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Political Thread

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It's way more than fair to put in question the economy vs staying locked down for a long time to avoid a major health crisis. The problem is you have to find a balance. Definitely fair to question where the balance is going to be, but it's not out of the question.

Take New York as an example, they likely will be forced to go that far, but they might need to stay locked down until late July-August. As it is, already, some NYC small businesses may already be bankrupt without the possibility of returning. Deaths are a bad thing, but this is also a bad thing as well.

Now I'm not saying to just open up, but we need to work towards doing it sooner rather than much later. If we stay locked down, you're going to see tons of small businesses bankrupt, domestic violence cases increase, and a hoist of other issues. Figuring out that balance is admittedly going to be very difficult. I'm not sure where it is.
I agree with you. Be ready though. You are crossing over to the mentally insane and morbid obsession with death group. As I have had some online doctors here in this forum diagnosed me. It’s like a scale. Tip either way is not pretty.
Laugh now.... but just wait to see who get the last laugh. It is not wise for a governor who's state is in the shape that his is, to be insulting the boss.

Well Trump isnt his boss first and foremost.....governors do not work for the President.....

Why is it not wise for Cuomo to complain or attack back at Trump......What can/could Trump do about it? Maybe withhold some vitally needed aid that would sure teach that mean ole Cuomo who is boss, of course that would be at the expense of American citizens the president has sworn to protect.....I mean Trump is petty enough to do just that, withhold vitally needed things just to spite Cuomo then blame him and gas light his followers to blame Cuomo, Trump is the king of blame shifting he has been working overtime on it the last week or so.
Several months back I asked where the line was with what people deemed acceptable behavior. Heres some more unethical law skirting BS that not one single trump supporter would be ok with if it was a democrat. When are conservatives going to regrow their nuts?

Well He promised But I’m sure it’s not his fault. This is in the great governor state of NY!!! ???. He was too busy trying to get his 40,000 ventilators and the ship! Yeah we need him to lead the US??‍♂️
Guess you missed the bigger problems FL has been having with their unemployment system.
How anyone could vote democrat in light of what the house led by Pelosi is currently doing holding small business hostage is beyond me. So many want this crisis to continue to escalate and wreck lives,economy just so they can win an election in November and institute their socialist agenda.
How anyone could vote democrat in light of what the house led by Pelosi is currently doing holding small business hostage is beyond me. So many want this crisis to continue to escalate and wreck lives,economy just so they can win an election in November and institute their socialist agenda.

meh, Trump is a spender. He’s actually pretty close to a pres with socialist views already.
I care about people living than I do the damn economy. We recovered from the Great Depression and the Recession of 2009 and came out stronger than ever, Go ask a deceased individual who tragically died from Covid, if they recovered? The answer is no. And just because I am young, doesn't mean I don't understand, at the least, basic economics. I am staying home to save lives. That's all. I have no political agenda when it comes to that.,,

You should ask the 400k+ Americans who died in WW2 if it was worth it to recover from the Great Depression; or the millions upon millions who died in the world. That's how the world actually recovered from the Great Depression and the price paid was unholy.

2009 had nothing to do with shutting down the entire country much less the world and it's no comparison to what's happened and happening now.

I only hope and pray as we begin to open up there is a strong recovery; not sure folks truly understand the magnitude of the probable damage to the economy. It's done so no use looking back and the b.s. of if we didn't do it millions would've died is sheer speculation; we don't know and will probably never know. What we do know is actions were taken and the consequences of those actions remain to be seen.

Hopefully we can learn some serious lessons from this so when the next boogey man comes we'll be better prepared and not let complete FUD cause us to lock down.. That will take the entire nation working together and I have serious doubt that will ever happen given the current climate.
meh, Trump is a spender. He’s actually pretty close to a pres with socialist views already.
Aid to 22 million resteraunt,hair salon,entertainment etc unemployed due solely to govt shutdown is called aid, not socialism. Nice try. He and WH corono team have done a spectecular job along with our fellow countrymen. Need to lend a hand to the 1000s of small business and not turn your back on them just to gain some fantisized political advantage. In a fox hole as a country and on 3 seperate occasions the leader of the Dem party has spit in the face of the American citizens.
Aid to 22 million resteraunt,hair salon,entertainment etc unemployed due solely to govt shutdown is called aid, not socialism. Nice try. He and WH corono team have done a spectecular job along with our fellow countrymen. Need to lend a hand to the 1000s of small business and not turn your back on them just to gain some fantisized political advantage. In a fox hole as a country and on 3 seperate occasions the leader of the Dem party has spit in the face of the American citizens.

it’s still socialism Lite. Giving helicopter money to every American. Seems pretty much like freebies.

he’s a spender. The virus is just an excuse to spend and put us farther into debt. Already talking round 3 and 4. Monthly payments to all citizens. Big infrastructure spending. Color it any way you want he’s likes to spend bigly.
Several months back I asked where the line was with what people deemed acceptable behavior. Heres some more unethical law skirting BS that not one single trump supporter would be ok with if it was a democrat. When are conservatives going to regrow their nuts?

Gotta love this little tidbit lol....sure is a lot of untraceable money.....

"FEC rules require that campaigns, political parties and other committees disclose all expenditures, including payments to employees. But the Trump campaign and the RNC have been getting around it by routing many of their payments through Pascale’s private companies.

In all, Parscale’s firms ― Giles-Parscale and Parscale Strategy LLC ― have been paid $38.9 million by Trump’s campaign, the RNC, joint fundraising committees and a pro-Trump super PAC between the day Trump took office through February 2020, according to the latest filings available."
Gotta love this little tidbit lol....sure is a lot of untraceable money.....

"FEC rules require that campaigns, political parties and other committees disclose all expenditures, including payments to employees. But the Trump campaign and the RNC have been getting around it by routing many of their payments through Pascale’s private companies.

In all, Parscale’s firms ― Giles-Parscale and Parscale Strategy LLC ― have been paid $38.9 million by Trump’s campaign, the RNC, joint fundraising committees and a pro-Trump super PAC between the day Trump took office through February 2020, according to the latest filings available."

LOL. Let's see how may of these "stories" thrown out by the likes of Yahoo news we can throw out there. SMDH !!

"are each receiving $15,000 a month, according to two GOP sources who are informal White House advisers and who spoke on condition of anonymity."
LOL. Let's see how may of these "stories" thrown out by the likes of Yahoo news we can throw out there. SMDH !!

"are each receiving $15,000 a month, according to two GOP sources who are informal White House advisers and who spoke on condition of anonymity."

So they quoted the Parscale guy. Is that a lie too?

Trumpers will support anything now. He has sold them his dear leader spiel and they bought it up.
LOL. Let's see how may of these "stories" thrown out by the likes of Yahoo news we can throw out there. SMDH !!

"are each receiving $15,000 a month, according to two GOP sources who are informal White House advisers and who spoke on condition of anonymity."

So your saying that the story is not true?
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