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Political Thread

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I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the overall health of the economy and how that has progressed or regressed under each regime and how much each president was responsible for it. The economy operates cyclically. There is a business cycle. Policies put in place long ago gave rise to the financial crisis in 2008. It was not GWB's doing. The housing bust caused a catastrophic series of events to happen that could only be stopped by a global central bank effort, the likes of which the world had never previously seen. "Emergency monetary policy" was enacted, interest rates were taken to zero, and the market was flooded with liquidity. This saved the banking system and the economy from collapsing.

But notice, we have never been able to escape from "emergency monetary policy". Notice that interest rates have not been allowed to rise appreciably. Notice that more people are working more jobs to maintain a previous standard of living. Notice that saving is neither encouraged nor rewarded. Notice that businesses have engaged in buying back shares at the expense of investing in growth or investing in their employees. Notice that the GDP has not been able to achieve break-away velocity. Notice the proliferation of zombie companies. Notice the explosion of debt since Clinton and its parabolic rise over the last decade. Notice that there's not even a hint of trying to balance the budget or slow the growth of debt.

The entire sustaining factor for the economic resurgence since the crisis has been the massive, mind-boggling growth of debt, and it is unsustainable. It has had little to do with pro-economic policies. Sure, Bush, Obama, and Trump may espouse or have espoused some good ideas, and maybe they even undertook a few token initiatives. But all of them have injured the overall health of the system and have worked to ensure that it will eventually implode under its own weight of debt.

I'm all for trying to bring manufacturing back, but there are too many reasons why it's beneficial for companies to largely manufacture overseas. I'm all for looking at tax policy. But without cash/debt management, it's useless. It's nothing more than a band-aid.

The bottom line is the debt and our tax and spend mentality. Until ANYONE addresses this central issue, then the rest is largely irrelevant. It is like pushing a boulder uphill. Maybe you can slow its descent, but only a little. We're hurling headlong into another crisis. The Fed can print, the government can spend, and businesses can buy their shares back, using cheap money and make their balance sheets look good. But the cracks are widening, and nobody is doing or has done a single thing to fix it. Not Bush, not Obama, and not Trump. They get no credit in my book for very much of anything in the realm of real economic growth and health. Anything that we have seen in that arena was the result of a cyclical business cycle, fueled by cheap money and ongoing "emergency monetary policy", from which we will never be able to escape.

People in our nation, especially us as Christians have forgotten that the Bible talks of dealing with money more than any other thing. Why? Because how we treat money ties directly back into how we treat what God has given us. Our nation is doomed because of the debt and how we operate.

The only way we get out of it is to have enough good people get into Washington with the right mindset and the conclusion that fixing our nation will result in a massive economic downturn and their legacy being destroyed for twenty to forty years. In other words, that isn’t happening so we just need to deal with the hand we are dealt which probably means moving toward dictatorship or country breakup.
In other words, that isn’t happening so we just need to deal with the hand we are dealt which probably means moving toward dictatorship or country breakup.
Unfortunately I think eventually this will happen. If we go too extreme with one president and administration, more extreme than Trump, a lot of states may try and fight for a break up. However, if we go into a depression or deep recession soon, that'll either be a breaking point or will bring America together. There's no predicting exactly what the country will look like in 50 years. I just don't like the direction right now with the two parties in the front seat fighting and the bus that is America is headed toward a cliff without any thought of correcting its path.
He also wouldn't support locking kids in cages. Conservative only care about unborn children, once they are born they are on their own. Cut funding to poor kids and cut taxes on rich people seems like a good idea? The biggest opponents of a woman's right to abortion in our government and society have no problem if their lover or sister or daughter have one. I don't think Jesus would support your right to bear arms and I know he wouldn't support Trump.

Luke 22:36 "And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one." More than protection from the cold is desirable protection from men that aim to do you harm.

Who do you think allows Trump to be where he is? Even Satan is under God's control. You need to open your eyes. You can't play identity politics with the Lord of Hosts. He isn't a tame lion! (C.S. Lewis). And when it's his turn to rule, you better believe none of the evils that plaque the world today will go unpunished and uncontrolled, until the scheduled finale, of course.
Unfortunately I think eventually this will happen. If we go too extreme with one president and administration, more extreme than Trump, a lot of states may try and fight for a break up. However, if we go into a depression or deep recession soon, that'll either be a breaking point or will bring America together. There's no predicting exactly what the country will look like in 50 years. I just don't like the direction right now with the two parties in the front seat fighting and the bus that is America is headed toward a cliff without any thought of correcting its path.
... and the bus driver?
Remember 3rd Century Rome?
History, like weather, has a way or repeating itself ...
By the way, what is "wealthy"? Enough to take care of family and emergencies, and help out some folks when they need it, without eating cat food to do so? To have enough that your kids are just a little better off than you were at a given age (so long as they understand and truly respect the progression)? "Wealthy" IMHO is the new "racist" ... just a term that's been used so much it's become hollow by and large ... And there is something so terribly wrong with racism; not so with "wealth" if accumulated honestly and fairly and by hard work ...
Back to my "wealthy" home and off to my silk-stocking bed (LOL) ...
If they're so sure he committed impeachable offenses then vote to impeach....why hold off, unless its political. Hmmm imagine that.

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This article is talking about a vote to confirm the inquiry, but there is no requirement that there be a vote to start one. they are holding the inquiry already. It could be several months before the decide to vote on articles of impeachment which would be them actually impeaching Trump. The inquiries into Nixon and Clinton went on for 2-3 months, this one is like 2-3 weeks old so its not political the House is just investigating to see what if any impeachment charges they want to bring.
This article is talking about a vote to confirm the inquiry, but there is no requirement that there be a vote to start one. they are holding the inquiry already. It could be several months before the decide to vote on articles of impeachment which would be them actually impeaching Trump. The inquiries into Nixon and Clinton went on for 2-3 months, this one is like 2-3 weeks old so its not political the House is just investigating to see what if any impeachment charges they want to bring.
It absolutely is political, the reason she is not holding a formal vote now is because it would force the hand of those Dem representatives that are in states that Trump won. I mean like it or not, it's much smarter from a political strategy to hold off on a formal vote. To say it's not political however is disingenuous.

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It absolutely is political, the reason she is not holding a formal vote now is because it would force the hand of those Dem representatives that are in states that Trump won. I mean like it or not, it's much smarter from a political strategy to hold off on a formal vote. To say it's not political however is disingenuous.

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Well I never said it was not political, just that there is already a "formal" impeachment inquiry ongoing.....the House is under no obligation to hold a vote about holding a impeachment inquiry.
Well I never said it was not political, just that there is already a "formal" impeachment inquiry ongoing.....the House is under no obligation to hold a vote about holding a impeachment inquiry.
Technically you did.... ;)

This article is talking about a vote to confirm the inquiry, but there is no requirement that there be a vote to start one. they are holding the inquiry already. It could be several months before the decide to vote on articles of impeachment which would be them actually impeaching Trump. The inquiries into Nixon and Clinton went on for 2-3 months, this one is like 2-3 weeks old so its not political the House is just investigating to see what if any impeachment charges they want to bring.
Technically you did.... ;)

Well I guess I meant that they "have not" voted on articles of impeachment for "political" reasons, the inquiry is still young and I don't think politics are at play as much as trying to get people interviewed and evidence gathered etc.........the not voting to establish rules part ( what the GOP is calling a formal inquiry even though there already is a formal inquiry ) is the part I was referring to as political.
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