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Political Thread

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Capitalism is a system built on exploitation and cruelty. It is amazing to see how many are blind to this fact. This crisis casts a bright light on that without question. I definitely don't want a return to the old normal. Trump already failed in this crisis by downplaying it for too long and now he wants to re-open? There will most certainly be a major spike in cases and deaths. If you want to sacrifice yourself on the altar of capitalism go ahead, the ruling classes need you to do so. Count me out!

Very well said! I don't see how people constantly fail to realize that Capitalism has failed more than accommodated us. This proves that. Anyone that would sacrifice human lives for the sake of the most elite is failing to realize that these politicians and corporations don't care about you. Never have, never will. They care about what's in their pockets and how they can continue to get richer while the rest of us have to literally jump over backward to get assistance when we need it.
Very well said! I don't see how people constantly fail to realize that Capitalism has failed more than accommodated us. This proves that. Anyone that would sacrifice human lives for the sake of the most elite is failing to realize that these politicians and corporations don't care about you. Never have, never will. They care about what's in their pockets and how they can continue to get richer while the rest of us have to literally jump over backward to get assistance when we need it.
Ok Venezuela.
Ok Venezuela.

Right, because that's exactly what I said. See, that's the issue with people like you and others. You let your imagination run wild for whatever reason and convince yourselves that I want America to be like Venezuela. Come on man, it's okay to disagree with me, but don't put words in my mouth.
Very well said! I don't see how people constantly fail to realize that Capitalism has failed more than accommodated us. This proves that. Anyone that would sacrifice human lives for the sake of the most elite is failing to realize that these politicians and corporations don't care about you. Never have, never will. They care about what's in their pockets and how they can continue to get richer while the rest of us have to literally jump over backward to get assistance when we need it.
You should focus on what causes the rich to prosper instead of bitching about jumping backwards to get "assistance". Buy a Dave Ramsey book. Problem solved!
Right, because that's exactly what I said. See, that's the issue with people like you and others. You let your imagination run wild for whatever reason and convince yourselves that I want America to be like Venezuela. Come on man, it's okay to disagree with me, but put words in my mouth.
I don't have to put words in your mouth your words speak very loudly and speak of naivety.
I don't have to put words in your mouth your words speak very loud and speak of naivety.

No, they don't, because you're arguing with me. And basically insulting me... so go live in your own little bubble. Go out to bars, parties, go to the mall, and heck start attending rallies and such. But don't you dare come near any of my loved ones, including myself.
No, they don't, because you're arguing with me. And basically insulting me... so go live in your own little bubble. Go out to bars, parties, go to the mall, and heck start attending rallies and such. But don't you dare come near any of my loved ones, including myself.
Lol lol lol lol lol hahaha. We are talking economics not corona.
Lol lol lol lol lol hahaha. We are talking economics not corona.

Pretty sure that most of this thread stemmed from Covid-19. And economics plays a significant part in all this bickering between opposing sides. You all want everything to reopen as I said, be my guess. But you better damn well stay away from the older population and those who are at high risk from severe complications. Don't let your ego cloud your overall judgment. And I don't want to hear a peep from all you, #reopenblahblahblah people when we see a second spike. Because it will happen if we fail to listen to the CDC, WHO, immunologists, etc. You want to listen to the ramblings of a president who has no experience in healthcare, be my guest!
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Pretty sure that most of this thread stemmed from Covid-19. And economics plays a significant part in all this bickering between opposing sides. You all want everything to reopen as I said, be my guess. But you better damn well stay away from the older population and those who are at high risk from severe complications. Don't let your ego cloud your overall judgment. And I don't want to hear a peep from all you, #reopenblahblahblah people when we see a second spike. Because it will happen if we fail to listen to the CDC, WHO, immunologists, etc. You want to listen to the ramblings of a president who has no experience in healthcare, be my guest!
Bless your heart.
Pretty sure that most of this thread stemmed from Covid-19. And economics plays a significant part in all this bickering between opposing sides. You all want everything to reopen as I said, be my guess. But you better damn well stay away from the older population and those who are at high risk from severe complications. Don't let your ego cloud your overall judgment. And I don't want to hear a peep from all you, #reopenblahblahblah people when we see a second spike. Because it will happen if we fail to listen to the CDC, WHO, immunologists, etc. You want to listen to the ramblings of a president who has no experience in healthcare, be my guest!
I will say this one more time..... We have to get back to work to support the elderly! Otherwise the government will go bankrupt and they will be homeless. What part of this do you not understand?
Trump should sit down with his thumb in his mouth after Cuomo destroyed him this afternoon.

Do i need to send him a bouquet of flowers hahahahaaha lolololololollol

Trumps a moron.
Laugh now.... but just wait to see who get the last laugh. It is not wise for a governor who's state is in the shape that his is, to be insulting the boss.
I will say this one more time..... We have to get back to work to support the elderly! Otherwise the government will go bankrupt and they will be homeless. What part of this do you not understand?

Yes! Great idea! Let's all go back to work on Monday. Wait 2 weeks, and watch Covid spread like the wildfires in California. Once 2 million + American's are dead, most of them seniors... we will all be in the streets begging for lifesaving drugs, while the rich continue to prosper because they have access to those drugs. What part don't you understand?
Trump should sit down with his thumb in his mouth after Cuomo destroyed him this afternoon.

Do i need to send him a bouquet of flowers hahahahaaha lolololololollol

Trumps a moron.

I don't know about him being a moron, but I do know he rambles a lot, is wishy washy, and is very divisive. Cuomo is a much better leader. I wish he were running instead of Biden as he appears to pretty much be a pragmatic moderate in general.

Meanwhile, a recent Gallup poll has Trump's overall approval in handling the virus down 5%:

Laugh now.... but just wait to see who get the last laugh. It is not wise for a governor who's state is in the shape that his is, to be insulting the boss.

What's he got to lose? If yall are ok with trump withholding what NY needs and that causes people to die then this country is lost and not because of anti-trumpers.
Ok Venezuela.
Cuba and many more. Funny they attack the business owners which I agree they make a lot but they do build an economy. So do these that want socialism want to work like people do in China? Sweat shops? Also the governments in socialist nations still are filthy rich. In a perfect world socialism would work but sorry this world will never be perfect. Why do so many people try to come to America from socialist nations? I’m sure those socialist nations would love to have you live there.
Pretty sure that most of this thread stemmed from Covid-19. And economics plays a significant part in all this bickering between opposing sides. You all want everything to reopen as I said, be my guess. But you better damn well stay away from the older population and those who are at high risk from severe complications. Don't let your ego cloud your overall judgment. And I don't want to hear a peep from all you, #reopenblahblahblah people when we see a second spike. Because it will happen if we fail to listen to the CDC, WHO, immunologists, etc. You want to listen to the ramblings of a president who has no experience in healthcare, be my guest!
I can see what Gawx discussed earlier. There are two very opposite views in the U.S. right now and there is absolutely no way to bridge the gap in ideology. There must be a reckoning, a struggle, conflict or "war" to reconcile the differences. We cannot remain a peaceful union with a Marxist/entitlement population and a capitalist/merit based one. One side must prevail. A house divided cannot stand. The best, least costly way is to divide up the land (Something along the lines of West vs East), like the Korean Peninsula. The United Socialist Federation of States out west and the United States of America in the east. Some big cities in the east will have to have large populations relocated, but the west is pretty much already "there"!
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