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Political Thread

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Fox shows actual documents as opposed to CNN who adds inserts. If you qoute, you quote, not add spin on what someone says.

1. Shep Smith was a huge loss for Fox! They didn't want him to go. Now that's a true journalist! But he wasn't on at night. At least they still have Chris Wallace.

2. I think the worst one at night at Fox is Hannity. He's an awful hack! Laura is almost as bad a hack but not as obnoxious and a lot prettier. ;)
Tucker appears to be a little more objective at times. I thought O'Reilly was much better because he seemed fairly objective much of the time and usually gave both sides equal time. I miss him.

3. I used to think Anderson Cooper was a decent journalist, but he's ruined it now with his constant anti-Trump bias (and I'm not a Trump fan at all). Lemon is ridiculous. Sometimes Cuomo gives one the appearance of trying to be objective but he's also too anti-Trump.

4. All of MSNBC at night are pure hacks.
Im going to hit the sack and enjoy the 3 percent unemployment, 60 million off of food stamps, and quarterly gdp growth since Trump passed legislation while we still have it. You all can enjoy the incoming green new deal, tax hikes, after birth abortions, gun confiscations, electric car mandates (they couldnt be charged in Californias power outage last week lol), carbon taxes, beef tax increases, church regulations, capital gains taxes, death taxes (limiting what you can leave to your family estate), multigender bathrooms (so you can explain to your little kids there's no such thing as boys and girls), 11 percent unemployment that we use to have. Lol!!
This is the guy running our country, I mean this isnt diplomacy this is lunacy.....sad that some people think this guy is smart, or a good negotiator.....or re-electable, there is no way this country is stupid enough to give him 4 more years....I had to look this up to make sure it was not a fake letter making fun of Trump sadly this is a actual letter our president sent the leader of another country

View attachment 24553

Well I guess I am "stupid enough" dude. Why? Hillary Clinton 3 years ago is why. Why next year? Take a long look at what the Democrat party has become. Take a long look at every major city run in the ground by them for decades. Every State controlled by them for decades. Thats what you want? Im sorry but I was raised better than what the Democrat party offers. I have piles of work coming in, my retirement is solid, I feel safe. He checks the boxes I want checked

You want what the other candidates are offering? Dont give me any of that lesser of two evils crap. As soon as the "PARTY" selects its preferred candidate its back to the status quo which is NOTHING. It will be abortion, climate change, racism, guns, blah, blah, blah.......If thats what you want have at it my man. Ive been hearing it for 30 years since the first time I voted.
Well I guess I am "stupid enough" dude. Why? Hillary Clinton 3 years ago is why. Why next year? Take a long look at what the Democrat party has become. Take a long look at every major city run in the ground by them for decades. Every State controlled by them for decades. Thats what you want? Im sorry but I was raised better than what the Democrat party offers. I have piles of work coming in, my retirement is solid, I feel safe. He checks the boxes I want checked

You want what the other candidates are offering? Dont give me any of that lesser of two evils crap. As soon as the "PARTY" selects its preferred candidate its back to the status quo which is NOTHING. It will be abortion, climate change, racism, guns, blah, blah, blah.......If thats what you want have at it my man. Ive been hearing it for 30 years since the first time I voted.

This is far right talking point stuff, and it is wrong, red states are poorer and more reliant on the federal government than blue states.....a better argument is comparing tax rates etc...but that beside the point......I will not vote for anyone the Dems run, I just also wont vote for Trump.....I oppose Trump BECAUSE I want the GOP to win and Trump is so bad and so hated that not only do the Dems stand a chance at winning they are actually going to be emboldened to run someone more left of center than ever before....maybe Trump pulls it out if they do run a Warren ( Biden will crush him) so you need to hope for that and I will hope the GOP leadership tells Trump to hit the road and gets Nikki Haley in as VP and either runs Pence/Haley or Haley/someone.....
This is far right talking point stuff, and it is wrong, red states are poorer and more reliant on the federal government than blue states.....a better argument is comparing tax rates etc...but that beside the point......I will not vote for anyone the Dems run, I just also wont vote for Trump.....I oppose Trump BECAUSE I want the GOP to win and Trump is so bad and so hated that not only do the Dems stand a chance at winning they are actually going to be emboldened to run someone more left of center than ever before....maybe Trump pulls it out if they do run a Warren ( Biden will crush him) so you need to hope for that and I will hope the GOP leadership tells Trump to hit the road and gets Nikki Haley in as VP and either runs Pence/Haley or Haley/someone.....

