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Political Thread

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As for the first bold text .... I am a Trump follower and I am not being conditioned to think that way. If the American people choose someone else, we will accept that, and move on. As for the second part ..... Like it or not, our government is a business! Who better to run our government than a businessman? We have tried the political route and look where it got us. Why, tell me why, can't you guys accept the fact that he can't be bribed or bought. When solving a murder case, the first thing they tell you to do is "Follow The Money"! Well he is following the money and look where it is leading us...... right back to the previous administration! You have a bias towards Republicans and that is obviously clouding your judgement.
No I'm sorry but government is not business. Businesses exist to make money, right? Please explain how that is the purpose of a government.

Also, it's quite ironic that you would say "follow the money" with regard to other politicians, but not the current president. Trump is a walking embodiment of corruption, both in office and in his previous business dealings.
In all honesty, the government would be in much better shape if it were run like a business and were actually accountable to oversight.
No I'm sorry but government is not business. Businesses exist to make money, right? Please explain how that is the purpose of a government.

Also, it's quite ironic that you would say "follow the money" with regard to other politicians, but not the current president. Trump is a walking embodiment of corruption, both in office and in his previous business dealings.

No evidence of that even from the people that lie about him like Schiff, Pelosi, and Shumer. Shed some light on this, while you defend Biden/Obama and Schiff.
We'd be much better off (both/all parties) with term limits!
Actually, we'd be much better off if people (in general and not you Avalanche) understood the Constitution (yes, actually understood it), understood history, understood intent ...

Oh screw it, we'd be much better off if people just plain understood, or at least took the time and energy to try ...
I am a Republican, until I voted for Johnson last election I have always voted for the Republican nominee in the presidential elections....I think we could easily reverse that statement and apply it to anyone, we use to call people that could see no wrong in Obama's actions Obamabots, well I now see the same sort of blind support for Trump and its obviously clouding those peoples ability to see the wrongs committed by Trump.

As for Trump not being bought that is just not the case, Trump is pretty much constantly in conflict with the emolument clause of the Constitution and is heavily influenced by those that do things to help him, he is just like all the other presidents. For instance the EU Ambassador Gordan Sondland who will testify this week in the Ukraine aid scandal donated 1 million dollars to Trump's campaign and now he is a ambassador....neat how that works huh.
What wrongs?
Lol, I agree 100%. People want to find the fault in him but not his improvements. I've never seen so much hate for a president, when he's done more than any other presidents all there years combine. Trump isn't perfect by no means and he may make statements that he shouldn't but good grief the economy has gotten better.
He has done nothing but ride Obama's economy and take all the credit. He couldn't even replace Obamacare with control of both houses. So he gave big corporations tax cuts, wow that really helps me. We have been running as big of a deficit as when the economy was on the brink of total collapse. When the markets readjust and we enter the next recession what can be done to correct the economy? Lower rates? They are already very low. If this is the greatest economy ever and we are spending almost a trillion more than we take in, what happens when the next recession hits?
The stock market increased 150 percent when Obama was in office. Trump has a long way to go to match that.
I don't think the stock market is a fair way to judge a president but if you are going to give Trump credit, you have to give Obama more because the market went up more than it has under trump
The stock market increased 150 percent when Obama was in office. Trump has a long way to go to match that.
I don't think the stock market is a fair way to judge a president but if you are going to give Trump credit, you have to give Obama more because the market went up more than it has under trump
Tbh, you're comparing two different phases of the economic cycle and the presidents in at the time. Really you can't do this well, for a few reasons, the main one being Obama entered office when the economy started collapsing, it dragged his first term, but he threw billions into the system as any president after FDR would have, and it recovered in time from it. To compare, the DOW was at about a 12,000 peak at the brink, collapsed in half at its lowest, to about 6000 - 7000, and took until Obama's second term to level out again. The DOW ended at 20k when Obama left office, netting about 8k. Net matters, as taking the low point, which lasted for a short time (well inside his first term too) does not count IMO. Realistically, he grew it about 60 - 70% After Trump was elected, you can see the sudden surge and aside from one dip on one or two days, it has gained steadily since. Obama did what he did to recover the economy, and while you can debate who got more of a tax break or not (I for one don't really believe it made much of an impact on your average worker from my own experiences initially at least), the Dow did surge after Trump was elected. It grew faster for longer than during any point in Obama's term. The chart doesn't lie. I do believe the economy is going to start overheating really soon myself, so whoever IMO gets the next term is going to either leave with it starting, or will have to deal with it midway.
I don't think the stock market is a fair way to judge a president but if you are going to give Trump credit, you have to give Obama more because the market went up more than it has under trump
One of the dumbest things on the economic front Trump has done has been to tie himself so close to the performance of the stock market. During the campaign, he called it a big, fat, ugly bubble. Now, he's hyper-focused on it. He's tweeting about it, bashing the Fed over it, and taking credit for it, every time he gets a chance. That's a dangerous game.

