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Political Thread

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I think we all have been called names of some sort in our recent history. I fully support people's rights to say whatever it is. If you criminalize speech in any facet, who is going to say what is hate, and to what extent? As we have seen, "anything" can be "hate speech". I don't trust any form of the government being the czar and determining what speech is considered "hate".
trump wants to be the czar, emperor or dictator!
So your a pastor and have no love for our President?

It’s a figure of speech meaning I’m not a fan of the president. My apologies, I assumed most people understood that.
Trump is absolutely no model of morality. He may be considered better than the alternative or his polices might be adored, but he is not a bastion of morality. At all.
Trump is absolutely no model of morality. He may be considered better than the alternative or his polices might be adored, but he is not a bastion of morality. At all.
Nor were any other several "great" Presidents (in quotes given the list following) ... Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman, FDR ... need we go back further ... Grant ... Jackson ... ?
Nor were any other several "great" Presidents (in quotes given the list following) ... Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman, FDR ... need we go back further ... Grant ... Jackson ... ?
trump wants to be the czar, emperor or dictator!
Lol, youd think that since hes had to listen to people on your side say the most rediculous things towards him. So your premise is completely laughable. He just pushes back and thats what you dont like.
trump wants to be the czar, emperor or dictator!
Good Lord people.... get a grip! He is not wanting to be Emperor or Czar. He just wants to drain the socialistic swamp! That's what most honest, hard-working Americans want as well. We are tired of throwing our money away just to continue funding the corruption in Washington. You do realize that he gives away his entire salary from being the President to charity. Which, by the way, is $450,000/yr. How many past presidents do you know that have done that???
I can say that I am making more money now than I ever have. My place of employment is doing the best that it ever has. So, give me one reason why I should not love this man and what he has done for our economy? I will vote for him again in 2020. For God's sake, can't you blind people see.... he is truly making America great again!
Good Lord people.... get a grip! He is not wanting to be Emperor or Czar. He just wants to drain the socialistic swamp! That's what most honest, hard-working Americans want as well. We are tired of throwing our money away just to continue funding the corruption in Washington. You do realize that he gives away his entire salary from being the President to charity. Which, by the way, is $450,000/yr. How many past presidents do you know that have done that???
I can say that I am making more money now than I ever have. My place of employment is doing the best that it ever has. So, give me one reason why I should not love this man and what he has done for our economy? I will vote for him again in 2020. For God's sake, can't you blind people see.... he is truly making America great again!
Lol, I agree 100%. People want to find the fault in him but not his improvements. I've never seen so much hate for a president, when he's done more than any other presidents all there years combine. Trump isn't perfect by no means and he may make statements that he shouldn't but good grief the economy has gotten better.
Good Lord people.... get a grip! He is not wanting to be Emperor or Czar. He just wants to drain the socialistic swamp! That's what most honest, hard-working Americans want as well. We are tired of throwing our money away just to continue funding the corruption in Washington. You do realize that he gives away his entire salary from being the President to charity. Which, by the way, is $450,000/yr. How many past presidents do you know that have done that???
I can say that I am making more money now than I ever have. My place of employment is doing the best that it ever has. So, give me one reason why I should not love this man and what he has done for our economy? I will vote for him again in 2020. For God's sake, can't you people see.... he is truly making America great again!
Yes he does, horrible president and human. I do not need to get a grip, there were and will be far better than him. He is a liar and a criminal that somehow skates. God help this country because he will not.
Nor were any other several "great" Presidents (in quotes given the list following) ... Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman, FDR ... need we go back further ... Grant ... Jackson ... ?

What, pray tell, was wrong with “Give ‘em hell Harry” from Independence, MO?
Yes he does, horrible president and human. I do not need to get a grip, there were and will be far better than him. He is a liar and a criminal that somehow skates. God help this country because he will not.
While I don't support Trump's poor actions, which he has made a lot of bad ones, and the skating part can easily be explained though history, as there will almost always be pawns to protect the stronger pieces on the board so to speak, what makes you believe he wants to be a czar or dictator? Other than his ego, which we know won't get him far, has he really proven in all of his actions that he wants to be that way? Other than using broad and generic concepts, such as saying he's corrupt or a criminal, maybe present precise reasons as to why he would want to be a "king" and not a president. At the same time, I want to see what the other side of the coin can come up with to prove realistically why he isn't trying to be that. You can't really use parts of his administration as an example if they acted independently of Trump.
While I don't support Trump's poor actions, which he has made a lot of bad ones, and the skating part can easily be explained though history, as there will almost always be pawns to protect the stronger pieces on the board so to speak, what makes you believe he wants to be a czar or dictator? Other than his ego, which we know won't get him far, has he really proven in all of his actions that he wants to be that way? Other than using broad and generic concepts, such as saying he's corrupt or a criminal, maybe present precise reasons as to why he would want to be a "king" and not a president. At the same time, I want to see what the other side of the coin can come up with to prove realistically why he isn't trying to be that. You can't really use parts of his administration as an example if they acted independently of Trump.