You look at the inner cities run by Democrats for decades. Its one of two things. Rich white liberals and poor minorities voting them in. Guess which one suffers year after year after year after year? Yep and they continue to vote the same people in over and over and over again. Remember 2016. Hillary can't lose. Trump the clown can't win. The polls! You hate Trump. That's fine I get it. He's going to be your President next year and the 4 years after so you might as well buckle up. My honest suggestion to you would be to stop looking at the news and social media if your TDS is that bad. Just a thought......
Taking a break-ish from the Trump talk, it is amusing that there are sects of the left who are just obsessed with calling out their own for BS reasons.

Like for example, apparently people are calling out AOC for voicing her support for Bernie Sanders because Bernie is a white male and that apparently she should be supporting other powerful women of color or something. Also, they are obsessed with accusing any outsider of having connections to the Russian government, like they have been going after Tulsi Gabbard for a while and now I saw this twitter thread now accusing Andrew Yang of having connections to the Russians.

I swear Trump has made the the left go batpoop insane lol
This is far right talking point stuff, and it is wrong, red states are poorer and more reliant on the federal government than blue states.....a better argument is comparing tax rates etc...but that beside the point......I will not vote for anyone the Dems run, I just also wont vote for Trump.....I oppose Trump BECAUSE I want the GOP to win and Trump is so bad and so hated that not only do the Dems stand a chance at winning they are actually going to be emboldened to run someone more left of center than ever before....maybe Trump pulls it out if they do run a Warren ( Biden will crush him) so you need to hope for that and I will hope the GOP leadership tells Trump to hit the road and gets Nikki Haley in as VP and either runs Pence/Haley or Haley/someone.....

I’m not sure I buy the red states are poorer argument anymore. After reading article after article about how people are barely getting by in places like California on a two person income and can’t even afford a small house also the fact that they tax the crap out of them. All this on an income four to six times what I make. I think the red states take more aid because they can due to how the government uses national income as a base for poverty, and does not account for the low cost of living.
I’m not sure I buy the red states are poorer argument anymore. After reading article after article about how people are barely getting by in places like California on a two person income and can’t even afford a small house. All this on an income four to six times what I make. I think the red states take more aid because they can due to how the government uses national income as a base for poverty, and does not account for the low cost of living.
I don't think the whole "Red State" "Blue State" thing is either to some degree. I was going to try and make a point for county to county basis, but I can't even see that in Georgia. From what I can tell based on my own state, my county, which has been pretty red, is one of the lowest SNAP receiving counties in the state. Most of the north metro counties seem to be. Fulton is a blue county, and is lower than the north metro, yet much better off than south Georgia, which also is very red. There just is no consistency.

Here's the 2016 election results.

If you can't even break it down county-by county in each state on the food stamp part alone, there is no correlation between SNAP recipients and county-based political alignment, at least in the state of Georgia.
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Taking a break-ish from the Trump talk, it is amusing that there are sects of the left who are just obsessed with calling out their own for BS reasons.

Like for example, apparently people are calling out AOC for voicing her support for Bernie Sanders because Bernie is a white male and that apparently she should be supporting other powerful women of color or something. Also, they are obsessed with accusing any outsider of having connections to the Russian government, like they have been going after Tulsi Gabbard for a while and now I saw this twitter thread now accusing Andrew Yang of having connections to the Russians.

I swear Trump has made the the left go batpoop insane lol
Yeah man their insane identity politics and labeling every individual and/or group is nothing short of new age segregation.... it's crazy and as you mention it's causing them to basically eat their own. But they are the tolerant one's.........
I’m not sure I buy the red states are poorer argument anymore. After reading article after article about how people are barely getting by in places like California on a two person income and can’t even afford a small house also the fact that they tax the crap out of them. All this on an income four to six times what I make. I think the red states take more aid because they can due to how the government uses national income as a base for poverty, and does not account for the low cost of living.

Maybe, but percentage wise the poorest least successful states are all red states.....it has to do with a lot more than just which party is in control, the data especially when cherry picked makes blue/purple states look a lot better than red in most cases.....the fact is the states with the best economies, best quality of life etc are all mostly blue/purple states, but again the party in charge of the politics of those states has less to do with it than other factors IMO.....

A lot of the deep red southern states are at the bottom of every metric you measure states by.....now is this because of GOP leadership or are there other factors......same thing goes for states at the top of the metrics most of them are blue but we don't think its because the Dems are in charge right...
Maybe, but percentage wise the poorest least successful states are all red states.....it has to do with a lot more than just which party is in control, the data especially when cherry picked makes blue/purple states look a lot better than red in most cases.....the fact is the states with the best economies, best quality of life etc are all mostly blue/purple states, but again the party in charge of the politics of those states has less to do with it than other factors IMO.....

