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Political Thread

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Sure do

And it's not false, as the studies below show the vast majority of college professors are liberal. We've seen example after example, conservative speakers banned, professors teaching their opinion in the classroom and engaging in political activism on campus, safe spaces, trigger warnings, most conservative students can't or won't speak their mind out of fear....that's not tolerance that's for sure. And a professor teaching their opinion when the vast majority hold liberal views looks an awful lot like "teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs" which is the definition of indoctrinate.



Good grief, do we not remember the Bernice Young Elementary school kids being forced to sing praise to Obama?
And its not just colleges doing the dirty work of the left. They own social media as well and it has been shown repeatedly that they have a well known bias to left leaning political candidates and issues. That's a lot of power to sway weak minded and young individuals

So you're saying people in college and especially the young are weak-minded? I can't remember a time in college where a professor was ever trying to sway me in political beliefs at all. In fact I don't recall any instances growing up either. Where are some of you going to school that you act like this is commonplace?

I mean if we're going to talk about weakminded, there sure seem to be a lot of Trump followers that could be categorized as such, right? I mean at this point only the weakminded would believe anything he tells them. It seems to happen a lot to the folks that do nothing but consume the Fox News opinion shows that are masquerading as news.
There is without question a liberal ideology that has evolved within the education system through the years. You can debate its extent or its influence, and you can debate which systems and locales are more susceptible to it. But to debate its existence is foolish. And the thing is, the left should be very proud of it and promote it further. I don't like it. But then again, I'm not a liberal. Different strokes.
So you're saying people in college and especially the young are weak-minded? I can't remember a time in college where a professor was ever trying to sway me in political beliefs at all. In fact I don't recall any instances growing up either. Where are some of you going to school that you act like this is commonplace?

I mean if we're going to talk about weakminded, there sure seem to be a lot of Trump followers that could be categorized as such, right? I mean at this point only the weakminded would believe anything he tells them. It seems to happen a lot to the folks that do nothing but consume the Fox News opinion shows that are masquerading as news.

I didnt say anything about college kids being weak minded so relax Francis. You are getting one post mixed up with the other I quoted.
It is interesting how the demographics of the parties clearly show who has been failed. The vote is pretty much split between white voters but 90%+ of black voters support Democrats. That is amazing to me. Especially considering the very poor ROI for that vote
As a college student myself, I can say there definitely is a liberal edge to some instructor's teachings, and I've had a liberally biased history instructor before. I could tell because of the way she spoke about specific political figures and her love for Elizabeth Warren. Other students had picked up on in before me as her online ratings said so. However, I will say a lot of students think for themselves and make their own decisions based off how they themselves feel. I will say though there are some students who come out of high school and question themselves and just follow blindly and become vulnerable, so acting like that group doesn't exist is stupid. However, that is not the majority.
I remember when I was in college I was a political science major in undergrad, and I wrote a paper on why GW Bush won the election in 2004. The professor gave me a B on the paper, but as a side note said it was bull ----, talking about how the GOP won. I had plenty of professors that exposed their liberal viewpoints. In grad school I was one of only a handful of conservatives in the program for public policy, and was constantly singled out by professors trying to get class debates going. Also while in grad school I had to miss a day of classes because I was a voting delegate to the Republican National Convention.. needless to say it was not easy when with my professors after missing a day of class, openly ridiculed. I'm not saying all these things for anyone to feel sorry for me, it's quite okay, it's just very obvious bias in college spheres. I think some degree programs are more biased than others, not everybody has the same experience.
NC state feels pretty alright to me , more right wing minded people . UNC now ... yikes . Wish NC state stuck with NC A&M . Would have been much cooler name than a university of NC raleigh or NC state .
So you're saying people in college and especially the young are weak-minded? I can't remember a time in college where a professor was ever trying to sway me in political beliefs at all. In fact I don't recall any instances growing up either. Where are some of you going to school that you act like this is commonplace?

I mean if we're going to talk about weakminded, there sure seem to be a lot of Trump followers that could be categorized as such, right? I mean at this point only the weakminded would believe anything he tells them. It seems to happen a lot to the folks that do nothing but consume the Fox News opinion shows that are masquerading as news.

