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Misc Sizzling Shenanigans: warm season whamby

I stepped on a Sting Ray a few weeks ago at the beach. He got me all the way to the bone. Anybody ever done that? Don’t.
I know the feeling. I was in ankle deep surf at Topsail in 2014 when I felt an intense pain in the side of my foot. Got out of the water and I was bleeding pretty badly. At first I thought a crab had gotten me but the pain became worse. I went back up to the house we were renting, laid on the couch, and the pain started shooting up my leg. My mom rushed me to urgent care, where they put my foot in a bucket of 120 degree water. The water drew the barb and poison out and the pain went away almost instantly. I was also given a tetanus shot, since I hadn’t had one in a few years. Still have a small scar on the side of my foot 10 years later.
In 10 years these readings will all be 105-110's...🤦‍♂️

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You're telling me temperatures are going to rise 0.5 - 10 degrees within 10 years?
NOAA tells me that we have had a 2 degree increase as a whole, since the pre-industrial era.

What is going to happen over the next 10 years, to cause 0.5+ degrees per year?
You're telling me temperatures are going to rise 0.5 - 10 degrees within 10 years?
NOAA tells me that we have had a 2 degree increase as a whole, since the pre-industrial era.

What is going to happen over the next 10 years, to cause 0.5+ degrees per year?

I agree but I’m pretty sure he’s not being serious about anywhere near that fast of a rise. Even the doomsdayers aren’t going for anything nearly that rapid.

But hasn’t there already been ~3F rise rather than just 2F?
Yesterdays putrid High temp never sniffed the Record High in Gboro. That was set way back in the Climate Change Days of 1914.
This is just a run-of-the-mill eighty's type hot and dry summer. It's really not that uncommon, historically. It's just been awhile since we've had one. Most recent summers have been above average in rainfall and lower temps.
You're telling me temperatures are going to rise 0.5 - 10 degrees within 10 years?
NOAA tells me that we have had a 2 degree increase as a whole, since the pre-industrial era.

What is going to happen over the next 10 years, to cause 0.5+ degrees per year?
I agree but I’m pretty sure he’s not being serious about anywhere near that fast of a rise. Even the doomsdayers aren’t going for anything nearly that rapid.

But hasn’t there already been ~3F rise rather than just 2F?

Yes, some sarcasm in that post but are you telling me that it would be impossible to see a 7-10 day period by 2030 where highs are 105+. Not saying on avg we are going to rise that much...
You're telling me temperatures are going to rise 0.5 - 10 degrees within 10 years?
NOAA tells me that we have had a 2 degree increase as a whole, since the pre-industrial era.

What is going to happen over the next 10 years, to cause 0.5+ degrees per year?
I agree but I’m pretty sure he’s not being serious about anywhere near that fast of a rise. Even the doomsdayers aren’t going for anything nearly that rapid.

But hasn’t there already been ~3F rise rather than just 2F?

Like this...😳

Yes, some sarcasm in that post but are you telling me that it would be impossible to see a 7-10 day period by 2030 where highs are 105+. Not saying on avg we are going to rise that much...
I don't see how we could do it. Most of our true big heatwaves are advected in and not insitu and I can't formulate a pattern that would stick for that amount of time to produce all time record highs for a week plus. That said with the rdu sensor being so hot vs surroundings the all time record is in jeopardy, it's not going to be long before rdu pops off with some crazy 106-110 number while the rest of us are in the 100-105 range