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Misc Stock Market

Only other larger daily percentage drops in the Dow occurred during the Great Stock Market crash of 1929 that preceded the Great Depression and "Black Monday" in 1987. We're on the precipice of total economic collapse.

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I'm stunned...for real.
TBH and trust me I'm not a market expert at all, but today's sell off did not surprise me.... look around, nobody has seen this in our lifetime, no where close. It ain't over either
Feels like this may be just the tip of the iceberg, once people self-quarantine and stop traveling, dollars stop being fluxed between the public sector and local businesses like restaurants, amusement parks, movie theaters, etc and those workers get laid off and aren’t feeding back into the economy, we really might start to feel it.
This is gonna really suck for at least the next 3 months or so
Feels like this may be just the tip of the iceberg, once people self-quarantine and stop traveling, dollars stop being fluxed between the public sector and local businesses like restaurants, amusement parks, movie theaters, etc and those workers get laid off and aren’t feeding back into the economy, we really might start to feel it.
This is gonna really suck for at least the next 3 months or so

Yeah. I'm afraid we have much more economic pain to go.
Yeah. I'm afraid we have much more economic pain to go.
We are on a runaway train toward recession. It would take this winding down in under 2 weeks to have a shot to avoid. That aint happening.
We are already on the cusp of activating phase 1 of continguency plans at work next week. Trying to hold out , but the decision has been made today to be pro active and get in front of whats coming.
We are on a runaway train toward recession. It would take this winding down in under 2 weeks to have a shot to avoid. That aint happening.
We are already on the cusp of activating phase 1 of continguency plans at work next week. Trying to hold out , but the decision has been made today to be pro active and get in front of whats coming.
Yep, the recession is nearly inevitable at this point. It's best not to be in denial and accept it's coming and prepare to modify your lifestyle to adapt.
Yep, the recession is nearly inevitable at this point. It's best not to be in denial and accept it's coming and prepare to modify your lifestyle to adapt.

Honestly we have been sliding into a recession for a while now, corona and the oil war just ripped the mask off of it and kicked it in the ass....

Futures down around 500 Asian markets tanking Japan was just down 9.99% HK down 6% will probably see Dow futures tripping the 5% breaker by morning.....