The reason Fox is the most watched network is the fact that CNN/MSNBC, and others do lie. Fox is news. The others are propaganda and lies. Watch what the Veritas Group discovered. The only reason anyone wouldn't watch Fox would be to celebrate or enable the spin machine. At this point, this is a widely accepted fact.
The reason Fox is the most watched network is the fact that CNN/MSNBC, and others do lie. Fox is news. The others are propaganda and lies. Watch what the Veritas Group discovered. The only reason anyone wouldn't watch Fox would be to celebrate or enable the spin machine. At this point, this is a widely accepted fact.
I think that one of there most respected reporters and journalists that had been with fox since it began over 20 or so years ago just quit. All because he was getting tired of the opinion shows peddling pro trump propaganda and ignoring facts from actual journalist. He literally just said he was leaving the show on air with no warning and just went straight home. The story was hardly a footnote on Fox. If that isn’t a red flag I don’t know what is. CNN was all over it though. CNN jumped at the chance to smear Fox. They are no better. But to say fox reports the news and others lie is just not true. They both spew garbage. I just listen to NPR news and try and decide for myself without the influence from either of those networks. They are completely biased
The reason Fox is the most watched network is the fact that CNN/MSNBC, and others do lie. Fox is news. The others are propaganda and lies. Watch what the Veritas Group discovered. The only reason anyone wouldn't watch Fox would be to celebrate or enable the spin machine. At this point, this is a widely accepted fact.
Wow this is an incredible joke. "Fox is news?" Just wow, have no words.
While we're at it, it's funny to hear people refer to "mainstream media" disparagingly, but not realize that Fox is also mainstream media.
General Mattis said he earned his spurs on the battlefield and chump got his from a note from the doctor. He also said the only person in the the military that Trump doesn't think is overrated is Colonel Sanders!
General Mattis said he earned his spurs on the battlefield and chump got his from a note from the doctor. He also said the only person in the the military that Trump doesn't think is overrated is Colonel Sanders!

MMMM...Love me some KFC!!!
I remember back in senior year of high school right after the election in my speech and debate class, my teacher had this online assignment where we gave our opinions on it and my whole class got pissed at me for saying how Bernie would have won and that I was glad Hillary lost. After that and another incident in that same class where I vocally opposed a riot that happened in my city after a police shooting, I pretty much stopped talking about politics irl.

Online, I have talked, watched and listened to everybody from radical anarchists to literal fascists and as certain posters here probably know I have seen the most pushback from the left for my personal views. Surprisingly on the other side, even follows of extremist ideologies like anarcho-capitalists are really chill and calm when it comes to debating other ideologies.
I remember back in senior year of high school right after the election in my speech and debate class, my teacher had this online assignment where we gave our opinions on it and my whole class got pissed at me for saying how Bernie would have won and that I was glad Hillary lost. After that and another incident in that same class where I vocally opposed a riot that happened in my city after a police shooting, I pretty much stopped talking about politics irl.

Online, I have talked, watched and listened to everybody from radical anarchists to literal fascists and as certain posters here probably know I have seen the most pushback from the left for my personal views. Surprisingly on the other side, even follows of extremist ideologies like anarcho-capitalists are really chill and calm when it comes to debating other ideologies.

Great thoughts!

"debate" ... does not equate with tossing meaningless insults (mild, rancid, or otherwise), or being "correct" just because it comes from your single, solitary mind ...
MMMM...Love me some KFC!!!
KFC has been spruced up here in Dunn.

This is what it looked like before July 19, 2019.
Taylor's opening statement pretty much the final nail in the coffin for Trump......impeachment seems unavoidable given the damning nature of his statement, the question is what will the GOP in the Senate do.....
If I may ... impeachment ... only 2 Presidents in our history ... what for?

Direct violation of an act of Congress — Andrew Johnson

Grand jury perjury, suborning perjury and obstruction of justice - Clinton

Then of course Nixon, who resigned ahead of time ...
Illegal wiretapping, misuse of the CIA, perjury, bribery

Those are crimes. That is a basis for impeachment.

All 3 had full due process ... an open opportunity to participate throughout.

I may hate Trump; I may love him ... that doesn't matter and you'll never know ... so far we have a phone call with a foreign leader and closed hearings with no sharing of information or an opportunity to respond or rebut.

As a lawyer I ask, where is the due process? What is the high crime or misdemeanor? Are we just left to guess? Is that our justice system?

I sure as hell hope not ...
If I may ... impeachment ... only 2 Presidents in our history ... what for?

Direct violation of an act of Congress — Andrew Johnson

Grand jury perjury, suborning perjury and obstruction of justice - Clinton

Then of course Nixon, who resigned ahead of time ...
Illegal wiretapping, misuse of the CIA, perjury, bribery

Those are crimes. That is a basis for impeachment.

All 3 had full due process ... an open opportunity to participate throughout.

I may hate Trump; I may love him ... that doesn't matter and you'll never know ... so far we have a phone call with a foreign leader and closed hearings with no sharing of information or an opportunity to respond or rebut.

As a lawyer I ask, where is the due process? What is the high crime or misdemeanor? Are we just left to guess? Is that our justice system?

I sure as hell hope not ...
We're headed there Phil. Just look at the me too movement, sure seems to be more of a guilty until proven innocent these days. Which should scare the living daylights out of everyone, political affiliation aside

Edit: I know that's a little off topic from the substance of your post but overall due process is in jeopardy.

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We're headed there Phil. Just look at the me too movement, sure seems to be more of a guilty until proven innocent these days. Which should scare the living daylights out of everyone, political affiliation aside

Edit: I know that's a little off topic from the substance of your post but overall due process is in jeopardy.

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The whole shootin' match, top to bottom, worries me ... anyone, no matter how "bad" has basic rights ... and if not, we're losing a great republic ... and for what end ...
Dadgum ... I gotta quit thinking ... or maybe not ...
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