There is real concern in some circles that if Trump loses in 2020 he wont leave, he will insist the election was rigged by the Dems etc and sue though there is not much he can do after they swear in the new president other than go to jail for trespassing...still he is conditioning his followers to not accept a loss or to think it was faked. Trump has also said many times he will be around for a 3,4,5th term, praised communist China for getting rid of presidential ( like they even really vote ) term limits, etc now some will consider this mere jokes but if Trump could figure way to try and manipulate the system to do it he would....that said I personally do not think it will be a issue when Trump loses in 2020...assuming he makes it that long.

As for the king thing there is no doubt Trump wants to be king, he thinks the government works like his businesses and he is wrong and you cant run a country that way....his entire life he has always had his ass kissed, no one ever told him he sounded stupid when he did, they never told him something was a bad idea when it was, and everyone never told him he wasnt when he said he was the smartest guy around....what you see today is a culmination of decades of that, a big dumb, idiot, who thinks he is always right when he almost never is, and who will not follow the advice of others cause they can not possibly be smarter than him. He also lies about everything......for no reason other than to do it....its almost like he believes if he says it it will become true....
Nor were any other several "great" Presidents (in quotes given the list following) ... Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman, FDR ... need we go back further ... Grant ... Jackson ... ?
Speaking of FDR, Its funny that AOC called the illegal immigrant detainment facilities concentration camps as a cheap ploy to liken Trump to the Nazis while naming her most well known policy proposal after the policy of a guy who literally imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent just for being Japanese.
I bet you, if not in my lifetime, in my children's lifetime, pastors will be arrested for calling homosexuality a sin or preaching sanctity of life, opposing abortion. It's closer than we think

Edit: Its really why the two topics cross paths often and are not mutually exclusive.

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Already in Europe you get arrested for holocaust denial , being anti lgbtq, really anything . Government sanctioned speech... America is the worlds only free speech country and even then we ain’t doing so hot .
Already in Europe you get arrested for holocaust denial , being anti lgbtq, really anything . Government sanctioned speech... America is the worlds only free speech country and even then we ain’t doing so hot .
at least in America we can still call holocaust deniers ------- -------- idiots...lol

Edit : oh wait, forgot this site still censors curse words....
There is real concern in some circles that if Trump loses in 2020 he wont leave, he will insist the election was rigged by the Dems etc and sue though there is not much he can do after they swear in the new president other than go to jail for trespassing...still he is conditioning his followers to not accept a loss or to think it was faked. Trump has also said many times he will be around for a 3,4,5th term, praised communist China for getting rid of presidential ( like they even really vote ) term limits, etc now some will consider this mere jokes but if Trump could figure way to try and manipulate the system to do it he would....that said I personally do not think it will be a issue when Trump loses in 2020...assuming he makes it that long.

As for the king thing there is no doubt Trump wants to be king, he thinks the government works like his businesses and he is wrong and you cant run a country that way....his entire life he has always had his ass kissed, no one ever told him he sounded stupid when he did, they never told him something was a bad idea when it was, and everyone never told him he wasn't when he said he was the smartest guy around....what you see today is a culmination of decades of that, a big dumb, idiot, who thinks he is always right when he almost never is, and who will not follow the advice of others cause they can not possibly be smarter than him. He also lies about everything......for no reason other than to do it....its almost like he believes if he says it it will become true....
As for the first bold text .... I am a Trump follower and I am not being conditioned to think that way. If the American people choose someone else, we will accept that, and move on. As for the second part ..... Like it or not, our government is a business! Who better to run our government than a businessman? We have tried the political route and look where it got us. Why, tell me why, can't you guys accept the fact that he can't be bribed or bought. When solving a murder case, the first thing they tell you to do is "Follow The Money"! Well he is following the money and look where it is leading us...... right back to the previous administration! You have a bias towards Republicans and that is obviously clouding your judgement.
As for the first bold text .... I am a Trump follower and I am not being conditioned to think that way. If the American people choose someone else, we will accept that, and move on. As for the second part ..... Like it or not, our government is a business! Who better to run our government than a businessman? We have tried the political route and look where it got us. Why, tell me why, can't you guys accept the fact that he can't be bribed or bought. When solving a murder case, the first thing they tell you to do is "Follow The Money"! Well he is following the money and look where it is leading us...... right back to the previous administration! You have a bias towards Republicans and that is obviously clouding your judgement.

I am a Republican, until I voted for Johnson last election I have always voted for the Republican nominee in the presidential elections....I think we could easily reverse that statement and apply it to anyone, we use to call people that could see no wrong in Obama's actions Obamabots, well I now see the same sort of blind support for Trump and its obviously clouding those peoples ability to see the wrongs committed by Trump.

As for Trump not being bought that is just not the case, Trump is pretty much constantly in conflict with the emolument clause of the Constitution and is heavily influenced by those that do things to help him, he is just like all the other presidents. For instance the EU Ambassador Gordan Sondland who will testify this week in the Ukraine aid scandal donated 1 million dollars to Trump's campaign and now he is a ambassador....neat how that works huh.
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