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Political Thread

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I am praying they vote to impeach. Send it to the Senate....Triple dog dare you to do it. Give the GOP the power to subpoena the actual crooks involved in this entire BS scam.

I vote with my wallet and my wallet says Trump 2020!
I am praying they vote to impeach. Send it to the Senate....Triple dog dare you to do it. Give the GOP the power to subpoena the actual crooks involved in this entire BS scam.

I vote with my wallet and my wallet says Trump 2020!
Think the Dems are working on the crook and his family.
Think the Dems are working on the crook and his family.

They have been "working" on it for how long now? Why wait any longer? If its a slam dunk go ahead and hold the vote and send it to the Senate. Its pretty much the only thing Democrats have to hold on to these days because they are fresh out of BS ideas to shove down American's throats
I am praying they vote to impeach. Send it to the Senate....Triple dog dare you to do it. Give the GOP the power to subpoena the actual crooks involved in this entire BS scam.

I vote with my wallet and my wallet says Trump 2020!
Perhaps that's why they are stalling. Somebody must have said, "wait a minute... what are we doing?".... As for me, I strongly believe in karma?
Perhaps that's why they are stalling. Somebody must have said, "wait a minute... what are we doing?".... As for me, I strongly believe in karma?

Pelosi knows there is nothing there. She also knows the dirt that will be uncovered isnt in the Democrat parties favor. She wont hold the vote, it will be something else next week and next month because dragging it out is the only play the have to run.
Pelosi knows there is nothing there. She also knows the dirt that will be uncovered isnt in the Democrat parties favor. She wont hold the vote, it will be something else next week and next month because dragging it out is the only play the have to run.

May I be so bold (pun intended on the bold type) ...

for her, it's the only place to have fun
They have been "working" on it for how long now? Why wait any longer? If its a slam dunk go ahead and hold the vote and send it to the Senate. Its pretty much the only thing Democrats have to hold on to these days because they are fresh out of BS ideas to shove down American's throats
Cannot comprehend why he is supported, pray it changes in 2020.
Pelosi knows there is nothing there. She also knows the dirt that will be uncovered isnt in the Democrat parties favor. She wont hold the vote, it will be something else next week and next month because dragging it out is the only play the have to run.

The House will impeach Trump, they will wait though and try to push it out till the beginning of next year if possible.....they have the votes to do it......they are building the case so that when it goes to trial in the Senate the evidence will show Trump is guilty and then they will triple dog dare the Republican in close districts and purple states to vote to acquit, this way they win the WH and the Senate......the GOP is getting played right now and they know it....which is why it will never get to that point, once Trump is impeached and the GOP leadership see's the evidence they will go to Trump and offer him a chance to resign with a full pardon a la Nixon....well that is what they will do if they are smart....if the Republicans want my vote that is what needs to happen anyways.

Trump is done exactly what the inquiry is investigating, hell he admitted it.....even released the transcript with him doing it, and there have been literally dozens of people coming forward corroborating everything.....a lot of you Trump supporters seem awful confident there is nothing there when the evidence is right in your face. At the very least they got Trump dead to right on asking a foreign government to do something for personal gain, no matter how you spin it that is the truth of what happened. its not about calling out a corrupt person, it is 100% Trump trying to knock out his biggest threat in the election.....and that is illegal, and unethical and impeachable.....the Dems have 228 votes already confirmed and they only need 218. Once they get all their ducks in a row they are going to light Trump's ass on fire.
Don jr tweeting about Hunter Biden only getting the jobs he had because of his father's name is pretty good. That no talent a** clown wouldn't get a job running a gas station if it wasn't for his daddy.
Cannot comprehend why he is supported, pray it changes in 2020.

Its real easy. Because the majority of us live our lives, enjoy our family, pay our bills and taxes and don't let our emotions get in the way of our common sense. Like I said before I vote with my wallet. I dont take cool points into consideration when I cast my ballot
The House will impeach Trump, they will wait though and try to push it out till the beginning of next year if possible.....they have the votes to do it......they are building the case so that when it goes to trial in the Senate the evidence will show Trump is guilty and then they will triple dog dare the Republican in close districts and purple states to vote to acquit, this way they win the WH and the Senate......the GOP is getting played right now and they know it....which is why it will never get to that point, once Trump is impeached and the GOP leadership see's the evidence they will go to Trump and offer him a chance to resign with a full pardon a la Nixon....well that is what they will do if they are smart....if the Republicans want my vote that is what needs to happen anyways.

