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Political Thread

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Psssst he is guilty, he admitted it, and released the transcript...Trump's biggest flaw is believing everyone else is as corrupt and full of crap as he is, granted he isnt the only one who is corrupt and full of crap, he is just stupid about hiding it because he thinks no one cares about this stuff and or its no big deal because thats how he see's himself. He is wrong.

Then they need to impeach him now. Otherwise they are holding off and running a waste of time dog and pony show for political points. If the facts are that clead they need to grow a pair to oust the corrupt beast.
Of course y

Clinton got impeached, Bush was going to be impeached, Obama was going to be impeached. The wheels on the bus go round and round. I dont care if they impeach or not because it will get squashed like a grape in the Senate.
So are you going to answer my question or just deflect? I want to know how you can justify this draft dodger questioning John McCains honor or him asking China and Russia to help him win?
On the topic of deflecting, how can Trump pay a porn star to be quiet be swept under the rug but Bill lied about a affair be impeachable
Psssst he is guilty, he admitted it, and released the transcript...Trump's biggest flaw is believing everyone else is as corrupt and full of crap as he is, granted he isnt the only one who is corrupt and full of crap, he is just stupid about hiding it because he thinks no one cares about this stuff and or its no big deal because thats how he see's himself. He is wrong.

YES he released the transcipt. He actually released it! If he is guilty of an impeachable offense then its a slam dunk right? I mean you just said he admitted it so lets go ahead and vote. He is actually begging Pelosi to do it. Its not the crime of the century. Vote, move it to the Senate, squash it and move on the next play.......
Then they need to impeach him now. Otherwise they are holding off and running a waste of time dog and pony show for political points. If the facts are that clead they need to grow a pair to oust the corrupt beast.

They will, but they are going to question everyone first and build up the case, there is a lot of stuff they are uncovering here and this is much bigger than that one call....
Pure, unadulterated sobriety keeps me from posting music video in here ... but someone needs some music ...
So are you going to answer my question or just deflect? I want to know how you can justify this draft dodger questioning John McCains honor or him asking China and Russia to help him win?

Dont take this the wrong way but ive already wasted enough time going back and forth with you. I dont do the back and forth with overly emotional people
Dont take this the wrong way but ive already wasted enough time going back and forth with you. I dont do the back and forth with overly emotional people
I'm not emotional but I am waiting for a answer that doesn't come from fox news
YES he released the transcipt. He actually released it! If he is guilty of an impeachable offense then its a slam dunk right? I mean you just said he admitted it so lets go ahead and vote. He is actually begging Pelosi to do it. Its not the crime of the century. Vote, move it to the Senate, squash it and move on the next play.......

Trump had to release the call, he is banking on people having the exact attitude you just had in your post....

Guilt means little in impeachments, look at Clinton he was guilty as hell and they let him go...... the GOP in the senate is not going to vote to throw Trump out over the Ukraine call, but if Trump was using his position as president to withhold already approved aid as a means to extort the Ukrainians into investigating the Bidens then it becomes something all together different.

The Dems WANT the GOP to squash it thats the funniest part to me, they totally want it....then its win win for them, Trump is not going to win in 2020 and if they can get all the GOP senators in purple districts to vote to save him 6 months before the election they will win the Senate too and have a full blue government. Worse case for the Dems is the GOP leadership nuts up and forces Trump out, gets Pence to pick Haley as his VP then announce Pence isnt running and Haley picks someone like Gowdy as her VP and they mop the floor cause the Dems went and ran someone far left like Warren......that what we have to hope actually happens.
So are you going to answer my question or just deflect? I want to know how you can justify this draft dodger questioning John McCains honor or him asking China and Russia to help him win?
I forgot you already answered my question. As long as your wallet grows who cares what he does. What happens when the markets crash under his watch?
I'm not emotional but I am waiting for a answer that doesn't come from fox news
Well, the stone cold sober idea just left my head ... listen ... here's your answer, all right here, in a song (and I was there that night, but that's beside the main point) ... listen ... yes, take a few ... listen ... really listen and absorb ... then Mods, you can delete if you'd like ...

They will, but they are going to question everyone first and build up the case, there is a lot of stuff they are uncovering here and this is much bigger than that one call....

They should make a call to Robert Mueller. He will have this sucker wrapped up in plenty of time for 2024. Probably keep it under 50 million too!
Trump had to release the call, he is banking on people having the exact attitude you just had in your post....

Guilt means little in impeachments, look at Clinton he was guilty as hell and they let him go...... the GOP in the senate is not going to vote to throw Trump out over the Ukraine call, but if Trump was using his position as president to withhold already approved aid as a means to extort the Ukrainians into investigating the Bidens then it becomes something all together different.

The Dems WANT the GOP to squash it thats the funniest part to me, they totally want it....then its win win for them, Trump is not going to win in 2020 and if they can get all the GOP senators in purple districts to vote to save him 6 months before the election they will win the Senate too and have a full blue government. Worse case for the Dems is the GOP leadership nuts up and forces Trump out, gets Pence to pick Haley as his VP then announce Pence isnt running and Haley picks someone like Gowdy as her VP and they mop the floor cause the Dems went and ran someone far left like Warren......that what we have to hope actually happens.

If the Dems believe that I give them credit, they are far stupidier than I thought. I like Pence's morals, but if he runs it will be McCain/Romney part 3.
Trump IS going to be re-elected. Barack Obama was an incompetent moron and was voted back into office so there you go. The Democrats cant win without the black vote and they aren't going to show up and vote for Warren, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. I get that Trump gets under people's skin. You remedy that by cutting off the news and enjoying your life. If you want to be miserable and you allow him to make you miserable then you are going to have a difficult time the next 5 years. Im not one of those people. No apologies
This is the guy running our country, I mean this isnt diplomacy this is lunacy.....sad that some people think this guy is smart, or a good negotiator.....or re-electable, there is no way this country is stupid enough to give him 4 more years....I had to look this up to make sure it was not a fake letter making fun of Trump sadly this is a actual letter our president sent the leader of another country

LOL ugh.jpg
I'm not emotional but I am waiting for a answer that doesn't come from fox news
Fox news has the highest ratings so why not. I wont watch cnn, as they lie. Project Veritas has published it all. Not even a news network, but a propaganda machine.
Fox news has the highest ratings so why not. I wont watch cnn, as they lie. Project Veritas has published it all. Not even a news network, but a propaganda machine.

Especially at night, Fox news, CNN, and MSNBC are all nothing but awful propaganda machines.
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