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Misc Sizzling Shenanigans: warm season whamby

Way out in fantasy land, the CFS shows our first signs of summer starting to break its grip. Of course this won't happen as depicted, but every few years or so we do get a late August cool spell. Normally we have to wait until after the first week of September.

CFS dew points for August 22:
Way out in fantasy land, the CFS shows our first signs of summer starting to break its grip. Of course this won't happen as depicted, but every few years or so we do get a late August cool spell. Normally we have to wait until after the first week of September.

CFS dew points for August 22:
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Oh boy, dew points in the 40s?!
Flying out Tuesday headed to Tombstone, AZ, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Las vegas and back home. I've never flown so I'm excited. Also can't wait to sit in a Saloon in Tombstone as well as see Boothill Cemetery, was hoping to experience 120+ heat at Death Valley but seems temp will back off some while we are there. Huge trip for us!
Flying out Tuesday headed to Tombstone, AZ, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Las vegas and back home. I've never flown so I'm excited. Also can't wait to sit in a Saloon in Tombstone as well as see Boothill Cemetery, was hoping to experience 120+ heat at Death Valley but seems temp will back off some while we are there. Huge trip for us!

I’d be excited beyond words. Window seats? I always prefer a window to have the best view. Going to be flying for first time in 10 years in Aug. Longest no fly stretch for me since I was a kid. Flew for 1st time at age 15. I still remember how excited I was! Flew SAV to La Guardia rd trip.
Flying out Tuesday headed to Tombstone, AZ, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Las vegas and back home. I've never flown so I'm excited. Also can't wait to sit in a Saloon in Tombstone as well as see Boothill Cemetery, was hoping to experience 120+ heat at Death Valley but seems temp will back off some while we are there. Huge trip for us!
Which airline? RDU is a small Delta hub.
McCarron airport in Vegas has slot machines in the terminals.
I’d be excited beyond words. Window seats? I always prefer a window to have the best view. Going to be flying for first time in 10 years in Aug. Longest no fly stretch for me since I was a kid. Flew for 1st time at age 15. I still remember how excited I was! Flew SAV to La Guardia rd trip.
I am extremely excited, little nervous but mostly extremely excited. I hope to post a pic or two at some point
I’d be excited beyond words. Window seats? I always prefer a window to have the best view. Going to be flying for first time in 10 years in Aug. Longest no fly stretch for me since I was a kid. Flew for 1st time at age 15. I still remember how excited I was! Flew SAV to La Guardia rd trip.

Hahaha even after all my flying trips the last decade I still seek out the window seat

Even when I went to Europe last year I sat by the window. Can still remember the sun coming up on the horizon at 2am east coast time lol

The worst part is always before you take off security and delays it's amazing once you do 😂

That reminds me though everyone had horror stories about the customs in London... Come to find out the Americans have a special line there to skip the checkpoints 🤣
I never flown before, but me and my family are saving up to fly to Japan in March to see our Grandson. I’m so excited but scared to fly.

The only thing I hated about going to Europe(well besides the time difference that was another story) is by the 7th hour of the flight I was ready to get off that plane 🤣 my previous long flight was like 4 hours
The only thing I hated about going to Europe(well besides the time difference that was another story) is by the 7th hour of the flight I was ready to get off that plane 🤣 my previous long flight was like 4 hours
It’s gonna be a long 16 hr fly to Japan.