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Misc Stock Market

Weird stuff going on with futures. I think you'll see a bottom TRY to get established here. If it doesn't hold, look out below there is another 25% leg down. But probably a lot of upward pressure on Friday the 13th.
Weird stuff going on with futures. I think you'll see a bottom TRY to get established here. If it doesn't hold, look out below there is another 25% leg down. But probably a lot of upward pressure on Friday the 13th.

Wow, a whopping 1,400 point rise from midnight to 1:15 AM!! I wonder if Asian markets are up a lot and are the reason. What the heck is going on?
Weird stuff going on with futures. I think you'll see a bottom TRY to get established here. If it doesn't hold, look out below there is another 25% leg down. But probably a lot of upward pressure on Friday the 13th.

Up 500 right now.....guess they want to try to end the week on a rally....
The Nikkei rose 1,000 points during the time the Dow futures rose 1,400 (midnight to 1:15 AM EDT) for a similar % rise. DAX futures doing similarly. Maybe traders just woke up and realized they were having a nightmare?

Edit: Then the Dow dropped back 700 the subsequent hour. :confused:
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Stock futures on fire again! What is going on? The swings tonight are crazy! Only a 1,700 point range lol.
Stock futures on fire again! What is going on? The swings tonight are crazy! Only a 1,700 point range lol.

Just goes to show we aren’t going to be in a long term actual recession. Economy is still strong and folks want to throw money into the market even after all that’s happened. With that said I think it’s a blip. We may have a green day or morning because people want to buy at the bottom, but we aren’t done. We just shut down mostly all sport events yesterday which hurt many stocks, so we need to see more losses to reflect that.
Stock futures on fire again! What is going on? The swings tonight are crazy! Only a 1,700 point range lol.

When trading is automated/controlled by programs for the most part like it is now it causes sheer madness; couple that with panic one way or another and it's a crap-shoot day to day. We hope for long-term growth which isn't how most companies operate these days; they're beholden to the stock price. We should remove all executive compensation tied to the stock price and figure out another metric to "overpay" the executives. Let them buy the stock out of their own pocket. More and more companies are also moving towards a "bonus" plan for employees by paying them in a form of stock with future vesting rights rather than cash bonuses. They're driving the short-term mentality down to the worker-bees.
Everyone is still trading on technicals even though this isn't technical. They don't know what else to do. There was a floor in the S&P established in 2017 around 2400. It was hit during the dec 2018 low. That's where we were at yesterday. If playing both sides I think you'll see that level tested again next week after the upturn today.
Again I'm just a sideline novice when it comes to the market but I don't know I'd put much stock in futures, I mean what @Jon says makes sense and shows that if the tide were to turn for the positive all of a sudden, money would pour back into the market. Problem is this situation is so fluid and the reason I say futures aren't really reliable, one announcement today could literally shut it down and it's that unknown that, right now, is effecting the volatility more then ever.
Honestly we have been sliding into a recession for a while now, corona and the oil war just ripped the mask off of it and kicked it in the ass....

Futures down around 500 Asian markets tanking Japan was just down 9.99% HK down 6% will probably see Dow futures tripping the 5% breaker by morning.....
No we where not slipping into a recession before corono /latest oil hassle between Russia and Saudia arabia. Thats a bunch of wishfull garbage spin you are trying to create a narrative with. Before this crisis it was a grand slam economy on roids in part to the policies and efforts of the current administration.
This virus has knocked em on the canvas no doubt. They feel it, trust me. Lets see if they can get back up and lift up the economy like they had to when they took over.
Again I'm just a sideline novice when it comes to the market but I don't know I'd put much stock in futures, I mean what @Jon says makes sense and shows that if the tide were to turn for the positive all of a sudden, money would pour back into the market. Problem is this situation is so fluid and the reason I say futures aren't really reliable, one announcement today could literally shut it down and it's that unknown that, right now, is effecting the volatility more then ever.
the long term impacts of these closings will be felt 6-12 months from now, i think we see a continual decline with a few days in the green scattered in between. going to be a LOT of layoffs and companies going under because of this. the economic impact will be substantial. we didn't see this kinds of mass closings after 9/11.
Sounds like late last night House an Senate had worked out a deal. Should find out today hopefully. If so, its buying time.
No we where not slipping into a recession before corono /latest oil hassle between Russia and Saudia arabia. Thats a bunch of wishfull garbage spin you are trying to create a narrative with. Before this crisis it was a grand slam economy on roids in part to the policies and efforts of the current administration.
This virus has knocked em on the canvas no doubt. They feel it, trust me. Lets see if they can get back up and lift up the economy like they had to when they took over.

LOL ok....as you can now see the stock market had been floated by the Feds to keep the bull market rolling, but when you build a house on a crappy foundation it doesnt take much to knock it down, you have seen evidence of that the last few weeks as the stock markets take a beating, the economy was absolutely not of roids....its was fading....

Nobody show this to Trump (or people who believe the market is better under him than Obama)


Trump vs. Obama’s Dow Industrials returns starting from their inauguration

market 2.png

Trump vs. Obama’s S&P 500 returns starting from their inauguration
Rip your face off rally day. Enjoy!
There were experts saying the market was way overvalued last year and to not buy more into the market for a few months early into 2020.

However, I don't think anyone was predicting a recession. That's another story.