shooting up too fast). I really don't buy a widespread 2nd shutdown in the US given things I've seen (maybe local, but not widespread), but the UK is already considering one and it's obviously not being ignored in Europe or here either.

If we come to the point of seeing a lot of shutdowns, that's honestly going to be a total disaster economically that sets everybody back for at least the next decade. It hasn't been just the US that has pumped like we have, it's been pretty worldwide that has already done a lot, and if we do get more shut downs, is there really going to be anything left that the nations worldwide can do?
Also, congrats Hindenburg even if I think y'all suck as well, Trevor Milton is gone.

If that isn't telling about Nikola, I don't know what is. He's gonna have people coming after him.

Edit: If you've listened to an interview of his, he sounds fake and he's easy to get on.
I think Nikola's circuit breaker hit again, because you'd think it'd have continued to tank from about $24 given the news.
The stay at home economy stocks I can think of are actually booming, very telling about how a lot of people feel (scared of COVID again) even if I disagree with it. That might well spell the end of the NASDAQ pain if Tesla doesn't go off the rails again (very possible though).

Now, with everything else, including small/mid caps who were actually doing okay while the NASDAQ got hammered, given that there is concern about what happens in Europe with COVID, look out.