That said, I have no doubt that if Hillary would have been elected, the market would not have done as well. If it looks like someone like Warren will win in 2020, I expect it to take a substantial hit.

All that said, the performance of the market has been largely driven by cheap money, not because Trump or Obama. Neither have done or are doing much to fix the underlying structural issues, relating to the stability of our financial system. Instead, they have exacerbated the issues. You can thank the massive expansion of debt and low rates for papering over the issues and creating an environment for an overwhelming amount of malinvestment.

The chickens are going to come home to roost, and it isn't going to be pretty. They are deathly scared of a recession. You can see it every time the market starts to decline, there is a rate cut, a barrage of dovish Fed speakers, a Tweet about a trade deal with China, etc. to try and keep it from dropping. At some point, it will quit working...probably when corporate share buy-backs start to diminish. We may be getting close, unfortunately. We're also at or past peak employment. It's about time to buckle up.
Tbh, you're comparing two different phases of the economic cycle and the presidents in at the time. Really you can't do this well, for a few reasons, the main one being Obama entered office when the economy started collapsing, it dragged his first term, but he threw billions into the system as any president after FDR would have, and it recovered in time from it. To compare, the DOW was at about a 12,000 peak at the brink, collapsed in half at its lowest, to about 6000 - 7000, and took until Obama's second term to level out again. The DOW ended at 20k when Obama left office, netting about 8k. Net matters, as taking the low point, which lasted for a short time (well inside his first term too) does not count IMO. Realistically, he grew it about 60 - 70% After Trump was elected, you can see the sudden surge and aside from one dip on one or two days, it has gained steadily since. Obama did what he did to recover the economy, and while you can debate who got more of a tax break or not (I for one don't really believe it made much of an impact on your average worker from my own experiences initially at least), the Dow did surge after Trump was elected. It grew faster for longer than during any point in Obama's term. The chart doesn't lie. I do believe the economy is going to start overheating really soon myself, so whoever IMO gets the next term is going to either leave with it starting, or will have to deal with it midway.
I don't see how a 12k peak before he was in office has anything to do with it. It was 6k or so at it's worst when he was in office and 20k when he left. That is a much larger increase than Trump's greatest economy. More importantly the deficit was going down with the rising market and now we are near the levels Obama had when the economy was near depression.
We had over 10 percent unemployment during the Obama era. We are now around 3 percent. I give Obama absolutely zero credit for anything positive economically, even those on the left understand this. That's why Al Green said Tump will win again unless we impeach him. Those policies not only hurt our economy here in the States, they do just about everywhere its tried. Like Neil Diamond says, "They're coming to America". Our global score under Obama was a C. We are now an A. GDP is up. Sales and manufacturing went down under Obama. This is no knock on Obama, but those socialist policies in general. You're not going to manufacture if you know the general populous is going to be paying more to the government instead of public commerce. Businesses won't hire if they know more overhead is going to the government instead of reinvesting it in their business. But if you like Obama's policies, I'm sure the IRS won't have any issues taking more money from you if you're willing to give it to them. So by all means, call them up and tell them you'd like to offer them more money, then it'll be just like having Obama again and you can forget about Trump. But then again, I really don't want you to do that bc I'd rather you spend that money supporting your local businesses and shops, so they can grow and hire more people. :)
Actually, we'd be much better off if people (in general and not you Avalanche) understood the Constitution (yes, actually understood it), understood history, understood intent ...