Trump is done exactly what the inquiry is investigating, hell he admitted it.....even released the transcript with him doing it, and there have been literally dozens of people coming forward corroborating everything.....a lot of you Trump supporters seem awful confident there is nothing there when the evidence is right in your face. At the very least they got Trump dead to right on asking a foreign government to do something for personal gain, no matter how you spin it that is the truth of what happened. its not about calling out a corrupt person, it is 100% Trump trying to knock out his biggest threat in the election.....and that is illegal, and unethical and impeachable.....the Dems have 228 votes already confirmed and they only need 218. Once they get all their ducks in a row they are going to light Trump's ass on fire.
If they have it, theyd be doing it. They tried when Mueller and Schiff didnt have it, so you know damn well they will if/when they do.
The House will impeach Trump, they will wait though and try to push it out till the beginning of next year if possible.....they have the votes to do it......they are building the case so that when it goes to trial in the Senate the evidence will show Trump is guilty and then they will triple dog dare the Republican in close districts and purple states to vote to acquit, this way they win the WH and the Senate......the GOP is getting played right now and they know it....which is why it will never get to that point, once Trump is impeached and the GOP leadership see's the evidence they will go to Trump and offer him a chance to resign with a full pardon a la Nixon....well that is what they will do if they are smart....if the Republicans want my vote that is what needs to happen anyways.

Trump is done exactly what the inquiry is investigating, hell he admitted it.....even released the transcript with him doing it, and there have been literally dozens of people coming forward corroborating everything.....a lot of you Trump supporters seem awful confident there is nothing there when the evidence is right in your face. At the very least they got Trump dead to right on asking a foreign government to do something for personal gain, no matter how you spin it that is the truth of what happened. its not about calling out a corrupt person, it is 100% Trump trying to knock out his biggest threat in the election.....and that is illegal, and unethical and impeachable.....the Dems have 228 votes already confirmed and they only need 218. Once they get all their ducks in a row they are going to light Trump's ass on fire.

Then go ahead and do it. Its a big game of chicken. Vote to impeach, carry it to the senate and lets see who comes out!
Don jr tweeting about Hunter Biden only getting the jobs he had because of his father's name is pretty good. That no talent a** clown wouldn't get a job running a gas station if it wasn't for his daddy.

Turned a million dollars into a billion.....more than once. Beats organizing communities for a living
Then go ahead and do it. Its a big game of chicken. Vote to impeach, carry it to the senate and lets see who comes out!
What we dont know about these (closed door meetings) that Pelosi is holding is what info they are gathering. Some has already been released. I dont see how anyone could want to see this go down without transparency, or for their to be cross examinations, and vetted witnesses. Wouldnt wish that on anyone.
Next week it will be little immigrant kids in cages drinking out of toilets.....wait that was last month. Funny you never hear about that anymore. Bleeding hearts must have bled out on that fiasco
Its real easy. Because the majority of us live our lives, enjoy our family, pay our bills and taxes and don't let our emotions get in the way of our common sense. Like I said before I vote with my wallet. I dont take cool points into consideration when I cast my ballot
I feel the same way and would never vote for this con man that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had 4 million dollars in the bank when he was four and got out of the war because he was rich. He mocked McCain for getting captured and didn't have the decency to shut up when he died. If you admire a man like this because your wallet is getting bigger that's a reflection of your values
Next week it will be little immigrant kids in cages drinking out of toilets.....wait that was last month. Funny you never hear about that anymore. Bleeding hearts must have bled out on that fiasco
Nothing matters now, they have the votes to impeach
I feel the same way and would never vote for this con man that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had 4 million dollars in the bank when he was four and got out of the war because he was rich. He mocked McCain for getting captured and didn't have the decency to shut up when he died. If you admire a man like this because your wallet is getting bigger that's a reflection of your values
So is supporting a party that admires and imitates the Chinese government
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