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Political Thread

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I love how every time Trump is called out for being a crook the defense isn't he didn't do it, it's the Dems do it more. Let's just agree both Biden and Trump don't deserve to lead this great country
Now he is throwing Mattis under the bus. The most decorated general is overrated, says president bone spurs.
I feel the same way and would never vote for this con man that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had 4 million dollars in the bank when he was four and got out of the war because he was rich. He mocked McCain for getting captured and didn't have the decency to shut up when he died. If you admire a man like this because your wallet is getting bigger that's a reflection of your values

You must not have comprehended what I said. I dont admire politicians. I have a mortgage, a family, college for my kids and retirement one day. I dont have the time or patience to let my emotions get in the way of common sense. My values are in check and Im right with the lord
You must not have comprehended what I said. I dont admire politicians. I have a mortgage, a family, college for my kids and retirement one day. I dont have the time or patience to let my emotions get in the way of common sense. My values are in check and Im right with the lord
I comprehend what you said. You don't care what he does as long as your wallet is growing
Now he is throwing Mattis under the bus. The most decorated general is overrated, says president bone spurs.

Im gonna go out on a limb and assume you voted fir the Clinton's
I comprehend what you said. You don't care what he does as long as your wallet is growing

If it doesnt negatively affect those things I mentioned above then nope, I dont really care. People are working, the economy is booming, I feel safe. People's personal anxiety over this media created Trump boogie man isnt my problem. The left had zero problems with Donald Trump when he was sending them checks. Im gonna go out on a limb and assume you voted for the Clinton's? If so you might want to rethink your lecturing of my ability to judge character and my moral values
Im gonna go out on a limb and assume you voted fir the Clinton's

If it doesnt negatively affect those things I mentioned above then nope, I dont really care. People are working, the economy is booming, I feel safe. People's personal anxiety over this media created Trump boogie man isnt my problem. The left had zero problems with Donald Trump when he was sending them checks. Im gonna go out on a limb and assume you voted for the Clinton's? If so you might want to rethink your lecturing of my ability to judge character and my moral values
You know what they say, when you assume you make a ass of you and me
If they have it, theyd be doing it. They tried when Mueller and Schiff didnt have it, so you know damn well they will if/when they do.

The have it, and they are doing it, WTH do you think they are having the inquiry for, this phase will last several months....you guys act like this should be over when its barely even started, the Clinton and Nixon impeachment inquiries lasted for several months before they voted on articles of impeachment, why do you think this one would be different. They are still questioning people and that will go on for at least a month as they unravel it more.....
No I'm just a patriot who can't stand this coward con man splitting this country apart. You can hate Trump and not love a Clinton.

Perfect deflection. Bravo! And I hate to break it to you but if you think this one man is splitting this country apart you are delusional. If you have issues with Trump supporters thats 100% on YOU
Turned a million dollars into a billion.....more than once. Beats organizing communities for a living

LOL Trumps dad bailed him out all the time, heck Trump was a millionaire when he was a kid, he never took a million dollar loan and turned it into a billion dollars its just another of his lies...Trump should have A LOT more money than he does based on how much money his dad has given him, I mean it talks a real genius to bankrupt a casino where people literally give you money....and he managed to do it 2 or 3 times over.
Perfect deflection. Bravo! And I hate to break it to you but if you think this one man is splitting this country apart you are delusional. If you have issues with Trump supporters thats 100% on YOU
I wasn't deflecting. I didn't vote for any Clinton. How about you answer for crotch grabber getting out of the draft and asking China for help holding onto his power
The have it, and they are doing it, WTH do you think they are having the inquiry for, this phase will last several months....you guys act like this should be over when its barely even started, the Clinton and Nixon impeachment inquiries lasted for several months before they voted on articles of impeachment, why do you think this one would be different. They are still questioning people and that will go on for at least a month as they unravel it more.....

LOLOLOL....Of course. They have this great mystery to unravel. Its called " Lets wait so we can use this BS as political collateral". The fact is they have socialism and impeachment as their platform. Neither is going to win in 2020 for the Democrats
On the topic of deflecting, how can Trump pay a porn star to be quiet be swept under the rug but Bill lied about a affair be impeachable
The have it, and they are doing it, WTH do you think they are having the inquiry for, this phase will last several months....you guys act like this should be over when its barely even started, the Clinton and Nixon impeachment inquiries lasted for several months before they voted on articles of impeachment, why do you think this one would be different. They are still questioning people and that will go on for at least a month as they unravel it more.....

Well Pelosi pretty much said he was guilty when she first opened the inquiry.

The truth is they are gonna impeach him anyways, and if anyone believes otherwise they have paid for a trip to ice skate in the Everglades. I dont know what the problem is, people can believe Trump should be impreached yet agree that this is a dog and pony show with a set outcome.
I wasn't deflecting. I didn't vote for any Clinton. How about you answer for crotch grabber getting out of the draft and asking China for help holding onto his power

Of course y
Well Pelosi pretty much said he was guilty when she first opened the inquiry.

The truth is they are gonna impeach him anyways, and if anyone believes otherwise they have paid for a trip to ice skate in the Everglades. I dont know what the problem is, people can believe Trump should be impreached yet agree that this is a dog and pony show with a set outcome.

Clinton got impeached, Bush was going to be impeached, Obama was going to be impeached. The wheels on the bus go round and round. I dont care if they impeach or not because it will get squashed like a grape in the Senate.
Well Pelosi pretty much said he was guilty when she first opened the inquiry.

The truth is they are gonna impeach him anyways, and if anyone believes otherwise they have paid for a trip to ice skate in the Everglades. I dont know what the problem is, people can believe Trump should be impreached yet agree that this is a dog and pony show with a set outcome.

Psssst he is guilty, he admitted it, and released the transcript...Trump's biggest flaw is believing everyone else is as corrupt and full of crap as he is, granted he isnt the only one who is corrupt and full of crap, he is just stupid about hiding it because he thinks no one cares about this stuff and or its no big deal because thats how he see's himself. He is wrong.
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