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Political Thread

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We've got, again, big thanks to Obama for spending nearly the amount of the past 10 presidents combined. You are right in the fact that printing currency beyond your ability to back (gold, etc) will eventually be monopoly money. That's why I think its so pivotal that Trump has tried to bring the coal/petroleum/natural gas production up. We will have to have independence and exportation beyond importation to negate some of that national debt we have. Ideally, we'd have a good economy, money going into the treasury beyond what we spend. We WILL have to get there, as you have said, we are living on borrowed time. I just don't see how advocating for massive spending is going to work. It didn't with Obama, as you have to toe the line between taxing, but not to the extent it slows commerce and growth (as it did with Obama).
Funny how Clinton balanced the budget and had a projected surplus for W to work with and the war and tax cuts erased that. The economy collapse happened under w not Obama
I don't see how a 12k peak before he was in office has anything to do with it. It was 6k or so at it's worst when he was in office and 20k when he left. That is a much larger increase than Trump's greatest economy. More importantly the deficit was going down with the rising market and now we are near the levels Obama had when the economy was near depression.
I might've mislooked at the graph, and when Obama entered it was near that, but I will still say Obama's rate of growth doesn't match up to Trump's, as you're still comparing 8 years to 3.
So Obama gets no credit for helping prevent a total collapse of the economy that W and crew created with tax cuts and war? When has anyone went to war and cut taxes? No socialist policy of Obama's caused the bubble to pop. Unemployment was nowhere close to 10 when he left and the deficit from his socialist policy was less than Trump's free market, greatest economy ever. Wait until this bubble pops it will be Obama's fault
What I was taught in high school history is that throwing money at the economy when it's in despair isn't the right thing to do, as it only shortens the time between economic cycles and extends their length. I'm not sure if this is the true case, but it might have some ground. I know 2008 could've been prevented with better rules on mortgages, but that wasn't the case. The next collapse won't be Obama's fault. It would be the fault of congress AND the president for not passing policies that cool the economy off in time.

Don't think I'm not saying Obama didn't do squat either. He did what he could to stop us from a depression as I said any president after FDR would do. He isn't special, and neither is Trump for growing it. They're a product of their political and fiscal alignments. A liberal point of view will help during a bad economy which is why Obama was effective, and Trump being a conservative is effective during an economy build. That's economics too.
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When you hit a bottom you normally rise quickly. It took Obama far too long to recover the economy than it should have and IMO it was a fake economy. The growth we are in now is incredible. At some point in the next few years the market will correct itself and that's just what it will be, a correction. I would much rather have a pro business president (Trump) in charge of managing that potential correction than any of these socialists clowns that will run against him next year
When you hit a bottom you normally rise quickly. It took Obama far too long to recover the economy than it should have and IMO it was a fake economy. The growth we are in now is incredible. At some point in the next few years the market will correct itself and that's just what it will be, a correction. I would much rather have a pro business president (Trump) in charge of managing that potential correction than any of these socialists clowns that will run against him next year
He isn't in charge of anything. What can he do when obstructionist are in his way just like they were with Obama.
Bush 1 and Clinton raised taxes and the economy did great. Clinton worked with Republicans and the government was actually working to a certain extent. Democrats worked with W but Republicans never gave Obama a chance. I'm still lost on the whole socialist label for Obama. Because of Obamacare? The Republicans could have replaced it but they didn't. I guess Trump's a socialist
Bush 1 and Clinton raised taxes and the economy did great. Clinton worked with Republicans and the government was actually working to a certain extent. Democrats worked with W but Republicans never gave Obama a chance. I'm still lost on the whole socialist label for Obama. Because of Obamacare? The Republicans could have replaced it but they didn't. I guess Trump's a socialist
I was just asking you a question about Obama being a socialist because you referred in the above messages something talking about socialist Obama policies
Would Jesus be a socialist or a conservative? Free healthcare for everyone seems more like Jesus than tax cuts for corporations and more money to the military than the next five biggest countries combined. IDK maybe I misunderstood his teachings
I might've mislooked at the graph, and when Obama entered it was near that, but I will still say Obama's rate of growth doesn't match up to Trump's, as you're still comparing 8 years to 3.

What I was taught in high school history is that throwing money at the economy when it's in despair isn't the right thing to do, as it only shortens the time between economic cycles and extends their length. I'm not sure if this is the true case, but it might have some ground. I know 2008 could've been prevented with better rules on mortgages, but that wasn't the case. The next collapse won't be Obama's fault. It would be the fault of congress AND the president for not passing policies that cool the economy off in time.

Don't think I'm not saying Obama didn't do squat either. He did what he could to stop us from a depression as I said any president after FDR would do. He isn't special, and neither is Trump for growing it. They're a product of their political and fiscal alignments. A liberal point of view will help during a bad economy which is why Obama was effective, and Trump being a conservative is effective during an economy build. That's economics too.
How is a trillion dollar deficit in the greatest economy ever conservative?
Would Jesus be a socialist or a conservative? Free healthcare for everyone seems more like Jesus than tax cuts for corporations and more money to the military than the next five biggest countries combined. IDK maybe I misunderstood his teachings

I dont think Jesus would be a socialist or conservative. Anyone without bias could make a case for either one. That said I think Christ would find much much more wrong with our society than choosing either one of these options.Because both ways of thinking have massive flaws.
Would Jesus be a socialist or a conservative? Free healthcare for everyone seems more like Jesus than tax cuts for corporations and more money to the military than the next five biggest countries combined. IDK maybe I misunderstood his teachings
He would be conservative, the liberals dont want him. He also went against the liberal establishment.
I don't care what you call him, he was a much more calm, respectable, caring, and likeable person than this loser we have now. Im not even a Obama supporter, voted for McCain.
"Respectable, Caring and likeable"?
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