Oh screw it, we'd be much better off if people just plain understood, or at least took the time and energy to try ...
I was introduced to a different take today . Instead of trying to interpret the intent of the authors why not interpret the meaning of the words and what the people took them to be ?
One of the dumbest things on the economic front Trump has done has been to tie himself so close to the performance of the stock market. During the campaign, he called it a big, fat, ugly bubble. Now, he's hyper-focused on it. He's tweeting about it, bashing the Fed over it, and taking credit for it, every time he gets a chance. That's a dangerous game.

That said, I have no doubt that if Hillary would have been elected, the market would not have done as well. If it looks like someone like Warren will win in 2020, I expect it to take a substantial hit.

All that said, the performance of the market has been largely driven by cheap money, not because Trump or Obama. Neither have done or are doing much to fix the underlying structural issues, relating to the stability of our financial system. Instead, they have exacerbated the issues. You can thank the massive expansion of debt and low rates for papering over the issues and creating an environment for an overwhelming amount of malinvestment.

The chickens are going to come home to roost, and it isn't going to be pretty. They are deathly scared of a recession. You can see it every time the market starts to decline, there is a rate cut, a barrage of dovish Fed speakers, a Tweet about a trade deal with China, etc. to try and keep it from dropping. At some point, it will quit working...probably when corporate share buy-backs start to diminish. We may be getting close, unfortunately. We're also at or past peak employment. It's about time to buckle up.

We've got, again, big thanks to Obama for spending nearly the amount of the past 10 presidents combined. You are right in the fact that printing currency beyond your ability to back (gold, etc) will eventually be monopoly money. That's why I think its so pivotal that Trump has tried to bring the coal/petroleum/natural gas production up. We will have to have independence and exportation beyond importation to negate some of that national debt we have. Ideally, we'd have a good economy, money going into the treasury beyond what we spend. We WILL have to get there, as you have said, we are living on borrowed time. I just don't see how advocating for massive spending is going to work. It didn't with Obama, as you have to toe the line between taxing, but not to the extent it slows commerce and growth (as it did with Obama).
We had over 10 percent unemployment during the Obama era. We are now around 3 percent. I give Obama absolutely zero credit for anything positive economically, even those on the left understand this. That's why Al Green said Tump will win again unless we impeach him. Those policies not only hurt our economy here in the States, they do just about everywhere its tried. Like Neil Diamond says, "They're coming to America". Our global score under Obama was a C. We are now an A. GDP is up. Sales and manufacturing went down under Obama. This is no knock on Obama, but those socialist policies in general. You're not going to manufacture if you know the general populous is going to be paying more to the government instead of public commerce. Businesses won't hire if they know more overhead is going to the government instead of reinvesting it in their business. But if you like Obama's policies, I'm sure the IRS won't have any issues taking more money from you if you're willing to give it to them. So by all means, call them up and tell them you'd like to offer them more money, then it'll be just like having Obama again and you can forget about Trump. But then again, I really don't want you to do that bc I'd rather you spend that money supporting your local businesses and shops, so they can grow and hire more people. :)
So Obama gets no credit for helping prevent a total collapse of the economy that W and crew created with tax cuts and war? When has anyone went to war and cut taxes? No socialist policy of Obama's caused the bubble to pop. Unemployment was nowhere close to 10 when he left and the deficit from his socialist policy was less than Trump's free market, greatest economy ever. Wait until this bubble pops it will be Obama's fault
So Obama gets no credit for helping prevent a total collapse of the economy that W and crew created with tax cuts and war? When has anyone went to war and cut taxes? No socialist policy of Obama's caused the bubble to pop. Unemployment was nowhere close to 10 when he left and the deficit from his socialist policy was less than Trump's free market, greatest economy ever. Wait until this bubble pops it will be Obama's fault
So Obama was a socialist then??
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