A lot of the deep red southern states are at the bottom of every metric you measure states by.....now is this because of GOP leadership or are there other factors......same thing goes for states at the top of the metrics most of them are blue but we don't think its because the Dems are in charge right...
Thanks for a good laugh on this beautiful crisp Fall morning....
To be fair, not all blue states/blue cities are like California or any of the major cities. Most of New England is blue, though I imagine the Dems in rural NE are more moderate than a Dem in the West Coast.

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It would be interesting to see the political orientation of cities against their debt/solvency, rather than the wealth of the people (whether the area is more affluent vs. poorer).
Thanks for a good laugh on this beautiful crisp Fall morning....

I mean just using the most basic metric there is "life expectancy" its pretty obvious.....the top 10 lowest life expectancy states in the country are all deep red, the top 10 all blue/purple......

Then there is this.....

The top ten most educated states are:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Maryland
  3. Colorado
  4. Connecticut
  5. Vermont
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Virginia
  8. Minnesota
  9. Washington
  10. New Jersey
While the 10 least educated states are:

41. Oklahoma
42. Texas
43. Tennessee
44. Alabama
45. Nevada
46. Kentucky
47. Arkansas
48. Louisiana
49. Mississippi
50. West Virginia

So this begs the question why.......again its not as easy as saying one party or the other is in charge....my point is to show how saying crap like inner cities are in bad shape because Dems are in charge is a case of throwing stones in the glass house.
To be fair, not all blue states/blue cities are like California or any of the major cities. Most of New England is blue, though I imagine the Dems in rural NE are more moderate than a Dem in the West Coast.

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Probably but then again I present to you Bernie Sanders.... Lol
I mean just using the most basic metric there is "life expectancy" its pretty obvious.....the top 10 lowest life expectancy states in the country are all deep red, the top 10 all blue/purple......

Then there is this.....

The top ten most educated states are:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Maryland
  3. Colorado
  4. Connecticut
  5. Vermont
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Virginia
  8. Minnesota
  9. Washington
  10. New Jersey
While the 10 least educated states are:

41. Oklahoma
42. Texas
43. Tennessee
44. Alabama
45. Nevada
46. Kentucky
47. Arkansas
48. Louisiana
49. Mississippi
50. West Virginia

So this begs the question why.......again its not as easy as saying one party or the other is in charge....my point is to show how saying crap like inner cities are in bad shape because Dems are in charge is a case of throwing stones in the glass house.
I guess I'm good then, I have lived in 4 states so far in my life and only one of them are the least educated! Haha. Btw, not knocking education. I have a master's degree. But if I had to trade my common sense for that degree I would keep my Common Sense every day of the week.
Maybe, but percentage wise the poorest least successful states are all red states.....it has to do with a lot more than just which party is in control, the data especially when cherry picked makes blue/purple states look a lot better than red in most cases.....the fact is the states with the best economies, best quality of life etc are all mostly blue/purple states, but again the party in charge of the politics of those states has less to do with it than other factors IMO.....

A lot of the deep red southern states are at the bottom of every metric you measure states by.....now is this because of GOP leadership or are there other factors......same thing goes for states at the top of the metrics most of them are blue but we don't think its because the Dems are in charge right...

Better for who? Tell that to the millions of minorities that continue to be pooped on in blue COUNTIES. I keep hearing the same complaints every 4 years from them yet they continue to vote these same people into office over and over again. Its funny.....I watched as much as that debate the other night as I could stand and I cringe when I see millionaires complaining to other millionaires about how aweful millionaires are.
I mean just using the most basic metric there is "life expectancy" its pretty obvious.....the top 10 lowest life expectancy states in the country are all deep red, the top 10 all blue/purple......

Then there is this.....

The top ten most educated states are:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Maryland
  3. Colorado
  4. Connecticut
  5. Vermont
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Virginia
  8. Minnesota
  9. Washington
  10. New Jersey
While the 10 least educated states are:

41. Oklahoma
42. Texas
43. Tennessee
44. Alabama
45. Nevada
46. Kentucky
47. Arkansas
48. Louisiana
49. Mississippi
50. West Virginia

So this begs the question why.......again its not as easy as saying one party or the other is in charge....my point is to show how saying crap like inner cities are in bad shape because Dems are in charge is a case of throwing stones in the glass house.
You mean the 10 most indoctrinated states? As a college grad myself (although a long time ago, when we actually kept politics out of the classroom and history was actually taught) I'll say this, I'm not a fan of using "most educated" as a measure, not by today's standards of education. I know some fine folks, who are very successful, that are not highly educated. You don't need a college degree to be successful, learning a trade is just as sufficient and can be just as, if not more, productive and prosperous. That's a whole other debate though.

Back to the "best quality of life" in the blue states argument: I don't see it, you can throw all the metrics at me you want, I have no desire to move to any of those blue states and I find it interesting that people and businesses are leaving NY/Ca in droves, moving to places like Tx/Fl.
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